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Nexus Mods Profile

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  1. Bots? Free flowing? This all sounds like a terrible idea.... Very very terrible idea. Well it looks like my chatting days have come to a close.
  2. I have some concerns regarding the new chat and the (maybe) potential abuse of it. So I wanted to ask if it will ever be integrated with the forums (if possible) where we don't need to create an account with discord. The other issue is the file sharing aspect, I have done some reading up on it and heard from some friends, now I'm not saying it is nor isn't possible but I worry that there could be some malicious abuse with it for something as public as Nexus. I don't know for certain if malicious code can be implemented but it's my main concern. Do you plan on turning file sharing off? That's pretty much it for now. Thanks.
  3. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this.. however, I wanted to bring it to attention that the chat is down with a strange Error "The chat room has not been properly setup by the administrator (the chat room account number has not been supplied)." That being said I'm wondering if anyone is aware and if there's a guess to when it might be up. Thanks and I do apologize if this is the inappropriate section.
  4. http://mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Glee1.gif So, has anyone created a temp chat for now? I need a chatroom!
  5. http://blog.relationshipsurgery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Stewiecray.gif Day 2 without Chat. I'm going to be fine. Yup no problems at all
  6. Noooo! Not again! http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/anbs.gif
  7. I'm in tiny chat too with Markus. If anyone is interested to hang out with us, Come join us.
  8. lol Moto. hopefully this will get sorted out soon.
  9. Sal aparently since it was only Sal and Markus and Markus left. Hey you! Sal! stop loitering and get out of chat! lol jk
  10. get out of the chat ya loiterer! :P
  11. Odd. sounds like something went terribly wrong.
  12. I'm just kind of wondering if we have all been black listed or something by the server.
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