I'm actually looking for someone to create a mod that does two things. The first is a minor perk tweak, giving the Backstab perk in the sneak tree a bonus to unarmed attack Backstabs. I'm not necessarily looking for a full x6, but a x4 would be awesome. Number two is also something that would enhance game play for unarmed characters (something that many people have worked towards to varying degrees of success, but that I feel no one has really done in a way that works for my personal game play style), but also for Archers and other weapon users. My thought was a toggle-able spell (Similar to the mage armor spells in Invested Magic running at 10% of your total magicka plus a small investment that gets halved with the appropriate level perk, or perhaps an initial investment and a magicka cost per hit that disables the enchantments entirely when your magicka hits 0) that acts as a weapon enchantment for non-enchanted base weapons or unarmed attacks (similar to Elemental Fury, but it would work for unarmed and bows). In Destruction I would have ones that do Fire, Frost, Lightning and Health Drain in low amounts (maybe 15 damage). In Restoration I would have one that does Sun Damage in low amounts (Maybe 20 damage) and one that turns undead (15 points). In Alteration I would have one that works JUST like Elemental Fury, increasing attack speed or bow draw speed. I would also have one that does flat armor ignoring damage (Very low, like +10). I don't think any of these would be terribly overpowered or Lore Breaking, and they would (at least for me) enhance the total combat experience, especially where unarmed is concerned. Thank you in advance if anyone is interested in doing one or both of these things. If nothing else, then I would at least greatly appreciate the one editing the Backstab perk. I understand that the other would require a lot of work to accomplish.