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About wolfehunter

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  1. Thanks nexus and gog for this opportunity.
  2. I've had some issues with new Nexus Mod Manager. Some of the mods don't open up for custom settings properly. NMM v0.55.8 worked great. This new one didn't transition my mods properly. I'm trying to redo my collection but some of them don't work properly and show properly for the custom settings. dunno why I don't get any errors. I just might revert back to older nmm if I can't figure this out. For example Calientes Beautiful bodies Edition -CBBE- installs mod but doesn't goto custom setting up? I don't know which of its features are being installed? Static Mesh improvements mod did work properly and shows the options you can configure the mod. but Ruins clutter improved didn't work. It just installed, without choices. Sorry guys first time I've had to post any issue with your latest Nmm. I'll keep on tinkering with it till I'll figure something out. :smile: Updated: Ok what I did to get it to work was reinstalling NMM 0.56.1 over 0.60.8 and it showed my mods still active. So you have to remove active mods before you guys upgrade 0.60. Then upgrade and reactivate the mods. At least now for me they're showing the options for the mods during the install. Update 2: Yes you have to disable all the mods before you update to the lastest NMM versions. It works but I still have a few mods not installing correctly but most of them work. There should be a warning for this before they update to the newer version. Older Nmm isn't compatible. For some reason if you just update from earlier version to this 0.60.8 it doesn't disable the mods. Even if you click on disabling them in the newer version they're still active for some reason. Sadly best is todo a clean install. Alot of work if you have it already setup perfectly.. If you guys don't want to do the work again I suggest don't update yet.
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