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Everything posted by johnboy3434

  1. The mod in question. So, this is my first mod, a single script, and while it works, I'm having a bit of trouble with a small part of it: After Siddgeir gives you permission to purchase land, while you can then speak to Nenya and purchase it like normal, the quest does not update telling you to do so. The objective text "Speak to the Steward of Falkreath about the land for sale" does not pop up and there is no quest marker on Nenya. Checking getstage says the quest is at stage 17 when it should be at 30, even though the quest, again, functions without issue. Once you purchase the land from her, the objectives resume normally, so it's just that one stage. The only three lines/if statements I deleted from the script were the one removing Siddgeir from the Favor110QuestGiver faction, the one terminating Favor110 (Rare Gifts), and the one automatically increasing Siddgeir's relationship with the player (which is an effect of finishing Rare Gifts and so does not need to be done here). I'm not sure how doing that disabled the visibility of the quest progression for one stage, since I didn't think I saw any variables in the lines deleted that are referenced later in the script.
  2. I don't know if this would be difficult or not, but a player could easily never get to talk to Susanna the Wicked before her murder due to how the triggers for the quest starting are set up (walking past Windhelm Stables four times on the road, etc.). Could a condition be added that requires the player to have initiated dialogue with her before the death will trigger? Also, something a bit more complex: if the player is not friends ("friends" meaning disposition>0) with any of the jarls from Falkreath, Hjaalmarch or the Pale, and then hits level nine while doing Siddgeir's Rare Gifts quest (he wants some Black-Briar Mead), the quest will immediately fail in order to make way for the Hearthfire Build Your Own House quest due to Siddgeir sending you a Hearthfire-related letter for neutral (disposition=0) players. Is there a way to prevent this letter from being sent once Siddgeir's quest has been initiated? Once the quest has been finished, the player could then receive the version of Siddgeir's Hearthfire letter meant for friends. Alternatively, straying a bit from the programmer's intent, if the character reaches level nine before speaking to Siddgeir, could the Hearthfire quest simply lead into the Rare Gifts quest instead of replacing it, so that the latter can still be completed? Thanks in advance.
  3. I'm hoping this is a simple request: Prevent the Dawnguard quest from activating until the player has entered the Hall of the Vigilant once (and, presumably, left the exterior cells so the Hall isn't magically destroyed once you step out of the door). This would be nice for those who might forget to visit the location before hitting level 10.
  4. For those wondering, the perk in question was "Bone Collector", under Conjuration. Enai has been made aware, and seems perplexed.
  5. Here's my load order. A rather irritating problem to have after going through the seemingly endless process of installing Lexy's Legacy of the Dragonborn modlist: Once a body ragdolls after being decapitated (as soon as the animation is done), the neck stump and surrounding skin disappear entirely, such that I can look straight through the body from the gap left open. Here's the confusing part, though: It only happens once I activate an Ordinator perk. On a clean level 1 character, nothing's wrong. Once I use the console to add in all the perks, the problem shows up. Unfortunately, I don't know *which* perk is at fault, and I'm not about to try all 400+ of them one at a time to find out. I was hoping someone here might have a more efficient way of finding out what the problem may be. As far as I can tell from perusing SSEEdit, Ordinator doesn't touch the neck stump model, so it could possibly be an interaction between Ordinator and another mod (maybe VioLens?). I don't know what I'm missing, but from all appearances, nothing is touching the Armor or Armor Addon records relating to decapitation. Enhanced Blood Textures adds a keyword to the DecapitatedHead record, but that's it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I understand that importing the Zelda items from the Switch version may be against the rules, but what about the new Bosmer eye color option?
  7. This is my first time experiencing an update after using SKSE64. On average, how long is the wait time between the game update and the corresponding SKSE version?
  8. Yeah, it was only in one of those other quests you mentioned that I found out the name of the alias in question. Those two methods you described are great suggestions for getting around the issue, but I guess I just have a one track mind, because I'm about to drive myself nuts looking at the same CK menus over and over: Where the Hell is "Alias_SonsMinorHold" and why can't I edit it, or at least view it, directly?
