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About Robik81

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    Czech Republic

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  1. Hey guys, recently, I had a problem with Mage's Circlet (reward from one of Mage's Guild quest). It was not showing on the head of my Dark Elf female.I posted about it in Requiem forum, though my post went unnoticed (either that, or ... ). Even more recently, there was mod on Nexus, that should fix the issue with missing circlets ( Invisible CIrclet Fix for USKP ), and there was comment from author of USKP: "Just an FYI - USKP 2.0.0a already includes the fix for this. The reason people are still running into seeing invisible circlets is because other mods have not yet caught up with the necessary changes. Somewhere in the USKP thread was a post that had a short list of mods which need to be updated, I can't find it right now though. Same with multiple circlets - that was taken care of at the same time with the 2.0.0a update. " That got me on the right track, and after another of my posts got unnoticed in Requiem forum, i went ahead and started to make my own fix. In tes5edit, i copied all Mage's Circlets (all 6 variants, no idea why there are so many) and made necessary changes. But, it still didn't work and circlet was invisible. What finally fixed it was extracting circlet meshes from USKP BSA archive into skyrim directory. And that is what i don't understand. USKP is in load order, there were no loose files for circlet before, but meshes weren't apperently loaded for objects that were changed in mods loaded after USKP. Is this correct behavior for BSA files? Thanks Robik Edit: Please disregard the question, I didn't have USKP in load order and that explain it all. Is there a way to delete this topic?
  2. Interesting discussion... My mod somehow ended being in Hot Files. Out of curiosity, I started looking for some information how the process of selecting works, and I stumbled on this thread. Was there any change in the selecting process, since this thread was started? And I support the Hotfiles by category change, sounds reasonable.
  3. Hey, I encountered this issue too, and problem is in this part of code PresetList[0] = "None" MCM is allergic to strings containing "None", I used "None " instead and that works.
  4. Hey, the mod should be compatible with pretty much everything. Enjoy your play through with SkyRe :)
  5. Fellow magic users, I have recently acquired some ancient tomes about long forgotten art of combat casting. I would love, if you could provide you expertise, and help me prepare some experiments to bring the art to it's former glory. Secret tome stash can be found here... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/47356 Thank you Robik [i am asking for help from experienced players, who like to play magic oriented classes, to help me test newest feature of my mod. Details can be found on mod description page. Comments, suggestions and opinions about the feature and mod in general are much appreciated]
  6. Thank you guys, I feel really dumb now, I had no direct post in my forum, only replies, so I didn't see the sticky link...
  7. Hey guys, I have stupid question, but I cant find it anywhere. How can I make sticky post in my own mod discussion? Thanks Robik
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