This would be more like a quest mod. Say you meet Virgil after getting Lorenzo´s serum, you either kept the vial you took from the raiders or you released that psico out of his jail, you monster. Virgil could use that serum to create a more advanced FEV, making you not as strong as a supermutant but much more than a regular human. Now, what if Virgil got a sample of New Vegas FEV-II, the one that makes nightkins. As a side effect, your skin might turn blue but gain a stealth bonus. I know that the blue skin is because of the prolonged use of stealth boys and that the mutation has nothing to do with their stealth skill but that´s where Virgil´s genius mind gets in. Using DNA samples from a nightkin and the serum, he could recreate the effects of the stealth boy, giving you the ability to turn invisible at the cost of action points. Of course, the quest should require some scavenging. Maybe track down a group of nightkins hidden in the Glowing Sea. What do you think about this?