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Everything posted by Slygamer

  1. well after digging through mods found the race mod so ignore this dumb post lol
  2. Since i'm really new to this even though i've been playing the game a lot how do i request a mod for something on here ? I'm playing a halfling ranger and would live to have a big cat companion since i noticed ranger is lacking one, is it possible for someone to make a mod for that by taking something like the druids panther form wildshape or does it have to be an animal to start with ? would it have its bite,claw, prowl actions and all its normal stuff or would it be all janky and weird ? is it possible for a modder to do other ranger companions as well ?
  3. I made karlach into barb5/druid 3 atm but when i shapeshift her the wildshape health is much lower then her normal barb health is that normal or is it because i haven't hit the right levels yet as a druid to get the wildshape health up higher ? because i wanted to do the barb rage/wildshape build
  4. current file didn't work had to go back about an hour or two worth of saves but found a file that worked so i can fast travel and interact with NPC's thankfully and reloaded the mods so i can try to test some more mods out since i haven't played with mods on my pc in a long long time. If you save the game while having a mod that adds new items or something like that and then uninstall it, the save file probably won't work without it. so far most of it is UI and such no items yet if you call spells items ? so far i haven't gotten into the level of adding mods yet that say playing Skyrim would involve lol
  5. current file didn't work had to go back about an hour or two worth of saves but found a file that worked so i can fast travel and interact with NPC's thankfully and reloaded the mods so i can try to test some more mods out since i haven't played with mods on my pc in a long long time.
  6. I have that but still not working and i disabled all but that mod and have now a bigger problem. I still have no NPC's interactions, can't fast travel after disabling all mods and this new message. We were unable to create a working story. Your main adventure might be invalid. the game will continue from your save game. so what the hell does that mean exactly?
  7. after installing mods for the first time game tells me achievements are disabled which makes sense. but after loading my game I can't talk to any NPC's to progress my story in act 2 and I can't fast travel around shadow cursed lands. so i'm going in and out of my game disabling mods to try and see which of the mods is causing the problem. I have ImprovedUI Dialogue ImprovedUI achievement enabler Nativemod Loader Galaxy Dice 2.2 Warlock Learnspells LSLib/Divine Tools
  8. I'd love it if someone could make this a mod. small monsters would have a small chance,big monsters higher chance to drop wakestone shards anywhere.
  9. I really want this to be a mod, having monsters appear in gran soren much like they do in BBI anywhere,anytime, this would include Death
  10. I keep getting these errors when trying to load skyrim mods with NMM how can i fix this ?
  11. I took a pic of the error i keep getting while trying to load skyrim mods with NMM could someone tell me how i can fix this without having to redownload and install every single mod with NMM ?
  12. tired of having to go to everfall to farm wake stones.
  13. more hair styles more voices and maybe add different accents improved or different dialog from pawns quest cut off warning damage display on enemies more interesting armor & weapon styles enemy weakness shown under health bars weather conditions-snow,rain,windy ect... (not sure but i can see this as the hardest type of mod to do) add different races or atleast the customizing stuff for it different colors for plants/herbs (every herb shouldn't have to be green) add choice on eye color per eye, so if you want your left eye to be blue and right to be green its a choice on screen timer with countdown on buffs & debuffs on you and enemies recolor armor & weapons
  14. main quest tracker for those looking to get the hero trophy and not miss any quests as well as warning at yes/no screen that if you take another quest it may cancel the next quest. quest markers show on world map/towns ect...
  15. so we know how much time we have to fight before it flee's battle.
  16. bought the metamorph item from the npc but it was only a one use item which really sucks and was hoping someone on here could make a mod that you could change appearance of you and your pawn anytime you want much like you had on PS3 version at the main menu.
  17. I vaguely remember back in oblivion that dremora's used mace/shield or was it sword/shield ? so could someone make these spells and maybe come up with a dremora mage that would kick ass ! maybe make a male/female choice on these summons aswell recall follower spell for when you lose your follower this would be handy for if they get stuck,run away or even better stand in your damn way and won't move ala lydia's dumbass ! summon spell oblivion blades ancestors summon's some of the original blades that were in oblivion so long ago could use specific named NPC's if anyone knows them and maybe have some dialog referencing stuff from the past to now. maybe someone has already made one or all of these if so could someone post links to the mods please ?
  18. ok this is pissing me off i have 12 mods on steam and 66 through nexus and the ones on nexus aren't loading at all even when i enable all of them does anyone know what the problem is ?
  19. yeah steam is set to keep all my games up to date. i have about 15 mods on steam since i removed the rest that don't seem to load and hunted them all down on nexus and loaded them on NMM but same thing most of my mods are unchecked that i checked and tried loading this is just strange.
  20. I just started playing again recently after a log break and i started by starting over on the game and I downloaded a lot of mods lately and after i check all the boxes and enable everything i load the game and nothing loads. i exit the game and check the NMM again and i check all the boxes again and still nothing is loading in the game what could be the problem ?.
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