  9. As a neutral or Imperial representative, your alternative to demanding Riften for the empire in the first round of negotiations is one of two minor holds: Dawnstar or Winterhold. For Stormcloaks, your alternative to demanding Markarth is one of either Morthal or Falkreath. The other of the two can be demanded in the second round of negotiations, if necessary. However, it's never explained either in-game or on UESP what circumstances cause one or the other to show up first. I did some digging in the Creation Kit, but have hit a wall. The answer lies in the location alias "Alias_SonsMinorHold". Unfortunately, this alias is auto-filled in the script for Season Unending, with no printout of what it's auto-filled with. And further, it's not listed in the list of aliases provided by the Creation Kit's dropdown menu. This alias is not the same as the alias "SonsMinorHold", which is set to the value of Alias_SonsMinorHold.GetLocation() during the quest. My best guess is that Alias_SonsMinorHold contains either some randomizer function to pick between the two holds in question or a more concrete set of criteria, but I have no idea where to look in the Creation Kit to find this, if I even can. Anyone have any suggestions?
  10. When I hit over-encumbered status in the deepest part of a dungeon and don't want to make the agonizingly slow journey back to my horse, I'd like to shed the items that cost me the least amount of money overall. As such, I was wondering if there was a menu mod that let you sort by an item's relative value in regards to its weight. For example, something worth 100 gold that weighs 20 would be ranked as "less valuable" than something worth 10 gold that weighs 1.
  11. So yeah, the "tfow" command doesn't work the way it sounds like it should work. Instead of disabling the "fog of war" on the local map, it disable the local map entirely, save for the player and door markers. So, is there a mod that removes the fog and allows us to see the entire local area instantly?
  12. I don't know if it's possible or how how difficult it might be, but could the two official DLC that weren't included in the SE be modified such that they are SE-compatible? Transferring the files from the old Skyrim folder to the new one is a no-go. I know they're nothing to write home about, but the completionist in me misses their presence.
  13. So yeah, Lokir's Tomb and Fall of the Space Core were not included in the SE, to no one's surprise. No huge loss: a basic one-room dungeon and a memetastic side quest for gear that you'll replace immediately. Still, as a completionist, I'd like to keep them if it's at all possible. If I simply transfer all the relevant files into the SE directory, will it work like always? Or is the game's structure so different now that it won't recognize them anymore?
  14. Really? How was it determined that they weren't "Extreme"? Are you able to use Reflex Mode?
  15. The title says it all, really. You can enable the Chicken Hat whenever you want to by using the menu option and dying, but if you want the Lil Chick Hat, you need to die ten times using the Chicken Hat every time you want to use it. Is there a mod that can either add the Lil Chick Hat to the menu options or, better yet, add both chicken-themed hats to the loadout menu under the "Head Option" list?
  16. The people over at Reddit's MGS-themed sub Never Be Game Over have discovered 10 dummied out missions, complete with assets. They are "Extreme" variants of the following ten missions, all labeled "Episode 0": 0(1): Red Brass [Mission 7] 0(2): Close Contact [Mission 24] 0(3): A Hero's Way [Mission 3] 0(4): Rescue the Intel Agents [Mission 17] 0(5): On the Trail [Mission 19] 0(6): Hunting Down [Mission 26] 0(7): Aim True, Ye Vengeful [Mission 25] 0(8): Proxy War without End [Mission 41] 0(9): Retake the Platform [Mission 22] 0(10): Angel With Broken Wings [Mission 10] Is there any chance someone here could put a mod together that would activate them?
  17. You know how the enemy adapts to your playstyle if you sneak too much or blow up too much stuff or snipe too much or generally become too reliant on any one tactic? Yeah, I'd like a mod to adjust that. It's be great to push all eight variables up to maximum for more challenge or down to minimum if I just want to get something done quick.
  18. The newest patch broke the Item Unlocker's ability to make DLC available. Is there any mod now that can make the preorder and Ground Zeroes bonuses available for research?
