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Nexus Mods Profile

About Wyrdfire

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  1. I'm quite late, but happy birthday! :D
  2. Special relativity holds as much water as Star Trek physics :D

    Galileo discovered SR, and Hasenöhrl derived E=mc2 without the SR theory, before Einstein. Um. Now where's that quantum cavitation engine I was working on?

  3. YAY! You're back! *MANHUGZ* XD
  4. I still never got my hands on the book you mentioned to me in the past on quantum mind, though I have been reading "The Physics of Star Trek." It's a cool read!
  5. Ello :) Hope you're doing okay.
  6. Hi Cheesey hiiii :P
  7. HELLO! ( ゚ヮ゚)
  8. Well, son of a... hope your life gets better, son. Come back if ya need us. Tah. :(
  9. I thought that was Klonoa (I have two games with him for my GameBoy emulator). Too bad my mind is a swirling maelstrom of madness (thus sweeping you into a world of darkness and insanity)! :P
  10. Thanks for the kudos!
  11. ROFL xD i can imagine the poor guy trying to play his 360 without cables and without his underwear on :P
  12. You like my college dorm story? I have a ton of those already, haha. There was this one time last year when my friend scared his girlfriend on Halloween, so to get revenge, she stole his bed mattress. Then my friend took his girlfriend's mattress and her roommate's mattress. So finally, I suggested for her second revenge to take his underwear and take his 360 video cables. It happened!
  13. *sings* "yeeeaaaeeeaaah, cut right into meee"...

    sorry you're feeling down. why not tell me something that makes you irrationally angry?

    or... uh, do you want some of my dessert? it's vanilla ice cream served with banana-mango syrup :-9

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