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About GalaxyRanger

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  1. Yes, and I'm one of them. I was planning on making some kind of website anyway, this just gave me an idea on what to make it on :P
  2. http://skyrimtravels.com/ it's .... coming along I suppose... enough to post anyway
  3. It's in working order. It could still use some content to make it look pretty, but I'll post the link tomorrow.
  4. I'm looking at a group blog type website where you have a section to update how your doing / or what you're up to. Idk, I can say better tomorrow. Unfortunately college is keeping me really busy atm.
  5. Damn we should have blogs to show our journals to each other. Maybe any drawings we do. Or hopefully this thread gets popular enough I'm working on a webiste right now. I can try and set it up for a group blog. It will take me little bit tho.
  6. challenge accepted bros. I forsee many funny blogs upcomming.
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