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About Zombie007

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  1. I´ll tell you first what i´m aiming for. I´m currently using the "Shattered - World Eater" mod playing as an orc and with a couple of follower mods i made my own horde. We just released Whiterun and i thought it would be cool to take the city for myself, creating an orc city (not necessary to use orc architecture, just regular housing would be ok) Now, i´m ok with using the console to disable the old buildings but i need a way to build new houses, including the floor that in some cases, disappears with the house when disabled. I know modding would be necessary to add interior cells so to avoid that i was thinking about using a premade house like in Fallout 4, where you can get into the house without entering another cell. Is there a mod like that or i´ll just leave Whiterun and get one of the many house mods there are around?
  2. Anyone remembers wich mod adds a bone sword that used part of the forsworn model? I think the sword was called Forsworn blade or something like that. I´m not really sure about de the name, i´m certain it was "Blade". The shape was like de handle of the regular forsworn sword but replacing the dented part with an ellongated tip part. I made an image with photoshop to be more explicit.
  3. Hey y´all, i´m having an issue with enchanting. I´m trying to make an item from a mod disenchantable so i went and deleted the "MagicDisallowEnchanting" tab from the item but when in game i tryed to apply it to another item the enchantment was greyed out. So, back to the CK, i went to the enchantment itself and filled the Base enchantment tab with the same enchantment ID and in worn restrictions i put MaterialsArmor. At first it worked but here comes the weird part, i later tried to enchant another thing and again, i couldn´t. I tried setting the worn restriction to NONE, i even tried setting the base enchantment to NONE but i can´t seem to enchant items with these specific powers. Anything i´m missing here?
  4. Not really. I ended up uninstalling skyrim (kinda ragequit) but today i´m going to install it again and give it a new try.
  5. After a few days not playing Skyrim SE i came back and tryed to download a mod. But that´s when i got that message saying "no application registered to handle this game" As it says, i went to settings - Nexus and clicked the "Associate with" button but nothing happened. I also launched MO2 as administrator and nothing. Was there an update that killed everything while i was gone?
  6. Disculpa, pero no entendí bien. 1 Creo una carpeta x (llamemosla así para identificarla) 2 Descomprimo el archivo bsa del mod original (Es lo mismo bajar la versión loose?) en la carpeta X? 3 Copiar el archivo esp y supongo que lo pego en la carpeta x 4 Borro el bsa original y comprimo la carpeta x en un bsa (o es un ba2?) nuevo, que pasaría a ser el mod actualizado? Por favor dime si algun paso esta mal, gracias.
  7. I played once with a mod that added an enchanted against undeads. It was basically increase damage depending on how many undeads you kill with it. It carryed a kill count telling how much undeads you had killed so far. I think it was in an enchantments pack but i cn´t remember wich... Anyone knows?
  8. This would be more like a quest mod. Say you meet Virgil after getting Lorenzo´s serum, you either kept the vial you took from the raiders or you released that psico out of his jail, you monster. Virgil could use that serum to create a more advanced FEV, making you not as strong as a supermutant but much more than a regular human. Now, what if Virgil got a sample of New Vegas FEV-II, the one that makes nightkins. As a side effect, your skin might turn blue but gain a stealth bonus. I know that the blue skin is because of the prolonged use of stealth boys and that the mutation has nothing to do with their stealth skill but that´s where Virgil´s genius mind gets in. Using DNA samples from a nightkin and the serum, he could recreate the effects of the stealth boy, giving you the ability to turn invisible at the cost of action points. Of course, the quest should require some scavenging. Maybe track down a group of nightkins hidden in the Glowing Sea. What do you think about this?
  9. Hey everyone! Is there anyone who could port this mod to SSE? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44562 The mod author seems to be no longer working on it and i found no mod like this on SSE.
  10. I think there was a modder who started creating something like this in oldrim but he ended up hitting a wall because Vignar Gray-Mane becoming a Jarl. Although the "destroy the thieves guild" mod had the same problem with Maven Black-Briar becoming Jarl and they solved it by restating the previous jarl in Riften, so maybe there is still a chance. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/912639-would-you-like-the-companions-to-be-destroyable/
  11. Hey guys, i´m having an issue with a new race i´m doing. I´m trying to put the horns more over the forehead and not on top of the head. Kinda like a d&d tiefling. But no matter how much i move the horns in the .nif file, the horns remain at the same position on the character. I´m moving the translation of the NiTriShape of the horns. Any ideas?
  12. Well, that really worked as planned... ish. I replaced a beard with the horns but now when i modify the mouth (change mouth type or modify lips with racemenu) the left horn starts to twitch, as if the vertex (vertexes? vertexs?) of the model were affected by that face part. I tryed to add the horns directly to a malehead.nif but falied again since it said it couldn´t find some of the information from the horns. So know i´m going to change my focus and try to add the horns as an item that cannot be unequiped and doesn´t show in inventory... although i don´t know how to do any of that.
  13. Mmm, so i have to replace an existing head part. I guess i´ll give it a try. Thanks!
  14. Hey guys, i´m trying to create a custom race using gargoyle horns (like the ones from the mod TDN equipable horns) but i can´t figure out what do i have to do to create a new head part with the horns. Of course, i could just use TDN and the patch to use slot 55 to get that but the idea is to create a half demonic looking race ready to go.
  15. Now thisi was a good idea. Too bad it was abandoned. I guess changing an entire faction like the silver hand must be an incredible amount of work. This mod would have given you the choice to do one of the many things that skyrim needs. Other things i would have loved to see but never happened were retaking Blackreach or being able to finnish mage school quest without actually joining (tryed mercenary work? it might suit you)
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