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Posts posted by lordbelfast

  1. Hello fellow detectives, I know the base mod for this one is R18PN 02 - Lingerie Set, but I'm interested in finding that altered version. Anyone know how this mod is called and/or where I can find it?


    Thanks :)





  2. Hello fellow detectives, any of you know this mod name and have any idea where I could get it? I've been looking for it on google.jp with my non-existant japanese skills for a while.


    Thanks in advance.


    Edit: Actually nvm guys, I finally managed to find the file through some obscure Chinese website :)

  3. Bethesda made the short-sighted mistake of making the beast races have a special skeleton with tail bones, even though if you replace the normal skeleton with the beast there would be no change at all. That's what that part of armor uses - the tail bones; simply replace skeleton.nif in your data/meshes/characters/_male folder with the skeletonbeast.nif folder, and the problem will be solved.


    Thanks a lot man, it worked.

  4. I installed some new armors recently and one of them modify the skeleton (and also tried to install that cursed moving boobies mod). Now I'm trying an old armor that used to work fine but now I'm getting this. So the question is quite simple, am I getting this bug because the skeleton was modified?


    Thanks in advance.

  5. What is it advertising?


    Some hot sauce called "redhot" that spice things up.


    Other ad at 01.40, a video of 2.34min (wtf) showing a top 10 of the stars of the decade.







  6. I think the rating system is fine. The 1-10 scale give a good idea of the quality, despite the fact that an "ok" mod usually receive a 10. But it's like those who give a 1 because it's not lore friendly... No matter which rating system they'll find, retards will destroy/abuse it. People need to be more critic and use their brain before rating. If you give a 10 say why, if you give a 1 say why. But in the end, I guess it's a matter of common sense.
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