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About QuestionClaw

  1. Evereyone is telling me that Skyrim is awesome, that it is a perfect game, highly addictive, etc. So I bought it to see for myself if it was the big deal as everybody says. Wasted money. Skyrim is one of the lamest games I've had the disgrace of playing. First of all, the price. Absurdly high. The title screen is disgustingly minimalistic, a meaningless logo of a dragon that remsembles the Sims logo. The gameplay is horribly complicated, I have to pause every five seconds to change my weapon, and the FPS view mixed with the third person view is stupid and hard to control. The animations are slow and look weird, and the grphic design is decadent. I've seen better graphics in Wii games. The music is repetitive and cliche'd. Finally, the Dragon Language reminds me of satanic tongues. I came to this forum to express the disapointment this game represents to me. If this is the future of gaming industry, I don't wanna consider myself a gamer anymore. I'll stick with the traditional games, friendly for the entire family.
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