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Everything posted by EvilTwinz

  1. Thanks for checking this out. Just seems strange that I have never found out what the purpose of this in any of the three DLC's. I guess, this is just another Bethesda unknown?
  2. The ID number is 0010e77b and this Strongbox is South of North Brittleshin Pass. I don't have Dawnguard or Hearthfire DLC checked on just Dragonborn. And I have yet to figure what this plays into Skyrim?
  3. First, I am no expert in this area. But, I have played Skyrim on at least three different laptops in the 12 plus years that I have played. The only save I load is the point where my character runs to either Hadvar or Ralof. So, that I can avoid the same wagon ride to Helgen..................From there it is either I am a Stormcloak or Imperial or neither just a Rogue. But no other game saves from another PC. I don't know if that is a good idea. Well, I don't know if that helps or not but good luck!
  4. In all the times I have gone through a Skyrim play through I have never found any explanation of what this was for.Has anyone ever seen this and found out what's up with this? It is bloody area & strongbox, off the road, Southeast of Fort Greymoor. Since,I haven't encountered a quest or anything,this is just a curiosity more than anything.
  5. I can't remember who the mod author was even though I have the mod but I didn't label it after I downloaded it some years ago. Does anyone know who the mod author was?
  6. Well,that's my hope,..........................Otherwise how do we connect with the mod creators?
  7. Can anybody tell me if they have this grass or whatever this is in their game? I have tried removing grass from my ini file and even deleting the grass folders in my meshes & texture folders in landscape. I am unable to get rid of it everywhere in my game,except if I click on it and type 'disable'. Which is going to take a long time............. :- ( Any suggestion would be appreciated........... ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Thank you for the links to some mods to fix this issue. The first two I had downloaded in 2022 but, I just recently moved across state and I was missing two extended HD with mods that I have downloaded before. When I went to the linked sights I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had downloaded them before and they had worked. Thank you rodr1ss.................. :- )
  8. I have a mod that I have been using since 2013 and I am curious as to whom the mod creator was. It has two options: Face Lift Other or Face Lift Marriage Followers. Both have three files:a bsa.,bsl. &esp. I have not found a mod that improves the faces of vanilla NPC's as easy as this one does. When I downloaded it from Nexus in say 2013 I didn't make a folder and keep the original zip or winrar file with the authors name as I do for the last 7 years. I have tried to google it with no luck. Does anyone ever know of this mod or have the authors name?
  9. Thank You for alerting me and others to the issue that you stated. I appreciate that in spite what others here have posted. I can only imagine the mega task that you all have trying to monitor and secure your site. I have already updated my account password 30 days ago but, I added the Authy app to my iPhone and the 2FA today. Thank you ,again Nexus for alerting me and others! :- )
  10. I will certainly be looking forward to moving out of the desert..................I can hardly wait for your release!
  11. I like your concept as stated. I agree with Asaforg's statement,too!
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