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Everything posted by Fantafaust

  1. So, can such things be added while in-game, or only in the CK? It's sounding like only in the CK EDIT: Actually, more important; you said dragons land where there's navmesh, but they seem to be able to crash anywhere. Is that crash action something that can be enacted on them, somehow? EDIT 2: someone else has asked questions similar to mine, and for the same purpose. No solution there. That's... disheartening.
  2. IDK if it will help but, worth a shot: https://sites.google.com/site/bettervampires/faq/night-vision-is-stuck-not-working
  3. ie, is this set up correctly to only effect non-undead/non-deaedra/non-automaton things?
  4. Dragons tend to land, crash, or perch in predetermined areas. A quick look in the CK shows these dragon outlines that correspond with these movements. My questions: What exactly are these, objects of some kind? Can they be moved, added, or altered? If they can be added, is it only in the CK? can they be temporarily added while in-game via script, and then removed?
  5. Using Mod Organizer will auto-detect missing master issues. So presumably you aren't using it, and will have to go through each mod one at a time, verifying you have the mod masters.
  6. I feel like adding a named "consumable", to the inventory, that switches the equipped states upon use would be better than a hotkey.
  7. misunderstood last post from op, disregard this post, delete if possible. read next post
  8. Well, i think i have it working, thanks again for the help man. Working code follows: if getweaponhasscope MyWeap == 1 ;Check if weapon can have scope set scopeMod to 0 set modIndex to 1 Label 1 set modEffect to GetWeaponItemModEffect modIndex MyWeap if modEffect == 14 set scopeMod to modIndex else set modIndex to modIndex + 1 if modIndex < 4 GoTo 1 endif endif if scopeMod ; scope can come from a mod set weapFlags to Player.GetEquippedWeaponModFlags GoTo 2 else ; weapon has scope built into it GoTo 2 endif else ; scope not available for this weapon GoTo 3 endif Label 2 if LogicalAnd weapFlags scopeMod ; has scope mod attached if iscontrolpressed 6 == 1 ;Check if zooming if SetMS == 0 set BaseMS to getnumericinisetting "fMouseSensitivity:Controls" ;Store base mouse sensitivity setnumericinisetting "fMouseSensitivity:Controls" ScopeMS set SetMS to 1 endif else if SetMS == 1 setnumericinisetting "fMouseSensitivity:Controls" BaseMS set SetMS to 0 endif endif endif Label 3 if ISEnabled == 1 && getweapontype MyWeap > 2 && getweapontype MyWeap < 10 ;Check if weapon is a gun if iscontrolpressed 6 == 1 ;Check if zooming if SetMS == 0 set BaseMS to getnumericinisetting "fMouseSensitivity:Controls" ;Store base mouse sensitivity setnumericinisetting "fMouseSensitivity:Controls" ISMS set SetMS to 1 endif else if SetMS == 1 setnumericinisetting "fMouseSensitivity:Controls" BaseMS set SetMS to 0 endif endif endif Relevant mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/47048/?
  9. TY for the response. Will reply with results soon.
  10. The intention is to have the script detect if the weapon has a scope, then set the mouse sensitivity to a preset amount if == 1. Now, this does work, HOWEVER, it also returns items that do not have scopes but COULD have scopes ie the Varmint Rifle. Code follows: if getweaponhasscope MyWeap == 1 ;Check if weapon has scope if iscontrolpressed 6 == 1 ;Check if zooming if SetMS == 0 set BaseMS to getnumericinisetting "fMouseSensitivity:Controls" ;Store base mouse sensitivity setnumericinisetting "fMouseSensitivity:Controls" ScopeMS set SetMS to 1 endif else if SetMS == 1 setnumericinisetting "fMouseSensitivity:Controls" BaseMS set SetMS to 0 endif endif endif If anyone could let me know how I can detect if an item currently has a scope, that would be much appreciated.
  11. Its not the same thing, exactly, but presumably it would have the same effect. Is this mod included in the merge patch?
  12. Looking at the mod's comments, it seems to work just fine. It must edit some lists to add these weapons to an npc inventory. If something else edits those same lists, and the changes are in a Bashed Patch, it doesn't really matter where you put the mod, the Bashed Patch will override it. So, If you have a Bashed Patch, you're gonna need to rebuild it.
  13. Can it even do what you want? From description: "1. Some items could not been translated (or don't need to be) because of new engine general design, new graphics, new gameplay features. They are: Gameplay settings, global values, loading screens, roads and pathgrids, sounds, sigil stones, scripts, subspaces, apparatuses, weather and climate, regions, everything that is related to magic, effects and shaders, water types, land textures (that's pity); and everything related to NPCs and creatures, including: birthsigns, races, hairs, eyes, skills, factions and classes, combat styles, ai packages, idle animations, animated objects, character and creatures references."
  14. As I recall, even if you could do that with NMM, you'd have to reinstall everything just to be sure they were installed in the proper order. Otherwise you won't know for sure which overwrites are necessary at the time. Personally I think it'd be better to simply mess with your load order instead of reinstalling all or even some of your mods. Just disable recently added .esps until your game works, and you should find it in no time. BTW, Mod Organizer lets you have profiles, simply reorder mods to fix overwritten files issues, and it'll usually tell you if there's an issue with a mod or your load order.
  15. Sounds like you're missing a file one of these mods depends on. Do you use Mod Organizer, or NMM? If you use Mod Organizer, it should show which file has the missing dependancy. With NMM, it will be a lot more work to figure it out, but it can be done. EDIT: I see you have(I think) the WATER patch for Realistic Needs and Diseases, but I don't see that mod in your load order. That would make this "WATER-RND Legendary Patch.esp" the culprit.
  16. I'm making a spell that affects different targets in different ways. ie, Undead allies in one way, living enemies in another. I have 2 separate magic effects, with their own target conditions that I think are set up correctly for this. And in fact, it seems to work as intended, with each type being harmed or healed as intended, from what i can see. But, it is making both types of targets hostile. I'd like to make it so that only the negatively effected enemy is set hostile. Is this possible? Or should I just remove the hostile flag from my negative MGEF? Can provide more details upon request.
  17. This has been mentioned several times in the past, but I'm not going to dredge up old topics for the sake of brevity. Basically, I like to have my mouse sensitivity up very high, but since I use sniper weapons very often, I don't at all like the horrible aiming precision my high sensitivity entails. Why Bethesda released the aiming system as-is is totally beyond me, and you would think more people would be frustrated by this. Obviously, not enough people are. So I propose that a fix/mod either be made, a (currently unseen) .ini option be pointed out, or a previous mod be updated that fits the bill. Here's the Fallout 3 mod I'm referring to: Precise Aim: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/7450 So far as I can tell, it's absolutely perfect for this, though doesn't currently support controllers(I use Mouse/keyboard anyways). All responses along the lines of "reduce your sensitivity before sniping" or "reduce the sensitivity you play at all the time" will be ignored, as that is obviously impractical for my, or any, play style. I don't need your sarcasm, or inanities. If possible, I will do this myself. I'm not all that good at scripting, and the GECK certainly isn't any help with that, since you can't save scripts that have errors, and it doesn't show you the errors. Ugh. But if I get it done, I'll put it up here ASAP. Any input or help would be appreciated. Edit: I think I have it working? I'll test it out some more, let you guys know tomorrow. Edit2: It's working, but I don't think I can set the sensitivity like I should be able to. I will tinker with it, and probably release it tomorrow if I can get it working properly. Edit3: Figured out what was wrong, and now it's fully working. Releasing now. Zoom Assist - Aim Precision
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