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It's my birthday, does that mean I win??
In response to post #55327268. #55327833, #55328543 are all replies on the same post. Not having any issues with the FORUMS without javascript. And as long as I have the cookie stating that I'm logged in I'm able to make posts without any problems.
In response to post #55257103. #55257298, #55258328, #55258513, #55258928, #55259153, #55259388, #55259853, #55305193, #55330208 are all replies on the same post. You missed the other problem I listed. Things formatted for the new site don't translate well back to the old site and neither does translating old content to the new. But in terms of cost, imagine performing all the changes twice. Which means twice the work and I do mean twice the work. Fixing a bug one one system only to have to turn around and fix it on another. HTML / JS don't have inheritance. There are ways to setup dynamic css code to try and manipulate the data being displayed but that has to be run on your end. It does exist and content creators have already released at least one version of this and posted a link in this forum. It would be nice if nexusmods actually just made a mobile version of the site. Facebook has this. And while I know facebook has a lot larger market share and can afford to pay for a lot more features, facebook even has an app that just manipulates the data being requested to present the information on the screen differently (again user side) but it's not hard to make something like this. And to give you an idea about what this can be compared to, it's basically a fomod installer or a robot/spider crawling the webpages for information. Find this tag, put content in this location. Formatting of a description that a content creator posts would need new and stricter guidelines to make this change better but I think that's reasonable and can be solved with thumbnails. Since I don't think Dark has any intention of having an app and instead intends on making a higher resource cost website (1 page on the new site is considerably larger than the old site [data caps//internet speed] and takes more memory to run) I don't see a possible solution. But I think an App + some UI tweaks would have been better than this dramatic overhaul. Even the last change wasn't this big of a difference.
nexusmods having problems with their file preview for various archive types. New and old site. What's gonna on?
In response to post #55327268. Aw come on! For one this is bad information, as it removes all gifs not just the animated ones. And if it's really that bad you can just browse the forum site on Lynx.
In response to post #55312758. #55315588, #55315883, #55321803 are all replies on the same post. I think the problem with the click vs mouse over options are hard, because there are so many links on the page now that finding a place to click to close the menu can be troublesome. The readability thing have been brought up and well kinda ignored. Even siting creditable arguments to it like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/578059/studies-on-optimal-code-width The best solution for this actually lies with resizing the window to provide a friendlier environment on your eyes. At least that was Dark's response to the problem. But that causes problems with formatting that a mod author might go through to get around this re-design. A lot of them are very good at finding what is appealing to the eye so it would stand to reason that they may do some fancy stuff to get around this. Another issue it causes is that content that can tell you what game you're viewing at just a glance is no longer visable which is a problem for mod authors who don't take the time to change the links from their oldrim mods when porting them to SSE which I've run into with two different authors but caught it after I had already spent a good 20 minutes continuing to view and download content that would crash my game. And with the new layout SSE and Oldrim don't even have a different background anymore while on the old site, you can still clearly see the difference.
In response to post #55321213. 1) try performing a clean install of your manager. When prompted how to handle nxm links, indicate you want the mod manager to handle them. This should overwrite any settings you may have screwed up, you might not have screwed anything up but this is here to get you to where you need to be. 1b NMM) No really, perform a clean install with the current version of NMM, if you have 63.14, you're wrong. Go get the 63.17 version, a link is provided in the post just below this (or above this) depending on your viewing settings (I posted it). 1b MO) if you are using mod organizer make sure you are using the correct version indicated so nexusmods doesn't turn you down. 0.63.17 is the current version. 2) I'm not entirely sure this matters. I think NXM is a UDP which is the same as the HTTPS download manually, don't exactly have wireshark installed right now to check, even if it was was TCP, you would have such a high interference, your post to this site wouldn't be readable (it barely is anyways but it makes sense). Both have the same maximum speed of 1mb/s. I am actually kidding about "needing the github" version. 14 technically works fine.
In response to post #55297103. #55305533, #55307703, #55310663 are all replies on the same post. https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager Just because sarcasm is difficult to understand on the internet. The github repo clearly states 63.17
In response to post #55297103. #55305533, #55307703 are all replies on the same post. 100% serious. Everything on the internet is true.
Here's a suggestion: Allow me to order my favorite games. Alphabetical suck. If myspace did that, Tom wouldn't even be a metric on the top 8.
In response to post #55305648. I'm one of the 44% that are using the new site and don't like it. But I'm trying to make it better with feedback. I also want to point out that the old site is the default. "nexusmods.com" is the old version and doesn't force the user to switch. There is an annoying button at the top that even the old.nexusmods.com has plastered on it. I don't think they'll release an unfinished product, they don't have a publishing company racing to make a return on the investment... But then there's Fallout 4 which took 5 years and is plagued with bugs, Starcraft 2 which is mostly bug free but has a limited game engine (supporting very small files in comparison to other games) and took 10 years, and HalfLife 3 which according to a Fallout 4 cartoon, is still in development in 2077.
In response to post #55304988. The site addresses are the same except put the prefix "rd" in front of nexusmods.com all the directories on the site are still the same. So rd.nexusmods.com/fallout3/news13353 is the same as nexusmods.com/fallout3/news13353. You could also do some network hack to forward you to rd.nexusmods.com and if the site doesn't return anything to then forward you to nexusmods.com (this would indicate that the change is final). This will cause pages to load slower though. Would be really cool to see the rd site to be the 'beta' version of the site after this is moved to the stable release. It could seriously just forward the person to the new version but Dark would need to be the one to make this change.
In response to post #55297103. Why isn't this fixed yet?! It's been three and a half hours for a typo that was pointed out. And still during believable working hours!
In response to post #55257103. #55257298, #55258328, #55258513, #55258928, #55259153, #55259388, #55259853 are all replies on the same post. This was already answered by staff, moderators, admins (Dark), already. They will not be keeping the old design as the cost to maintain both versions of the site is "too costly" The other problem with that is formatting issues for content creators between old and new site.
In response to post #55274993. #55279503, #55279608, #55282488, #55284263 are all replies on the same post. I've installed the change you made but I'm not noticing a difference comparing the site side by side. To hide the images with ublock continuously, you can add a wildcard after the thumbnail directory you can add this to your filters in ublock https://rd.nexusmods.com/mods/trackingcentre||staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/*/images/thumbnails/*$image If the option doesn't become available in the final release you can change the filter to https://nexusmods.com/mods/trackingcentre||staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/*/images/thumbnails/*$image