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  1. Anyone, please? I'd really like to find a solution to this, I can't find a tutorial specifically relating to water; which is the only thing I'm really unable to figure out. I also realize I didn't do a very good job detailing what I'm trying to accomplish... My aim is to add a purified pool of water in the cave; the issue is however, is that the cave's floor surface isn't flat; thus if I move it right to the ground or press F - it floats, or it'll only show a very small portion since it's contouring the texture to the floor's texture. So, what I'd like to do is, have a pool of water a few feet above the cave floor's texture; of which won't simply float in mid-air and look horrible.
  2. Surely one could take the ruins of DC and modify an actual good storyline, let's be frank here...yes Bethseda did a good job with the ruined architecture in Fallout 3; however they can't write stories at all these days (Oblivion was just as bad, I couldn't even finish the main storyline...one too many redundant hellgates.) I enjoyed the architecture of the DC ruins in Fallout 3, but frankly that was all I enjoyed...I'm glad they hired the Black Isle devs to write for them.
  3. I haven't tried editing faces yet, I've been mainly editing interiors...but yes, so far GECK is a piece of crap. Can't believe how awful this editor is so far.
  4. I'm working on another Goodsprings Cave home, and I'm trying to add the nvwaterround to deemed area. Is there any way that I can scale the depth? I'm aware of how to simply scale the object with S, but that's not what I need. My first thought was to duplicate the water then lower/raise them on-top of each other, but it looks sloppy and causes unnecessary frames. Also, oh my god...GECK crashes way too much. Somehow I doubt this is the same editor they used...
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