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Greetings all, So I have a script that I needed to create so I could keep track of an array that can be used between multiple different Events within the same script. As such I had to remove the "Const" flag from the script. The array is basically a collection of Indexes that are determined through a function that is executed in the OnLoad Event. My question is whether or not this script will get unloaded when the Actor I attached it to is unloaded? If not, is there a way I can unload the script in the OnUnload Event? Once the Actor is dead or not loaded there is no need for the script to retain any information. The script works fine. I'm just making sure my script won't store a bunch of useless information in a save game.
[WIP/Tool] HKXPack - extract .hkx files
Nightasy replied to DexesTTP's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Alrighty, So I have been trying to use this tool to make a physics variant of a body mod. I kept getting crashes in game after adjusting the physics for the body. After a bit of testing I believe that the crash is somehow related to running the bsClothExtraData.hkx through this tool. The testing condition is if I simply export the bsClothExtraData.hkx from the Sturgess outfit in Outfit Studio and then immediately import it back into the body project nothing crashes. Game runs fine and I can't get it to crash no matter how long I play. However, if I export the bsClothExtraData.hkx from the Sturgess outfit and then decompile it and recompile it using your tool it will then crash the game when it's applied to the body project. In this test I made no changes to the xml file after decompiling it. This test was ran using the latest version of your tool. I'm going to include links to the relevant files for your review. The Original Sturgess bsClothExtraData.hkx file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9h9tykma95vxlma/sturgessOriginal.hkx The Sturgess bsClothExtraData.hkx file after having ran through your tool: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ogsayn53f4i1x53/sturgessPostTool.hkx Again, if I take the original and use it in game I can play without crashing. If I take the one I ran through your tool and use it in game, the game crashes after a random amount of time. No changes were made in the xml file after decompile. Hope this information is useful. I should also iterate that the game doesn't crash right away. It crashes after a few minutes of running from one area to another in game. -
[WIP/Tool] HKXPack - extract .hkx files
Nightasy replied to DexesTTP's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Nevermind, I got it working. -
Already pre-ordered Fallout 4. As soon as I get a custom armor in there I'll make videos showing how to do it. See you all soon!
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Nightasy replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24848419. #24848589, #24848784, #24848849, #24848874, #24849489, #24850684 are all replies on the same post. @Shatto - I'm sorry but at what point did you get to decide what % of profit I should make as a modder? Last I checked that was my decision, not yours. We aren't some little kids that you need to be there to Mommy... modders are typically, really smart people. Smart people know how to do math and know when math adds up to a big number. To be quick and shut that down, the author of Purity would have made 1k USD in only 5 days times. Don't even, I mean really dude, don't even... awe snap son, DON'T EVEN go there. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Nightasy replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24848419. #24848589, #24848784, #24848849, #24848924, #24849489, #24850684 are all replies on the same post. @Shatto - I believe that mod developers should have had the most say on the matter. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Nightasy replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24848419. You and the rest of us that deserved to have an opinion friend. Unfortunately we were opposed against around a 24 thousand to 1 ratio. Unique downloads 422,339,047 Members with files 17,368 That's just the Nexus statistics. Those that should have had a voice were mumbled out by those that in all reality shouldn't have had a voice on the matter. Now watch all the people that didn't deserve an opinion pitch a fit right underneath my post. \/ touched my butt, true story. (Don't lie, that's funny right there.) -
In response to post #24731409. #24731549, #24731554, #24731689, #24732049, #24732184, #24732424, #24765784, #24779599, #24779689, #24781584, #24788094, #24797939, #24801484, #24802179, #24802394, #24804749, #24805954, #24808504, #24813219, #24838234, #24842449 are all replies on the same post. ...deleted this comment cause I was really drunk when I made it, lol.
