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Everything posted by Mattressi

  1. I've always been annoyed by the irritating high-pitched noise that plays when you are scrolling through the perk trees and stop on one of them. After completing the game a few times, it's suddenly got to the point where I don't even level up because it's so damn annoying. I've tried to find a mod to remove that sound, but haven't had any luck so far. Does anyone know if there's a mod that does this? If not, is there a relatively simple way that I could do it myself?
  2. I didn't want to post in the Fallout Mod Detectives thread because the OP says to only post if you know the mod exists, which I don't. But maybe the rules have changed? I'll have a read through the thread and see.
  3. I know dual wielding guns has been done to death on here (everyone says it's not possible due to requiring two case ejection points, two reloads, etc), but I was wondering if there is a mod that allows you to use a one handed gun like a pistol in one hand and a melee weapon like a sword in the other? I have no idea what to call this - it doesn't seem to be 'dual wielding', and searching for dual wielding didn't provide any results. Any idea if such a mod exists for NV or F3 or if it would be possible to do? If there's no complete mod, has any incomplete mod been made where I can have a look at how they did it? Sorry if this has been spoken about heaps too - I'm just not sure what search term to use.
  4. OK, this just got weirder. I've reloaded my last save before they disappeared. I walked the same way I had before, but walking backwards to watch them. I'm on the track below Yorgrim Overlook walking west towards Forsaken Cave. On the track, my thralls suddenly disappear right in front of my eyes. http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/2683/screenshot37u.jpg http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/3056/screenshot39lr.jpg Anyone know why this would be happening? Is this area just bugged or are there other places like this where your thralls will suddenly disappear? Edit: I tried killing them and leaving their bodies while I explored the new area. I was gone a few minutes and didn't really go far away. When I came back, they'd disappeared. So, me walking along that track seems to be what triggers it. Unless it's a timed thing? Surely it can't be that their cells are resetting - I've only just got them! Edit again: I checked the ruin/castle thing that I found them at and saw that a regiment of Stormcloaks had moved in. I've read that updating cells can cause any thrall's that spawned in that cell to disappear. Is that what's caused this? Is there a way to stop this happening (other than relying on named thralls)?
  5. I've had two dread thralls for a little bit now, but they recently suddenly disappeared. I used the player.moveto command and using the RefID of one of my thralls, I was teleported to a spot about 5m from where I was originally standing. There was no one around at all. I tried the other thrall's RefID and it came up with an error saying that it didn't exist. I reloaded a save where they were still with me and the command worked. I still have two active reanimate thrall effects in my "Active Effects" tab. Is there a chance that one or both will come back? I tried fast travelling around for a bit, but nothing happened. They weren't particularly great thralls, but I want to find them so that if I run into better thrall candidates, I can be sure that they won't disappear forever. I've read about people enchanting their thrall's armor and levelling them up. How the hell do they do this when the bloody things disappear after less than 30 minutes? Is there some sure way of keeping them (like do I have to wait for them to catch up with me when they walk really slowly way behind me or when they get stuck on a tiny rock that I walked over)? I'd rather not spend the rest of my game reloading saves just because my thralls have gone AWOL again or spend the whole game waiting for them to catch up with me - or worse, having to run back, then run wide AROUND the stupid bloody table/chair/rock/nothing that they've got themselves stuck behind again. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks :)
  6. Ah, those are very good points. You're right about the script delay: but now I'm not sure whether I want to make it run all that often anyway (it seems a waste to be running a script every few seconds or milliseconds). I'll see if there's a way around it. I just wish that I could tie the script to sleeping (as in, when sleeping, the script is activated) rather than making a script to keep checking. And that's a good point about being able to exploit it by setting it to 24 hours and then unsleeping - I should have picked that up. Thanks for the fix for it and thanks for all your help :)
  7. Thanks for that; it really helped. I set my sleeping for 7 hours and when the countdown just ticked over to 3 hours, the message popped up and said "sleep time: 4 hours". So, there's clearly a significant delay there. Any ideas why and/or how to fix it? For now I'm just going to use a quick and dirty fix of setting ResultCond to 10 * (SleepTime + 1). That isn't really tackling the problem, just working around it, but hopefully it works out.
