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Everything posted by Igoos

  1. Gonna try, than come back with results. Thanks!
  2. I was on the page of the mod Animated Prostitution, I was seeing the images uploaded by user and then I found his http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/images/34903-1-1289471113.jpg Anybody knows what body replacers were used by the one that took this picture? Both male and female? If I'm posting this on the wrong section, please, tell me the right one. Otherwise, thanks for any help provided.
  3. So, I was in the page of the mod Animated Prostitution (hey, don't judge me >:( ). The model replacer that the creator suggests in the decriptions (R18 Rude Body Pack OSBR and R18 Rude Body Pack OSBR ISH) don't look good. So I was browsing in the images folder and under the section "From users" i found this pic (Here) and the body models looks cool, so I came here to ask if anybody knows what mod is this. If I'm posting this on the wrong place, please, tell me where is the right place, otherwise, thanks for the help.
  4. Yes, this is it! Thanks a bunch mate :D. I didn't know this was part of the BYOH mod. I thought it was a different mod. Thanks a real bunch mate ;D Edit: O yeah, sorry that I forgot. Kudos to you dear sir ;)
  5. I remember to see this on one of those "mods of the week" or whatever on YT. It add 2 lairs (or one of two); one for a vampire and one for a werewolf. It was underground and had a very eerie feeling. I also remember that the vampire lair had a human so you could feed on. I saw this video when I was not very interested in Skyrim but the spark came back a while ago (I bought a new GPU, so, yeah :P) and I REALLY wanted this mod! Any help with this would be IMMENSELY appreciated! Bottom Note: I didn't know where else to post this. I exhausted every option before doing what I'm doing right now. I've searched countless times in the nexus with a large spectrum of terms and words and looked for every episode of the kind on YT. It was only because I couldn't find it that I'm posting this.
  6. I know that this subject has been already tossed around, but I ddin't seen anyone asking directly, so I will: There is any way to use SKSE using the Skyrim loader? I'm asking because I like the loader and I like to always check the load order before I play.
  7. According to UESP: I just had this problem i searched there. Didn't tested it to see if it is true. EDIT Yes, it does solves the problem
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