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Posts posted by Austvinden

  1. Hello everyone.

    So I've been working on a city mod. Everything has been going fine until I decided to put in a merchant...

    I've watched all the tutorials on the internet and I'm 100% certain that I'm doing everything right.

    From what I've observed through the 10 hrs of struggle with this is ---THE FACTION->VENDOR LOCATION RESETS BACK TO "EDIT" UPON HITTING OK---

    I am convinced that this is the issue. Anyone got any idea what's going on? I've been modding this game for a long time now and this is the first time I get an issue like this.. really frustrating.

    Any help appreciated - I'm on a dead end here... thanks in advance

    EDIT - SOLVED: Turns out I was missing a detail in my faction settings under the "Rank" tab. In order for the merchant to work I had to create a new rank and set a value (for example 0). Set radius to something like 30 or something. The location keeps resetting, but it seems not to affect the dialogue option not popping up after all.

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