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Everything posted by AnotherAverageName

  1. Spencer was perplexed something was missing...someone was missing..."The girl! Wheres the girl! She was with him!" The soldiers had no idea what he was talking about " There was another prisoner! Where is she!?"
  2. Spencer followed the guards who were dragging Mariner to a stone room where Tiruveil sat on a bed with many bandages, He remained silent and folded his arms waiting for the punishment for the unlucky prisoners to be spoke.
  3. "Tiruveil, get out of here, Ill deal with the vermin..." He managed to grab onto Mariners collar as he ran away. He collapsed onto a pile of leaves gasping.. He whispered "Try not to do anything stupid" He kicked him in his face has hard as he could and walked away constantly turning his head.
  4. He breathed heavily avoiding Scarlets gaze "Look if you leave and never return I will let you...well...go free....but please let go of her now!" He gripped his sword "Just get out! Leave! Or...or with magic and weapon you will fall!"
  5. Spencer gasped "Please just don't harm her! Or, or I...will be forced to attack, and trust me you don't like me when I'm angry!" "Get out of here and never return or you will never return home!"
  6. He lowered his sword slightly."You have gone too far now! I demand you please! Let go of Tiruveil and maybe I will show mercy!"
  7. "What have you done with Tiruveil! You are monsters! Criminals like you deserve to be put out of there misery!" "You attack us then attack innocent individuals you will learn respect!" He un-sheathed his sword and smiled.
  8. "Well, well, well what do we have here? Ahhh, the prisoners......may I ask you what your doing OUT of the cage in which you belong?" He raised his brow "You don't intend on escaping do you now?"
  9. Charcter sheets: Class: Battle-Mage (approved) Name: Spencer Carbonnel Age:33 Race:Human Appearance: Pale skin, dark green eyes, dark windswept hair, height: 1.8meters 11 stone.Wears burgundy robes with turtle neck collar-similar to apostle robes with a lot more decoration-. Also carries a small staff (sceptre) Background: Spencer was born in Gondor but found it very stressful especially with his cruel parents. He left home as soon as he could learned the arcane arts and developed his sword skill and so repelled any evil beings that may seek to destroy his life. Personality: (wanted to add) Kind, understanding, protective and sympathetic . Faction: Good
  10. Salathia never showed any respect or kindness towards Eylandria and never really cared to. She believed that she was not to be trusted. They never talked to each other but they occasionally glanced at each other in disagreement. She spent many hours in chamber hoping that they would never cross on darker circumstances than a simple meeting.
  11. Salathia remained in her city as she was not invited to the meeting. She slowly emerged from a set of curtains onto a small balcony overseeing the city. Her people were screaming and shouting in happiness. When her citizens finally ceased to shout she paused then said "Thank-you good citizens! I do not deserve such praising!" She paused " I am here to announce that another meeting of the gods has passed, but I could not make it. For this I am ashamed, which is why I am officially opening the Salathian Emporium!" They all applauded, " As your leader it is my duty to keep you safe, which is why I have fortified our walls with great sentries and barricades. I thank you for your patience and I bid you all farewell!"
  12. God sheet: Name: Salacia Age: 122 Sphear: Prosperity People- Her city mainly consists of great merchants, successful sailors and wealthy citizens. Her people live in a bright blissful city next to a great ocean.(similar to Anvil but A LOT nicer) Her people pay much attention to her and her statues are dotted around the city especially in shops. Although it is filled with good people, outside the city walls are drug dealers and fences. Her town is very grand and has great emporiums and tremendous houses. The citizens are happy and filled with content. They are often negotiable and highly welcoming for any buyers who may wander towards the city. Pretty much everyone in her city prospers greatly! Avatar:She has long chestnut brown wavy hair, green eyes and lots of jewels. Keeps a pet scorpion often seen with a peacock .She wears a golden coloured robe (egyptian styled) detailed boots sometimes seen wearing a circlet or crown. Background: All Salacia ever wanted was a thriving city of her own and a great alliance with similar gods. She only ever liked a few select gods and showed nothing but disdain to those who where evil. She always wanted to take the diplomatic path but she has been forced to take action very occasionally. Flaws: With her obsession of her city she has become very absent minded of the outside world.... She occasionally takes the cowards option of bribing.... Some of her alliances are weak. Personality: Salacia, is a generous and kind goddess, great at conversations, and hospitable.
  13. I would rather be a coward than a Brute. You are filled with bitterness Nord! It infects you like a disease. Choose your decisions wisely.
  14. I would rather be a coward than a Brute. You are filled with bitterness Nord! It infects you like a disease. Choose your decisions wisely.
  15. I would rather be a coward than a Brute. You are filled with bitterness Nord! It infects you like a disease. Choose your decisions wisely.
  16. I would rather be a coward than a Brute. You are filled with bitterness Nord! It infects you like a disease. Choose your decisions wisely.
  17. I would rather be a coward than a Brute. You are filled with bitterness Nord! It infects you like a disease. Choose your decisions wisely.
  18. I would rather be a coward than a Brute. You are filled with bitterness Nord! It infects you like a disease. Choose your decisions wisely.
  19. I would rather be a coward than a Brute. You are filled with bitterness Nord! It infects you like a disease. Choose your decisions wisely.
  20. I would rather be a coward than a Brute. You are filled with bitterness Nord! It infects you like a disease. Choose your decisions wisely.
  21. I would rather be a coward than a Brute. You are filled with bitterness Nord! It infects you like a disease. Choose your decisions wisely.
  22. The fact is I have Skyraphobia I am not a person of Nords these people attacked me for sitting down! You have given me a terrible impression.
  23. Selene you are the General of....these....MEN? I thought someone of a higher stature would lead an army of people not things.
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