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  1. Kittie, I am scared to read your blog because I have spent way too much time running around doing things unrelated to the main quest and I hate spoilers.
  2. Seems the only purpose this thread serves is for me to spam that I updated. If the thread stays like this I guess I will just let it die Oh yeh...new stuff on the blog
  3. I posted an update about my utter lack of blog activity, new stuff is on the way
  4. Won my first solo fight with a dragon, stood up cheered. looked back at the screen just in time to see a lvl 1 wolf one shot me
  5. MrDirty's tip of the day......ALWAYS save after you kill a dragon, because that next wolf might just get ya
  6. I changed the brakes on my truck, cleaned my house, gave the dog a bath,and did dishes........5 and a half hours left.......Im out of stuff to do
  7. To all of you already playing Skyrim.....I hate you. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, I went shopping today and have my ultimate setup, for drinks I have plenty of redbull to keep me awake, and plenty of warsteiner dunkel to keep me drunk. I have soup, sandwiches, pizza rolls, and various other snack foods prepared to keep my belly full, and I restocked the toilet paper in the bathroom (to deal with all the food and drink). You may have gotten there first....but Ill do it better
  8. How does this look like a steam thread? Seems to be mare of a bethesda/game performance thread. 2 things that are unaffected by steam. Unless you are referring to a thread you would find on the steam forums. Then i wouldnt know. I dont really spend any time there
  9. Ill get on that tonight...gotta wear myself out so i can sleep all day thursday
  10. @Delikatessen he hasnt played it. He is just being negative and nothing he says should be taken as fact. Because the truth is NO ONE knows how the PC version will handle. That being said, i am keeping my expectations realistic. Will there be bugs? Probably, but i doubt they will be game breaking, and there is already a day 1 patch ready to launch waiting to fix (im assuming) many of the known bugs.
  11. Having not played the game. I would assume it follows the TES trend of just upping your damage and lowering NPC damage
  12. Lookingback...part 3 is boring andobviously rushed, im removing my deadlines and the story will be up, when it is up...expect completion sometime this weekend.
  13. And part 3 is up. 4th and (should be) final chapter possibly later tonight, more likely tomorrow.
  14. Its ok, Ill be too busy cooking all day thursday (because Im not going to waste my time doing that after Skyrim unlocks). I have to cook enough food to last me for 72 hours. And although they may not be in true Nord fashion, but they will all be big hearty meals that will put hair on your chest (even though mine is already quite hairy)
  15. Check the blog in my signature and you will see the first 2 parts of my characters backstory. Im writing the 3rd part now, and will probably finish up the 4th and final chapter late tonight or tomorrow
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