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Everything posted by lewisk664

  1. Hey, I've been looking for a mod to create, and I saw this post and thought it would be cool. I came up with my own idea for a mod similar to this, based off of what you posted, and I wanted to see what you think. I also would like clarification on what you mean when you say "always filled." Do you want the soul gem to be filled once, and keep that strength even after being used to enchant an item(s)? Other than that, I'm not really sure what "always filled" would mean (maybe I'm a bit linear in my thinking.) However, here is what your post led me to conceive: ___A Soul Well___ A stationary container that holds an unlimited amount of souls for enchanting. The well could contain souls via values like: Grand/Black = 25 | Greater = 15 | Common = 9 | Lesser = 5 | Petty = 2.5. The values, of course, could be adjusted to cause little to no preference over which soul gems to buy and use on the well (considering costs from merchants and prevalence in the world) because the well would consume the gem that adds to it. While enchanting with the well, the player could use any of the listed amounts to enchant an item, so, say I put a Grand soul and gem into the well: I could use the power that it provides to enchant 5 items with Lesser quality enchantments, or 10 items with Petty quality enchantments. This would be the soul equivalent of giving somebody money and asking for change in certain amount (2 five dollar bills and 1 ten dollar bill = 1 twenty dollar bill.) Additionally, I was thinking that the well should be placed in the Soul Cairn. This does a few things: --Adds difficulty and investment into obtaining access to the well. --Sets up the possibility of adding quests in the Soul Cairn surrounding the well (perhaps involving Valerica and or Durnehviir?) --Allows the opportunity to add possible a quest(s) involving the Ideal Masters, the creators of the soul well, where the player vies for the permission to use the well (through some quests, or trials that don't directly involve the Ideal Masters.) --Going back and forth to the Soul Cairn is difficult, and or time consuming. A quest that links Azura's Star with the Soul Well would be very practical. The completion of the quest(s) for Azura's Star ^^^ would: A. Allow the player to constantly use the star to claim souls, which would then be instantly kept in the soul well for later use, freeing up Azura's star. B. Allow the player to remotely access the soul well via Azura's Star, allowing the player to use the star to make any quality enchant, provided the well contains enough power. ___________________________________________________________________ I understand this is very in depth, and may be sufficient for a new post, but I wanted to expand upon your idea which brought me to mine. I am not experience in modifying Elder Scroll Games, But I am a Programmer (mainly C# and C++) and I intend to work on this mod to, at the very least, get it started. I wanted to know if this was something similar to what you had in mind or if you'd prefer a much more simplified version of it. Thank you for reading this, as it is my first post on this forum, in all my years of being a member. Any recommendations, ideas, or suggestions about the soul well and/or my capacity for posting to the forum is appreciated. -KeWLGamer
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