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Everything posted by Viritus

  1. that's what I was going for.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WXXdQxDhOc&
  3. well we can't very well just take your word on your voice, one would have to hear it. Shouldn't you all be posting samples of yourselves?
  4. it's not an exploit, you just misunderstand, you can't sprint backwards. you can backpedal in real life at jogging speed, not unrealistic at all.
  5. you can be a werewolf. 100% positive, but I'm not going to be citing sources, obviously, so whether you believe me or not is up to you really.
  6. now i'm not going to have a problem running skyrim and most people won't, seeing as it's built to run on ancient consoles, but I know that some console players will want to play on the pc version for the additive mods, and these people may not have the best pc for newer games, so I was actually wondering if anyone was going to make an effort to downgrade the assets so it could be run on older computers. It seems counter-intuitive for a lot of us in this forum, but I think there could be some demand for something like this. It wouldn't take much to reduce cpu stress, and there are a few ways people could go about doing this without sacrificing a lot of visuals, IE simplified particle effects, reduced distance rendering, smaller textures. I don't think I could bring myself to work on something like this, but I could definitely see it happening.
  7. Here is the scripting "API" for New Vegas : Functions. Those were the functions you were able to use with the GECK in New Vegas. There is a 95% chance that Skyrim will closely relate these functions. Probably different syntax, yet they make these functions for modding the game. My point is, Skyrim will contain likely similar scripting as New Vegas/Fallout/Oblivion, nothing in there is even remotely close to what you'd need to do. "Skyrim scripting" isn't even a real programming language, it is proprietary or developed internally with the intent to limit access. The game engine itself is off limits. You would have to reverse-engineer the executable (illegal) to access anything inside the game engine to even consider a plan to add multiplayer support (Even something as seemingly simple as two people in a small one-cell arena). It's not as simple as host a server, upload a plugin, allow people to log on with their characters and battle. OBSE/NVSE comes to mind, but they inject additional functions into the function list, and still aren't able to access/edit the game engine. you still haven't read what i'm talking about, or comprehended it correctly. there are not two people here. there is one PC and an npc with the other character's stats, equipment and possibly perks. this is not actually multiplayer.
  8. this would apply for isolated areas as well... the code 'already in existance' would have to be re-written to allow this and support multiplayer. the only way i see this working nicely is creating it as a seperate game altogether that scans your save file... but thats too much work for too small a return, and too low a demand. if this was possible in game, in an arena type thing as you proposed, it would also allow(make possible) full world gameplay which we have already establish is not posible to be done correctly as a mod... please think this through or do your research before posting, thank you- we have enough of these threads already. as to your plea to bethesda to do something about it... I am sure you already know they said "Not now, Not ever" do we really have to go there? I don't think so... I'm not sure that you know the difference between a small file transfer and a sustained connection between two people, or maybe you misunderstood what I was talking about and jumped to the usual presumptions. This would not be anything like co-op or even versus. nobody would be playing against anyone else. Skyrim allready features networking in a small fashion IE social networking updates and the 'small bug' fixing system. the point here is that you don't know what skyrim scripting will be capable of, so the fact that oblivion could not handle minute networking no longer applies here. TLDR: this isn't oblivion. Advancements are to be expected, this was just an idea.
  9. it would be cool to sled on your shield or even a dead troll or something. I'm not a fan of the airship idea though.
  10. So, let's start by saying that there will never be legitimate multiplayer in the form of free roaming co-op, that's a given. It's not Elder Scrolls-y and the game wouldn't be immersive with your buddy T-bagging every corpse he could find. But.. what if there was an arena in skyrim where once you signed up with a server that the game would connect to (we'll see how flexible skyrim's scripting will be) you could upload your character - complete with customization, equipment, stats, and perks, and download other character's files (sort of like the CM for oblivion). You could fight another opponent (at a set difficulty, of course - or at least with penalties and bonuses dependent on the difficulty) and give your character ranking points that would be uploaded on the server, based on how much health you had, how much health they had, ranking difference between the two - etc, and determine who would be assigned your character to fight and vice-verse. It would be half skill, half character-development strategy, and it would add a certain feel of community without imposing anything on the game itself. Now i'm going to go full fantasy. If bethesda were to HEAR THIS AND WORK HARD TO MAKE IT HAPPEN *ahem* - it would theoretically be possible to have this be a cross-console multiplayer experience. the character stats could be uploaded from your friends xbox version, fight with your other friend on his ps3 and you could fight the winner on your pc. Also, if it was an official DLC, they could have voice support, where an announcer might call someone's stage name, a la imperial arena in oblivion, where you can choose your arena name. You could even download the top ranking characters on the server to watch fight each other, and bet on the match, or fight multiple opponents at once. Maybe you could have a 2 on 2 fight or even 4 on 4, it wouldn't stress the system out any more than fighting the same amount of npc's, as the data would allready have been downloaded on to the system. What do you guys think? Plausible?
  11. I always thought it would be cool to have an arena that would match you with different PC's. I know it's a pipe dream, but it's more realistic than roaming co--op which will never work right.
  12. I suppose they're just being protective?
  13. actually the women in the game look pretty realistic from all that i've seen. I'd wager that more people are going to simplify facial textures etc. to get that anime elf bulls*** look that everyone seems to be so fond of.
  14. Now I understand how taboo it is for game companies to make games where children die. It smacks them with the dreaded AO rating of death, and nobody wants that. That being said, the children in skyrim are invincible. I'm not sure about you, but I feel like it's going to ruin my game experience if a dragon blows up a village and suddenly it's just one big orphanage of superhuman babies. So my question is, do you think that children will have a sort of essential npc flag like important plot characters in oblivion, or do you think it will be a seperate system? I'm not some child hating sadist waiting for the first casey anthony mod, but I really value my immersion in these games.
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