  19. Well, now I've got an entirely new problem. I tried a third order and used Wrye Bash to install (I had done it manually the first two times). Now, when I click "New Game", and it asks me if I'm sure, when I click "Yes"... nothing happens. The menu keeps going as if nothing was clicked. I've tried disabling each plugin by hand, and it doesn't help. Here's my load order. • 00 Oblivion.esm • 01 MenuSysFramework.esm • 02 Fundament.esm [Version ision] • 03 All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.34] • 04 DA Run Fatigue.esm • 05 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.5.1] • 06 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp • 07 DLCShiveringIsles.esp • 08 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.5.5] • 09 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp • 0A DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9] • 0B DLCThievesDen.esp • 0C DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.12] • 0D DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.12] • 0E DLCMehrunesRazor.esp • 0F DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6] • 10 DLCVileLair.esp • 11 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.10] • 12 DLCHorseArmor.esp • 13 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.8] • 14 DLCOrrery.esp • 15 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5] • 16 DLCSpellTomes.esp • 17 DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1] • 18 DLCFrostcrag.esp • 19 DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9] • 1A Knights.esp • 1B Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1.5] • 1C RenGuardOverhaul.esp • 1D Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block and 250% damage.esp • 1E OBGE.esp [Version 0.42] • 1F All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.35] • 20 OBGE - Liquid Water.esp • 21 Quest Award Leveller.esp • 22 nGCD Skeleton Key.esp • 23 GotNoClass.esp • 24 bgMagicLightningbolt.esp • 25 bgMagicAlchemy.esp [Version 1.57] • 26 OBGEv3 Controller GR6.esp • 27 nGCD Oghma Infinium.esp • 28 Bundlement.esp [Version ision] • 29 nGCD.esp • 2A OBGEv3.1_CommonComponents.esp • 2B OBGEv3.1_StandAloneEffects(MultiModuleInstall).esp • 2C Immediate Character Generation.esp • 2D Quest Award Leveller - Battlehorn Castle.esp • 2E Quest Award Leveller - Mehrunes Razor.esp • 2F Quest Award Leveller - Vile Lair.esp • 30 reduced_nofran.esp • 31 TIE.esp [Version 1.50] • 32 All Natural.esp [Version 1.35] • 33 bgMagicEV.esp [Version 1.7EV] • 34 bgMagicSpellTomes_for_WryeBash.esp [Version 1.68EV] • 35 All Natural - SI.esp [Version 1.35] • 36 bgMagicItemSigil.esp [Version 1.68EV] • 37 SM_EnchantStaff.esp [Version 0.90] • 38 Streamline 3.1.esp • 39 SupremeMagicka.esp [Version 0.90b] • 3A bgMagicEVStartspells.esp [Version 1.68EV] • 3B bgMagicPotionNumberSoulGemValue.esp [Version 1.68UV] • 3C bgMagicShaderLifeDetect.esp [Version 1.68] • 3D bgMagicEVAddEnVar.esp [Version 1.68EV] • 3E StealthierMagic.esp [Version 1.35] • 3F bgMagicEVShader.esp [Version 1.7EV] • 40 SM_DLCSpellTome.esp [Version 0.90] • 41 SM_SigilStone.esp [Version 0.90] • 42 SM_Scrolls.esp [Version 0.90] • 43 SM_ShiveringIsles.esp [Version 0.90] • 44 Quest Award Leveller - Knights of the Nine.esp • 45 wd purse of wonders.esp • 46 Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp • 47 Disable Tutorial Text.esp • 48 Trade and Commerce.esp • 49 bgMagicEVPaperChase.esp [Version 1.68EV] • 4A Trade and Commerce Update.esp [Version 1.01] • 4B SM Plugin Refurbish(Merged).esp [Version 1.30] • 4C Bashed Patch, 0.esp
  20. There's a bunch of mods I want to use, but after two attempts in two different install orders, the end result has been glitchy textures in the distant landscape (even after using BOSS to sort the load order). Fore example, on the hills leading up to the Imperial City, the grass will flicker between two shades of green, or have patches of one shade next to patches of another. Once my character is close, it resolves into one shade and looks fine. Below are all the mods that I think might be relevant (I'm something of a noob, so some of them might be completely unrelated). Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3.5.1 Qarl's Texture Pack III Redimized (with patch) The UOP3.5.0/QTP3 Compatibility Patch All Natural v1.35a Streamline v3.0.1 beta (with patch)* Oblivion Graphics Extender v3.1 RC4 (including LLOD v3.1 alpha 3 and POM v3.1 RC1) TES4LODGEN v3.0.32 Just going from that, can you figure what the problem is? Is it the install order, or are some of the above just not compatible? *The problems persist even with Streamsmooth and Streamsight disabled, so it's not a matter of those functions altering the detail level.
  21. Thanks for the help! It seems to be working fine now, except for one oddity: There is a "seam" in the ocean a set distance from my character. I can never get closer to it, and it exists in every direction that there's water. Could this be a small glitch in the "distant lands" feature?
