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Everything posted by lordbelfast

  1. Sigh I also only use SKSE for SkyUI... It's amazing how Bethesda managed to mess up the menus that bad...I mean s*** we're in 2012, how can some companies still fail to make practical menus...
  2. I liked the old design better. Sure the new design look fresh and clean, but now all the informations is cluttered/packed in the middle of the page. The window for the latest hot download is way too small.
  3. Hello fellow detectives, I know the base mod for this one is R18PN 02 - Lingerie Set, but I'm interested in finding that altered version. Anyone know how this mod is called and/or where I can find it? Thanks :) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v394/waffen_ss84/nEO_IMG_JIZZ07.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v394/waffen_ss84/nEO_IMG_JIZZ05.jpg
  4. It was a nice move from them, authorizing the fans to use their work. Thanks to them a few nice mods saw the light of the day. :)
  5. The author of this mod (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36954) said to contact Xenoziel in the comments (last page)
  6. Any update on this project? or it's dead for good?
  7. Hello fellow detectives, any of you know this mod name and have any idea where I could get it? I've been looking for it on google.jp with my non-existant japanese skills for a while. Thanks in advance. Edit: Actually nvm guys, I finally managed to find the file through some obscure Chinese website :)
  8. So the 30 sec clips about the COD map-pack that we are forced to watch is supposed to show every time we want to download a file is normal? Or is it supposed to be a one shot thing?
  9. LOL! Now we gotta watch some f***ing ads before being able to choose a server. Now this is pathetic. When do we start paying for files?
  10. I hope it won't be a Fallout with swords & axes. They better get serious in the animation department too.
  11. I installed some new armors recently and one of them modify the skeleton (and also tried to install that cursed moving boobies mod). Now I'm trying an old armor that used to work fine but now I'm getting this. So the question is quite simple, am I getting this bug because the skeleton was modified? Thanks in advance.
  12. Some hot sauce called "redhot" that spice things up. Other ad at 01.40, a video of 2.34min (wtf) showing a top 10 of the stars of the decade. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v394/waffen_ss84/ad03.png Airwick http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v394/waffen_ss84/ad02.png
  13. Here one, took at 20.15, soooo annoying. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v394/waffen_ss84/AD2015.png
  14. So I was trying to find his Barrett M82 and Pipboy Readius and everything is gone, did I miss something?
  15. Nobody thought to do the bsaa armor of Jill in RE5?
  16. Because 5 minutes is not enough to test a mod...
  17. I approve of this new rating system, great idea, but waiting 3 hours to vote is kind of ridiculous.
  18. I think the rating system is fine. The 1-10 scale give a good idea of the quality, despite the fact that an "ok" mod usually receive a 10. But it's like those who give a 1 because it's not lore friendly... No matter which rating system they'll find, retards will destroy/abuse it. People need to be more critic and use their brain before rating. If you give a 10 say why, if you give a 1 say why. But in the end, I guess it's a matter of common sense.
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