I've decided that I won't be removing my mods that were here on the Nexus. After giving this matter more thought I decided that while some have shown they don't deserve free mods there are still those that do. Those that do deserve these free mods should not be punished because of what those that don't have done. These mods are my final contributions and I will not be updating them nor releasing anymore free mods. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you have fun with these mods that I gave away out of charity. I wish you all the best of luck. Best Regards, Nightasy
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Nightasy replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I've decided that I won't be removing my mods that were here on the Nexus. After giving this matter more thought I decided that while some have shown they don't deserve free mods there are still those that do. Those that do deserve these free mods should not be punished because of what those that don't have done. These mods are my final contributions and I will not be updating them nor releasing anymore free mods. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you have fun with these mods that I gave away out of charity. I wish you all the best of luck. Best Regards, Nightasy -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Nightasy replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24798859. #24798999, #24799109, #24799114, #24799789, #24800024, #24800839, #24802019, #24802639 are all replies on the same post. @CNR4806 - Oh, I'm not the first and I won't be the last. Artists have rights and no one should be allowed to take them away from us. The anti-paid mod community took away the right to sell mods from us. We need to fight for that freedom of choice. You have the right to choose whether or not do download mods, you have the right to choose whether or not to pay for mods. Artists should have the right to give away their work for free or charge a fee to purchase it. Lastly, thanks for more of your hateful and ungrateful sentiments. They are unwelcome but they continue to prove my points. I have no response towards them, I am done listening to the hate. -
In response to post #24731409. #24731549, #24731554, #24731689, #24732049, #24732184, #24732424, #24765784, #24779599, #24779689, #24781584, #24788094, #24797939, #24801484, #24802394, #24804749, #24805954, #24808504, #24813219, #24838234, #24842449, #24848324 are all replies on the same post. @Tanesis12 - That is looking at the small picture. The reality is that the Purity mod would have generated the mod author over 1000 USD in 5 days alone. You can call that "a quantity of BS" but I call that 1000 USD. I know I could've easily been pulling in a couple hundred bucks a month at the very least. The issue isn't the % that the mod authors were getting. The issue is that we had that right stripped from us. We had an opportunity stolen away from us. The majority of people opposed to paid modding weren't even modders. This is like fighting slavery in that we had no choice before but to offer all our mods for free but once we were given an option to make money it then became a matter of having the right to sell mods. Now this is a matter of our legal rights being taken away from us. We were legally being allowed to sell mods and now it has been made illegal to do so once again. Nobody fought the matter before because no one suspected that Bethesda would support it. Once Bethesda did show that they supported modders selling their work they opened that door. You can't close that door, you just can't. Just like when slavery was made illegal in the north, you couldn't close that door and now slavery is illegal across the country. People should have the right to get paid for their work. Bethesda supports the modders having a right to choose whether or not they want to offer mods for a payment. This is because Bethesda is comprised of artists and artists believe in other artists having the right to sell their work. That is the bare bones of it. This is a fight for artists rights to decide whether or not they want to charge for their work. Art can be free and art can cost money, that's how it should be. That Bethesda and Valve backed off is a shame because they let the fight against artists rights win. They threw modders rights under the bus and didn't stand their ground. That's metaphorically what they did. But freedom of choice wasn't given away over night. It's a matter of fighting for it and I have chosen my side because I am an artist and I believe in artists having rights. We should have the right to chose whether or not we want to sell a mod that we worked hard on and nobody, I MEAN NOBODY, should be allowed to take that right away from us.
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Nightasy replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I'm going to end on this note which I worded to another well-known modder. I've always modded in the past for myself. I made mods I wanted for me and then shared them for free on the Nexus out of pure charity. Yes, I made the mods for selfish reasons but giving them away for free was just me being nice. I’ve even gone a step further with such charity on multiple occasions by catering those mods I gave away to fit the desires of the community. I don’t even use some of the body types I’ve converted my mods to work with but someone asked me to do it and I did. What do we get for being nice? Nothing because nothing was expected as it was entirely an act of charity. We asked for nothing and with the exception of a simple thank you here and there, we got nothing in return. Though for all that charity that we offered and all that free stuff we just gave away, it was not without consequence. We built up and unknowingly supported the mentality that mod developers don't deserve anything and that all mods should be free. This was of course not our intent but that's what we did by releasing our mods out of charity. We are partially to blame for creating this mentality. Since paid modding was taken away, I have taken the time to really consider the events that have transpired over this event. While I had not received any money from paid mods, eventually I would have because my work would have sold, of that I am certain. My free mods would have remained free and I had planned to also release a mod for free ever so often simply out of charity for those who could not afford my paid mods. Also because doing so would help keep the quality of my work well known. Such an act would have been like a trend and I can be fairly certain other authors that offered paid content would have taken to such a practice. I’ve come to the conclusion that the anti-paid mod community just took money out of my pocket. They stole an opportunity for me to make a profit through artwork. That is how I see it and that is exactly what they did. For all my charity, this was the thanks that we modders have received. We had an opportunity to earn money doing something that we love to do but because we were so charitable in the past… the opportunity was ripped from our grasp. Gee, thanks a lot guys and gals... real uncool. My free mods would have always remained free and I would have continued to throw a few more free mods out there from time to time. Now none of my mods are available, not even my free ones. Such charity caused me to lose an opportunity that would have been a ‘dream come true.’ Now it’s not the last you’ve seen of ol’ Nightasy. I’ll still make tutorials and teach people how to make mods. I’ll still continue to answer mod related questions but I won’t be one to give mine away. Not anymore, not after this. You can call it whatever you want but I call it being made aware. Anyone can have any opinion they want about me regarding my stance. I am officially done responding to hate. I am officially done giving away my mods. Until paid modding has returned I will no longer offer free mods. I encourage other mod authors to take the same stance. Until we show that we deserve our freedom to choose we won't be heard. They all had a choice not to buy our mods and we should have a choice to offer them for free or for sale regardless of our percentage of the cut. I will not roll over, I will defend my rights as an artist. -
In response to post #24731409. #24731549, #24731554, #24731689, #24732049, #24732184, #24732424, #24765784, #24779599, #24779689, #24781584, #24788094, #24801484, #24802179, #24802394, #24804749, #24805954, #24808504, #24813219, #24838234, #24842449, #24848324 are all replies on the same post. I'm going to end on this note which I worded to another well-known modder. I've always modded in the past for myself. I made mods I wanted for me and then shared them for free on the Nexus out of pure charity. Yes, I made the mods for selfish reasons but giving them away for free was just me being nice. I’ve even gone a step further with such charity on multiple occasions by catering those mods I gave away to fit the desires of the community. I don’t even use some of the body types I’ve converted my mods to work with but someone asked me to do it and I did. What do we get for being nice? Nothing because nothing was expected as it was entirely an act of charity. We asked for nothing and with the exception of a simple thank you here and there, we got nothing in return. Though for all that charity that we offered and all that free stuff we just gave away, it was not without consequence. We built up and unknowingly supported the mentality that mod developers don't deserve anything and that all mods should be free. This was of course not our intent but that's what we did by releasing our mods out of charity. We are partially to blame for creating this mentality.
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Nightasy replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789, #24744794, #24744929, #24744964, #24744989, #24745004, #24745054, #24745174, #24745279, #24745339, #24745449, #24745494, #24745729, #24745734, #24745839, #24745939, #24746154, #24746294, #24746544, #24746674, #24746704, #24746719, #24747064, #24747169, #24747379, #24747459, #24747514, #24747554, #24747774, #24747799, #24747909, #24748204, #24748329, #24748344, #24748534, #24748849, #24749024, #24749029, #24749224, #24749279, #24749419, #24750314, #24751879, #24752384, #24752494, #24752744, #24753274, #24753624, #24753979, #24754244, #24754444, #24754479, #24754484, #24754654, #24755899, #24761019, #24762099 are all replies on the same post. I have to say I agree with everything you've just said FavoredSoul. I've always modded in the past for myself. I made mods I wanted for me and then shared them for free on the Nexus out of pure charity. Yes, I made the mods for selfish reasons but giving them away for free was just me being nice. I’ve even gone a step further with such charity on multiple occasions by catering those mods I gave away to fit the desires of the community. I don’t even use some of the body types I’ve converted my mods to work with but someone asked me to do it and I did. What do we get for being nice? Nothing because nothing was expected as it was entirely an act of charity. We asked for nothing and with the exception of a simple thank you here and there, we got nothing in return. Though for all that charity that we offered and all that free stuff we just gave away, it was not without consequence. We built up and unknowingly supported the mentality that mod developers don't deserve anything and that all mods should be free. This was of course not our intent but that's what we did by releasing our mods out of charity. We are partially to blame for creating this mentality. Since last night, I have taken the time to really consider the events that have transpired over this past week. While I had not received any money from paid mods, eventually I would have because my work would have sold, of that I am certain. My free mods would have remained free and I had planned to also release a mod for free ever so often simply out of charity for those who could not afford my paid mods. Also because doing so would help keep the quality of my work well known. Such an act would have been like a trend and I can be fairly certain other authors that offered paid content would have taken to such a practice. I’ve come to the conclusion that the anti-paid mod community just took money out of my pocket. That is how I see it and that is exactly what they did. For all my charity, this was the thanks that we modders have received. We had an opportunity to earn money doing something that we love to do but because we were so charitable in the past… the opportunity was ripped from our grasp. Gee, thanks a lot guys and gals... real uncool. My free mods would have always remained free and I would have continued to throw a few more free mods out there from time to time. Now none of my mods are available, not even my free ones. Such charity caused me to lose an opportunity that would have been a ‘dream come true.’ Now it’s not the last you’ve seen of ol’ Nightasy. I’ll still make tutorials and teach people how to make mods. I’ll still continue to answer mod related questions but I won’t be one to give mine away. Not anymore, not after this. You can call it whatever you want but I call it being made aware.