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Everything posted by firydoom3

  1. For some reason i am having an issue when in dialogue my character doesn't display subtitles, it wasn't a big deal up until I started using grim, which is unvoiced and the only way you can get the information from talking is through your characters subtitles, I have tried turning off all my UI mods but that doesn't seem to fix the issue, does anyone know of a mod that can cause the issue, or could something unrelated be causing it?
  2. Like i said i tested it with a clean save and only those larger texture mods installed, none of them have esps Intel 15-4690 Processor EVGA GTX 970 GPU 16 gb DDR3 ram Asus Maximus VII motherboard SanDisk 120 gb solid state drive (Main Drive) Seagate 2TB Platter Disc drive (Secondary Drive, where Fallout 4 is installed)
  3. As I said, I uninstalled all of my mods and used a fresh install and found out the the problem is specifically caused by any of the larger texture mods. The base game works fine, and smaller, more specific texture mods don't seem to cause problems, its defiantly the larger ones. I would have to assume it's either that my game is running off a platter disc drive, or that particular update is causing it (although if it were the update you would think a lot more people would be having the problem and complaining to get it fixed)
  4. For some reason whenever I install any larger texture mods like FlaconOil's mod, Langley's Texture Workshop, or Grafix, I seem to get an issue where textures fail to load properly and some meshes don't load in exterior cells (Doesn't effect interior cells though), Lasting about 10 minutes in pretty much anywhere I go (Example: In Concord, most of the buildings don't load, and the ones that do are extremely low-res and i can walk straight through them.) After hours of testing and a number of clean installs I know that the texture mods are the problem. Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a solution? Also if need be I can post my PC Specs.
  5. So I really screwed up and installed cut weapon mods restored's new version without following the update instructions and it has broken my game (CTD on startup), I also deleted the old version so I don't have it, does anyone have 2.5 so I can fix my game? I know it's asking a lot but I'm desperate.
  6. I found out the issue was related to the game not being installed on my C drive, and sadly i can't fix it as my c drive SSD is far to small for skyrim
  7. I recently installed skyrim after getting a new pc, and after installing the unofficial skyrim patch I noticed that some of my games sounds weren't playing like weapon impacts and the music, to make sure it was USKP I even did a clean install with no other mods but the USKP and a new save to no avail. Has anyone else had this issue and maybe know a way to fix it?
  8. well, like i said its my brother's copy, he bought it, its his computer, so i have to abide by his rules, its disappointing that they designed it that way, but i understand, i guess its first person or nothing then
  9. Thank you, and this is really helpful, but i have to have something i can turn off as I'm playing my brothers copy and he doesn't want a an over the shoulder view. I guess the search goes on.
  10. just wondering if there is a mod to put the camera over your shoulder when using a bow in third person, the overhead view makes it impossible for me to aim but i want to play in third person. I looked all over and couldn't find one, anyone know if one exists?
  11. its cool, I found a "closer to the original" underwear replacer mesh under the optional files for exeter's UNP female armor replacer
  12. that will work, but i was hoping for something less modern
  13. I was wondering if anyone made a underwear mesh for the UNP body, I have looked everywhere but can't find one. if anyone has seen one can you give me a link, or if there isn't one, is there a suitable mod i can use a substitute. i don't mean to bug but i want to get the body so can use some of the armor mod made for it, but don't want every female character i kill to be dead and naked on the ground if i loot her stuff.
  14. Finally found the stupid thing, thanks for the help everyone.
  15. I am still having a very hard time finding this bear. I tried turning off UL Ancient Yews and Rolling Hills to see if they were interfering but i still can't find the stupid thing. I know of three lakes near her house. Lake Rumare, Lake Pepper, And a medium sized unnamed lake right beside her house. Could you tell me which is the right lake, then when i get there is there anything to signal that the bear is there, like some objects or landmarks. Please help, I am really tired of using Fred.
  16. Just let me say this. I don't care about spoilers and really just want to find this bear so i can switch back to Atkavir. So if someone can tell me the name of the lake, where it is, and what i am looking for when i get there, the help would be very much appreciated.
  17. These files are not in my oblivion folder, I have searched for them but they are not there. I am not sure anyone understands what the problem is (I probably didn't explain it very well.) so i will explain again. I put the files into their designated folders and clicked on OBSE loader. The screen turned black for a few seconds, to signal it was starting, but cut off before it even reached the the logo screens (Bethesda, 2K, etc.) Is there any reason it would just cause oblivion to not start at all.
  18. Recently i downloaded the sentient weapon mod and i am on Fred's quest, but no matter how hard i look i can't find this bear that Fred is talking about. I checked near lake rumare and the small lake to the south east but no matter how hard i look i can't find it. can someone give me some details of where it is.
  19. I don't have liquid water installed yet. I was trying to get OBGE to work first. OBGE never created the ini because oblivion would not start.
  20. I did delete the old OBGE and installed the C++ Runtime library dependencies awhile before i had even gotten OBGE v.3. I needed them for a ps2 emulator. unless the mods get wet and Natural environments use it then screen effects is the only mod. I manually installed screen effects. and i do have the latest OBSE.
  21. I recently downloaded the Oblivion Graphics Extender (OBGE) v.3 so that i could later download OBGE liquid water, but after installing it, when i start the game it just goes to a black screen then goes back to the desktop. I uninstalled the only OBGE mod i was using, screen effects, wich i only had for bladesong. here is my log Hooked: kernel32.dll Hooked: kernel32.dll Hooked: user32.dll Hooked: d3dx9_27.dll Hooked: d3dx9_43.dll Detoured GetRenderedSurfaceParameters(); succeeded Replacing the built-in shaders. Detoured GetShaderBinary(); succeeded Detoured LoadTextureFile(); succeeded Init: D3D9.DLL queried. Init: D3D9.DLL loaded. Init: Took over Direct3DCreate9. OD3D9: Driver queried from 0x018776d7 OD3D9: Driver 0x01ac6258 constructed from 0x01877643 (1 drivers available) OD3D9: Driver 0x01ac6258 destructed from 0x0187d7c5 (0 drivers left) OD3D9: Driver queried from 0x018776b8 OD3D9: Driver 0x01ac6258 constructed from 0x01877643 (1 drivers available) OD3D9: Device queried from 0x0076a547 OD3D9: Device 0x01ac6388 constructed from 0x0187d8bb (1 devices available) Loading texture (data\textures\shaders/unbound.dds) Pre Hook RESZ not supported. Failed to create buffer texture (INTZ). Failed to create buffer texture (DF24). Failed to create buffer texture (DF16). Depth buffer texture (RAWZ) (640,480) created OK. Depth buffer attached OK. 3 Setting IsRAWZflag.
  22. I was walking along Lake Mead and found an abandoned fishing shack. I walked in, picked up a few items like a pugilism illustrated, i walked to the door, clicked to leave, and it crashed. Now every time i load and try to leave it crashes. can anyone help.
  23. Just to tell you fallout 3, fallout NV, and Oblivion are glitchy games. With games that big you going to run into some major bugs sometimes. I can't tell you exactly what your problem is, but sometimes it happens, I should know, I had to remake many of my fallout and oblivion files.
  24. Just to say i started using A8 and it didn't make a noticeable difference either because the problem is mostly hardware issues, but as i said i have noticed a big difference because of the program Extra Ram
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