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  1. Is there some modding resource that I could maybe use to try to make this happen myself?
  2. Please let me know if there is additional info needed on this. What I want to replicate is essentially Talisman Skills from DS3, see wiki for example: https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Unfaltering+Prayer
  3. Hi there, I would really really really appreciate it if someone with the knowledge could bring back the Unfaltering Prayer Weapon Skill from Talismans in Dark Souls 3 to Elden Ring. Essentially my idea would be to make it an Ash of War that can be put on any Catalyst (maybe only Incantation Catalysts or Sacred Seals to keep it thematic?), that at an additional FP cost that is reasonable will allow you to get a large amount of poise or hyperarmor during the casting animation. Maybe the effect of Endure Ash of War could be used since Endure already does what is needed. But just combine it with the actual casting of the spell. Would love it if someone could make this happen as I am not very knowledgeable on Modding myself.
  4. Im sure by now we should have the tools to create entirely custom assets and textures and not having to rely on replacers and scripts anymore. I wish some of the iconics in the game were a bit more than just higher crit chance, more status chance kind of things but actually unique feeling weapons. One example would be to have a heavy shotgun that ricochets 3 or 4 times basically bouncing off of tons of surfaces and enemies with projectiles flying around like crazy. Another idea could be a tech weapon that chains to other targets when fully charged (not sure if this would be too complicated to pull off? Maybe use some of the same logic that cyberhacks like contagion use to spread???) Another cool idea could be an iconic smg or AR that when shooting enemies builds up charges on the target and once it hits like 15 or 20 charges it either explodes or causes an effect like electrocute. What do you all think?
  5. Since there are megabuildings and also some mods already expanding on the existing onces I would be super hyped to see a mod bring to life the megabuilding from the Judge Dredd movie from 2012. For those that have not watched the movie please do so it is a gem and fits so extremely well with the cyberpunk theme. This would also fit into the lore and world of Cyberpunk 2077 quite well I think. Basically a huge (more towards high lvl/endgame) megabuilding battlezone that could be tied to a bounty hunting kind of gig that is being controlled by one of the gangs of night city where Vi has to slaughter through an entire megabuilding to get to the top and take out the gang leader.
  6. It would be cool if you could also have the Scrapper perk disassemble white tier weapons and armor (ideally also based on value). Eg. once you have the scrapper perk you can adjust which tiers should automatically be disassembled when you pick them up and then also set a limitation on the value. So for example nothing above 100eddies will ever get scrapped.
  7. Ok, sry to post again but it seems like someone has finally created the Mod that all of us were looking for. Awesoooome https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2314?tab=files
  8. Ok so I downloaded WolvenKit. Is there anyone that could potentially guide me through a simple process of getting started with editing attributes?
  9. Is there any way I could help out with the full respec mod? Im super new to modding and maybe I am being naive but shouldnt it be technically "easy" to add the attribute reset to the already existing Tabula Erasa Respec?
  10. That being said if it is technically possible to add new items to drop tables etc. that should definitely be the way to do it. Anything else just seems like an inferior way of adding stuff to the game
  11. Can't believe they thought it would be a good decision to keep this out of the game.... +1
  12. Are there any news on this? It has been quite a long time. And from what I can tell there is still tons of AWOP content being made for FONV but no Fallout 4 version in sight. I don't think that AWOP would need to revolutionize its whole concept to be integrated into FO4. The fans basically just want more of the same stuff. These days it seems quite tough (for me at least) to get back into FO4 to try out all the new cool weapons, armorsets and quality of life improvements because the core content like quests and areas have received very few additions comparably. I think FO4 needs AWOP to still be worth checking out at this point
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