A great solution to all of this is for anyone and everyone to take this to heart: "These are just games, I should really just relax." In the entire span of human history, since when has these debacles have ever truthfully registered more than nothing when it comes to long-term effects? We're just going on and on about something that's utterly pointless when it comes right down to it. So we can keep doing this; With all of this debating/arguing/complaining or whatever coming from pros/cons/neutrals. All of which has no impact outside of a computer screen. But in the end: Should we honestly care about any of this? Or do we just carry on with life as it is, and attempt a return to the days like before this - where everyone was just fine where they were and we could all carry on about our day without major dilemmas? I have a feeling I've just stomped on - with cleats - at least everybody's feet. I'll be waiting out the inevitable s***storm.