  22. I'm going to apologize in advance, because this is probably going to be a pain in the hindquarters for whoever helps me. I have a bunch of mods I want to use (listed below), based on the recommendations from BTB's site, but since there's apparently some overlap between them, I don't know what order to install them in. I've tried twice in different orders, but both times I've ended up with glitching textures, shaders, and what-not. Are some of these simply not compatible? It's the same story with Oblivion and Skyrim, but I'll ask about those elsewhere. It's worth noting that I'm pretty much a noob at this. I've started over completely with a clean install. After that, I installed seven of the eight official plugins (Entertainers, Bitter Coast Sounds, Helm of Tohan, Master Index, LeFemm Armor, Adamantium Armor, and Siege at Firemoth). I did not installl Area Effect Arrows because I plan to use BTB's version when all is said and done. After that, I installed Tribunal and Bloodmoon. This is from the GotY edition, so they have all the latest patches. If it matters, I also installed the Construction Set. Finally, I used TESTool to clean the GMSTs from the four official plugins that had them. I have all the mod files I want in a dedicated folder. That's where I stand now. I just need to know what the optimal order for installing these is and at what point I should use the various utilities. The list of mods/utilities I want to use follows. To my knowledge, these are the latest versions, but I welcome corrections if it seems I overlooked something. "Illyria" (extra face and hair options for female Nords, made to resemble Illyria from Angel) Morrowind Patch Project v1.6.6 Better Bodies v2.2 LizTail's New Beast Bodies (Mature Version) v3.3 Better Heads v2.0 Better Clothes v1.1 (No Argonian Changes) Plangkye's More Better Clothes v1.01 CanadianIce's Robe Replacer (NioLiv version) Darknut's Little Weapons Mod Complete (1024 version) Darknut's Morrowind Armor Textures v1.1 (1024 version) Darknut's Creature Textures: Morrowind (1024 version) Darknut's Creature Textures: Tribunal (1024 version) Darknut's Creature Textures: Bloodmoon (1024 version) Darknut's Creature Textures: Addendum (1024 version) Azura Replacer Vivec God Replacement (Creature Edition) v1.2 Better Almalexia v1.1 (with BTB's edited armor plugin) Morrowind Visual Pack v3.0RC1 Connary's Textures vFinal Mesh Improvements v1.7.1 Correct UV Rocks Slartibartfast's Texture Fix v2.0 Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul v1.1 SWG's Skies v3.0 Vurt's Hi-res Skies and Weather Better Books for Morrowind Vurt's Hi-res Menubook and Scroll Pack v1.1 Better Dialogue Font v1.1 Particle Arrow Replacer v4.0 Extreme Textures II (only the Spell Effects) Crosshair Pack II Alternate Enchanted Item Icons v1.1 Oblivion Septims Realisitc Blood Weathered Signposts (BTB's updated plugin) Herbalism for Purists v1.22 Quick Char v1.2 Hotfusion's Economy Adjuster v1.1 (Merchant Skills and Crime only, BTB's edit) BTB's Game Improvements Service Requirements v1.4.3 (BTB's edit) Talrivian's State-Based Hit Points Mod v2.2 Morrowind Advanced v1.82 (with BTB's edited plugins) Dark Brotherhood Armor Replacer - Expanded with Ranks Darknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins, Volume I The Neverhalls v2.0 The Forgotten Halls v3.0 Daggerfall Book Collection v1.1 (with BTB's edited plugin) The LGNPC Bundle Less Generic Nerevarine v1.4 Less Generic Tribunal v2.0 Less Generic Bloodmoon v1.3 Area Effect Projectiles v1.1 [in place of the official Area Effect Arrows] A Flock of Seagulls Quieter UI Sounds Duncan's Atmospheric Sound Effects v3.04 (with BTB's edited plugin) Illuminated Windows v1.2 Vality's Bitter Coast Mod v4.0 (with BTB's edited plugin) Vality's Ascadian Isles Mod v2.0 (with BTB's edited plugin) Xiran's Better Music System (BTB's custom version with his preferred soundtrack) Morrowind Code Patch v2.1 Timeslip's .exe Organizer Morrowind Graphics Extender v3.8.0 I understand if no one wants to help me with this, but I'd be very grateful if you could.
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