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About Kerlysis

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  1. Howdy, I'm looking for a guard armor replacer- I am unsure if I got it here or on steam, though I'd prefer a nexus version. I recently lost all my mods in in a STEPping-while-stupid incident. It may have been part of, or patched to, a guard spawn variation mod, and I recall that the Winterhold guards had a vaguely mage-ish look to them. Help finding that, or another mod that makes guards look less cookie cutter and dumb would be appreciated. All I've gotten so far is that it is NOT http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2819 Thank you.
  2. I tried Empowered before, and really liked it, but it conflicted with some other shyte mod that I couldn't load a save without. Nice! It'll take forever to download all these on my connection, but I'm rather enthused now. Most of my Nexus experience is with FO NV, so any suggestions you can think of are welcome as I d/l and build this new mod list- there are probably all sorts of must haves that I've missed while dallying in the Mojave.
  3. ArtMurder: That sounds pretty excellent. A survival oriented mod build without the pain in the ass of making new bashes every update... I think I shall give it a try. Thank you. Azakiel: MM looks pretty awesome for a spellcaster. Thanks for the tip.
  4. How much tweaking is 'some'? I can follow load order and file overwrites for days, but have never used wryebash or anything like that. I managed to get Frostfall working for about half a week before one of my idiot mods started being finicky, and was impressed with it.
  5. Hopefully, this is the correct forum. I'm looking to clean out the rat's nest of discontinued, experimental, and/or obsolete esms and esps that is my load list, and start fresh, so was wondering- What would be a good overhaul mod to start with? Most of my mods are simple texture/mesh additions/replacers, quests or community bugfixes, so I'm a bit stumped by the juggernauts of the modding world, overhauls. I'm using Sperg on my current, soon to be abandoned playthrough(yes, I know, but I'm counting it since it is a major perk change) at the moment, but still find a magic based character...underwhelming, and my ability to make perk-based mods play nice together is pretty shyte. Any suggestions or comparisons would be welcome.
  6. Getting the exclamation mark of doom for some weapons- it appears to resolve if I mod them ingame, but that's no help for the ones that show on NPCs. Googling tells me that I should do a clean sweep, delete reinstall and start a new game. With my crap internet connection, I'd rather not- I'd like to play before next month. Is there perhaps a source for me to download new weapon textures/meshes, or some other fix I am unaware of? Weapons mod-wise, running FOOK, MMUE, NVEC and WMX with Arenovalis textures, in that order, with compatibility patches and recommended load order. The affected weapons are a mix of vanilla, DLC and mod, so I'm stumped there. Laser pistol, caravan rifle, m1 Garand, hatchet. Not seeing a pattern.
  7. You can download it as an optional pack on the NVEC page. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44204 Scroll down to optional files.
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