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  1. I hope that third person is forced. Otherwise I know I will use first person. Don't know why. I think that you can turn to werewolf after completed one quest related to it. (once per day) And that ring. It allows you to transform (once per day again) But if you do both, its twice per day. (pretty nice anyway?) More kills = longer transformation.
  2. There was some "goblinish" Well, actually -mer style weapon. (can't remember which -mer race it was) Little like organic look.
  3. I sure hope there is. Imagine areas after 200 hours of gameplay. Nothing left to kill. ;_________; except random dragons.
  4. I've been thinking about "dragon" mage. Heavy use of dragon shouts, otherwise its just mage. Maybe some kinda melee weapon so I can defend myself in melee fight? Or maybe just pure mage. Vampirism, maybe. (I like the way how vampirism negative effects are in skyrim, check wiki for them)
  5. NO. I HATE it when game studios ruin games with coop. Too many games ruined with it. Of course it might be "little extra" to original game. But I always have bad connection, I don't want that my game is kinda ruined because "Ultimateuberninja has joined game" And its not just the connection, but it is just annoying. Especially it wouldnt be good in this kinda sandbox game.
  6. "honey, I just came back from my dragon killing spree, now where's my beer and sammich?"
  7. I'm pretty sure that you will know once it is able for pre-load. Besides, I check my steam more often than e-mail.
  8. 00:12, dragon killing another one. I wonder if one of these is the one you can get as "companion". (I understanded it so that it like kills some enemies and goes away, maybe with shout?)
  9. Wow. This is actually pretty nice. And I don't even like rap. +10000 internets to one who made this
  10. I think it was like that in footage videos.
  11. I am also going for something that little looks like me. (no khajits or argonians, no not racistic.) Khajits and argonians are cool, but I just can't play them myself, not sure why. Gonna go for nord or bosmer, depends wich one looks better
  12. I think you can add weapons to slot 1 or 2. Then you can somehow scroll trough your weapons in 1 and 2 slots, and choose what you need. Not sure if there is some kinda one button equip thingy.
  13. I'm pretty sure there is no perks for werewolfs. And that is good. I guess that werewolf is very hard to kill? And with that ring you can turn into werewolf twice a day. Wich is nice.
  14. This. "I'm unable to play any other games" TF 2, I just keep dying all the time. Rage, meh. could try fallout tomorrow..
  15. This day. It's been pain. When I try to play anything, I am not any good at all. When I try to just derp around internet. Its boring. y u no be friday
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