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About nic1357890

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    United Kingdom
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    skyrim, various fighting games on GGPO/xbox live.

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  1. Daggers are fine, sneak attacks would be rediculous with more damage. Also kindly STOP constantly bumping this thread, it's not allowed here.
  2. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1269 Youre welcome.
  3. Is there a point to this or did you literally make a thread just to tell everyone that your computer can run Skyrim on high settings?
  4. Exactly how is this discussing Skyrim?
  5. look in skyrimprefs.txt if it says iDifficulty=4 then change it to 1 2 or 3
  6. Reading comprehension sir, try it. To answer the question, yes you will have far higher armor rating with heavy/light armor 100 as opposed to heavy/light armor 15, with or without perks.
  7. yea i dont understand why this is gone. Although in oblivion it did mean a disposition drop each time the shopkeeper refused your price offer. Not sure how disposition works in Skyrim (if at all) but at the very least there could be a system where if you haggle too much the shopkeeper finally says "take it or leave it final offer"
  8. But Bethesda aren't guilty of retconning with Skyrim. The only game in which they at least partially did that is with Oblivion. Looks to me like some people didnt play Daggerfall/Morrowind and now they have this idea in their heads of how TES elves "should" look.
  9. How can they ruin their own lore, they created it, they decide what direction it goes in and your personal dislike is never going to change that. And then there are the posters in this topic saying that its a "problem" that needs "fixing". Really, if you see the art direction in Elder Scrolls as a broken part of the games then maybe you should be playing something else.
  10. why do people complain about level scaling so much? its funny because Fallout new vegas came out and then everyone complained there wasnt enough level scaling. No pleasing some people.
  11. My main concerns so far- Smithing/Enchanting/Alchemy are broken if you put a little time into them. Dragons are mainly nonsense, very easy to kill, giants and those yeti things are far too hard in comparison. Sneaking is overpowered with a little points invested into it. Every magic school is missing at least 1 fundamental (im not even talking about Levitation or anything broken) spell from previous games. Alteration unlock spell for example. Weather transitions are still way too fast (instant snowstorms) They made raindrops affect rivers but not npc's No footprints in snow Nights and dungeons still far too bright
  12. Yes, it is dark and depressing. Skyrim's foundations are by and large a frozen wasteland, obviously habitable but not exactly temperate. Which suits me right down to the ground. I'm not going to complain about Oblivion's landscape, because Cyrodil is a lush part of Tamriel with nice warm summers, but i did find myself missing Morrowind's feeling of exploring an unknown, dangerous part of the world. Skyrim has brought this feeling back quite nicely.
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