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Nexus Mods Profile

About Nofsdad

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout NV with TTW

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  1. Thank you! I am and I'll certainly give that a shot.
  2. For the past several days all my menus have been showing up weird. For example, where you use a chevron to indicate direction, I actually see the words "chevron" and "left" or "right and my selection buttons at the top Like have a large letter "C" below the line of the button name ( ModsC) which when that button is selected, flips to above the word and reverses itself. The Notification button is the same except it's the letter, "B". Numerous other instances, but in short, everywhere there's something selectable, it has something weird in place of the ordinary button. Everything still works, it just looks weird. Any way I can fix it?
  3. Would there be any way that Nexus could take mods that have obviously been abandoned by their authors in a broken an unfinished condition out of the regular lists and search filters and maybe put them in a category of their own somewhere in case the author comes back or someone wants to adopt them? A lot of authors have the courtesy to take down or hide those but a lot of authors don't and when you start adding money into the equation it would seem to be a tad sticky. Referring ESPECIALLY those where the author's last act before hightailing it is to set up a Patreon account or other form of soliciting money for a product that is never going to be delivered. In the example I'm thinking of where such shenanigans were employed, literally the last act by the author before he/she disappeared from the planet well over two years ago, was to install a Patreon button and upload the image for Patreon. No way of knowing how many donated when it appeared the mod might still be active but one would be one too many. It also seems to me that it would help users avoid those mods that aren't even "WIPs" anymore and still sitting there broken but available for download by the unwary.
  4. That doesn't explain why I have the exact same problem and I don't use MO2. Has anyone not running MO2 run into the problem and found a fix for it? A lot of my mods depend on F4SE and I'm not anxious to give them up.
  5. And I'm having the same problem also. This command used to work just fine until one of Beth's monetization updates overtook it and broke it. All of these old "solutions" are invalid. Has anyone running a currently updated version of the game found a way to make this work again?
  6. Ok, thanks a lot for th info. I was just trying to find a way to not see so many mods I'm not interested in in order to find the ones I am.
  7. I've been trying to block certain kinds of content from my lists and search results. For example all these innumerable character presets, T&A mods, etc.. I can go into my profile and block them and they show as blocked but they're still there in any search results or lists. Is the content blocking operation still not working or is there some special procedure you have to use to not see content you don't care to see? Thanks.
  8. The problem is still around. I'm running a GTX 1080 with 8Gb with a i7 7700 4.2Gh and 16Gb RAM... and the blurry textures still abound, especially on free way surfaces. Not only are they blurry but objects actually appear to sink into the surface. All I've got to say is if Beth can't fix this issue so the game will run on what I've got then I don't think I'll be buying anymore Beth Games. I suspect that any optimizing they did or that gets done is geared toward consoles and we newly minted second class citizens can simply expect things like this from now on.
  9. There's a whole series of settlement site mods called Clean and Smooth that I haven't found on Nexus plus a few others. I prefer to download from Nexus when possible because I think the download system at Beth's site sucks but I do have a few from there I couldn't find elsewhere.
  10. So this is what we're finally down to? I remember when there used to be standards on this site. Link removed -Jim_UK
  11. I can't believe they flipping did this. "Hey the game is just marginally playable for so many people because we didn't have the time or energy to optimize it before releasing it. Let's just dump ANOTHER 60Gb of unoptimized textures out there and finish the damned game off for everybody who can't afford to buy a new computer every time we release one of our half baked POS games.
  12. All of those sound great to me but as a PC player, the last thing I'd want is to see someone take those excellent concepts and try to jam them into some kind of coherency with a 10-15 year old game engine that makes Fallout 4 playable only by the smallest possible number of people with bucks to spend on a new machine. If you're going to do some of my favorite Science Fiction in a computer game format for God's sake make it a format that more people can use and do NOT make it for the consoles and then do a totally trashed port to PC.
  13. In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920, #46376420, #46377285, #46378940, #46379215, #46386540, #46389205, #46389595, #46389810, #46392420, #46393260, #46397745, #46399790, #46400835, #46401120, #46401925, #46402520, #46409160, #46409495, #46409765, #46410010, #46411275, #46412080, #46412965, #46413505 are all replies on the same post. She banned me and I've never had any kind of interaction with her, never commented or even used any of her mods, no contact with her whatsoever.
  14. Or any UI mod for that matter. Have just switched from what's left of NMM to MO and am reading that MO doesn't support UI mods. Since the internet, especially Google, is the repository for every piece of false, outdated and obsolete information available I'm wondering if anyone can confirm this. If I CAN install DEF UI with MO, and since MO doesn't place anything in the game directory itself but uses it's virtual file system, how do I access the Interface file to make adjustments in my HUD like getting rid of that miserable crosshair and going with dot only?
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