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Everything posted by AlexSeptim

  1. Im a PS3 player an i cant wait!! vanilla skyrim is better then no skyrim!! :)
  2. I know this is crazy but im going with a nord! :)
  3. You are lucky, cause you have something to do while you wait for skyrim im on holidays with nothing to do but research
  4. Im just curious to see how everyone out there is feeling so close to release date? I myself am scared, because although ive put hours of thought into it im not sure whether to make my first character mage or warrior! Anyway give me your opinion on how u feel!
  5. Im going to play skrim on my ps3, an TBH im not to worried about graphics! The game will make up it! So dont be too worried!
  6. Really? ah well i doesnt bother me! im going to make to saves straight away my Breton Mage and a Nord Warrior! keeping it native with the nord :L
  7. yeah ill probly do that! Im really looking forward to the new magic system, looks incredible! duel wielding spells is a good idea
  8. Hahaha true! But i dunno, i kinda just want to toast them!
  9. I myself am going to focus on my PS3! i know its worse grapics an all...but when it comes to skyrim its going to be amazing anyway! ill settle
  10. This is my first post! not sure if theres one like this.. I am going to be a mage in Skyrim! im not to sure which is the bast combination though, im thinking of a Breton! going to focus on destruction mainly! but i want your opinions? and your mages! :)
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