  8. Don't get your hopes up (I can't get it to work), but I'm pretty sure you're missing an "endif" at the end (I count 5 "if"s, but only 4 "endif"s). As I said though, I tried putting that in quickly and it still wouldn't work. But I figured I'd let you know anyway, since otherwise you might stumble across a fix to it, but it won't work because you're missing that last endif. Good luck with it :)
  9. I'm working on making a script (for hardcore mode) where sleeping will heal you and restore your limb condition - however it will do so slowly and will not work on crippled (limb condition = 0) limbs; meaning that you'll need to use a doctors bag on crippled limbs in order for them to heal. I've made a script that does all of this, but the maths of it doesn't work in game. Here's the test script: scn aaSleepHealCond Float FullHP Float HPPerHour Float ResultHP Float SleepTime Float ResultCond Int OncePer Begin MenuMode If GetPCSleepHours != 0 && OncePer == 0 Set SleepTime to GetPCSleepHours Set FullHP to player.GetBaseActorValue Health Set HPPerHour to (fullHP / 10) Set ResultHP to HPPerHour * SleepTime Player.RestoreActorValue Health ResultHP Set ResultCond to 10 * SleepTime if player.GetActorValue PerceptionCondition > 0 Player.RestoreActorValue PerceptionCondition ResultCond endif if player.GetActorValue EnduranceCondition > 0 Player.RestoreActorValue EnduranceCondition ResultCond endif if player.GetActorValue LeftAttackCondition > 0 Player.RestoreActorValue LeftAttackCondition ResultCond endif if player.GetActorValue RightAttackCondition > 0 Player.RestoreActorValue RightAttackCondition ResultCond endif if player.GetActorValue LeftMobilityCondition > 0 Player.RestoreActorValue LeftMobilityCondition ResultCond endif if player.GetActorValue RightMobilityCondition > 0 Player.RestoreActorValue RightMobilityCondition ResultCond endif Set OncePer to 1 Endif End Begin GameMode If OncePer == 1 Set OncePer to 0 Endif End I'm using this as a test script - I'm trying to make it so that every 1 hour you sleep, you will gain back 10% of your limb condition and 10% of your health (the actual mod will have lower values, but I'm using increments of 10 for ease of calculation and for testing purposes). The problem that I'm having is that this isn't how it's working at all: when I sleep for 1 hour, no health or limb condition is restored. Same when I sleep for two. When I sleep for 3 hours, I get some health back and sometimes limb condition (when it's low). Here's some quick figures that I got when testing just then. Note that I tested by sleeping for the amount of time listed, then I reloaded the save to sleep again for a different time. So, you can see that the limb condition and health do increase in 10% increments - but they sure as hell doesn't seem to increase linearly based on the number of hours slept. They don't increase at all for a few hours sleep, then they finally increase by a small amount, as if only an hour of sleep had been had. Also, the 4 hour tests for health show that it seems to be almost random in the way that the game is restoring health: the first time I tested, the health hadn't increased, so I tested again and again and noticed that it just seemed random. Does anyone know why this is happening? I can't see an issue with my code (maybe there is?), especially because the problems seem to be random. Is there any way to fix this? I can keep testing to get more values if that would help, but I thought I'd post this now in case anyone knows what it is just from this information. If not, I'll do more testing. Thanks :) Edit: I'm new to scripting with the GECK, so I've used the basic structure from the 'A Good Nights Sleep' mod, which was recommended to me as a good basis for creating the mod that I want (it enables healing when sleeping in hardcore mode). So, I'm not sure what things like "If GetPCSleepHours != 0 && OncePer == 0" do, though I (obviously) understand the general logic of the rest of it. Edit #2: I've just tried using the GetPCSleepHours function in game and it hasn't done anything. It hasn't thrown out an error or anything, but it isn't returning a value, whether I type it while standing still, in the sleep menu with the slider adjusted, or even when I quickly type it in when sleeping. I added a 'player.' to the front of it and tried again (just in case), but still nothing. Am I using it wrong or does it just not do anything?
  10. THANK YOU! I looked over that page briefly before, but I was looking for "Limb" or similar things - certainly not PerceptionCondition, etc! The only reason I found it then was because I was determined to go through each stat line by line before coming back here and making a fool out of myself, lol. Thanks very much for that - I've now got a basic script going and I'll work on improving it later.
  11. Thanks for that. Is there some way to view the exact files changed by a mod? I'd love to see which files the creator of that mod changed. Edit: I used FNVEdit to find the modified files. Seems the creator used a script to do it. I might just try that. Thanks :) If anyone know any way to edit the original sleep healing, could you let me know? If not, I might try to just script around it. Edit #2: OK, I'm stuck already. The creator of that mod was using 'Player.RestoreActorValue Health' to restore health while sleeping. This restores health, but not limb condition AFAIK. I can't find on the GECK site a command to go with 'Player.RestoreActorValue' (instead of health) which will heal some limb condition. Anyone know how to?
  12. I'm trying to find where the healing properties of sleeping are in the GECK. I'm specifically looking to enable sleep healing for hardcore mode (especially restoring limb condition). I'm working on making a hardcore mode rebalance. I don't like that eating or using a doctors kit heals you instantly, but sleeping does not. I've stopped healing from eating and I'm working on making it so that if you sleep without using the doctors bag, you won't heal limb, but if you sleep after having used it, you will slowly restore limb condition. So, how would I modify the sleep healing parameters (I feel like I've looked everywhere, but can't find it), how do I enable healing from sleeping in hardcore mode and is there a way to make limb healing work when sleeping, but only to heal them slowly? If not, is it possible to slowly restore limb condition over time, like the Rad Regeneration perk from Fallout 3; except slower than the healing with Rad Regeneration and without it fixing a crippled limb - just a damaged limb? From what I can see, Rad Regen has a value of 1 and an unlimited duration: does that mean that it already heals at the slowest rate possible (I can't give it a number less than 1, so I'm assuming so). I've searched all over (googling, on the GECK site and just browsing through the GECK); so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
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