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Everything posted by Plutoman101

  1. Number 1 goes hand in hand quite well with an expanded perk list. Number 2 sounds good in theory, but will probably pose many more problems than it'd fix.
  2. By virtue of TESSnip, I have some access to files to create simple scripts. Generally, anything outside of simple number changes is outside of the range of what's possible, because the Skyrim.esm lacks descriptions for much of the files (or the editor can't comprehend them). The strings are all incomprehensible. But there are certain things that can be done, some of which has been done. (TL;DR = skip to last line) Notably, here's some examples; fBribeSpeechcraftMult - the multiplier for speechcraft onto bribe checks. fSpecialLootMinZoneLevelMult <-- Set to 1. fSpecialLootMaxZoneLevelMult <-- Set to .4. fSpecialLootMinPCLevelMult <-- Set to .6. fSpecialLootWeighting <-- Set to a float value of 4? I was unsure of what this represented - a 4% chance? Most of the multipliers tended towards decimals - a 50% increase would be recorded as a 1.5 value. Help is welcome. fEnchantmentPointsMult <-- Set to .12. fEnchantmentEffectPointsMult <-- Set to 8. fAITrespassWarningTimer <-- Set to 5. Assuming that's seconds or some other timer - sort've how long giants will stand there shaking their hands at you before attacking. iArrowInventoryChance <-- Set to 33, as 33% I'd guess. fEnchantingSkillFactor <-- Set to 1.25. Multipler for how the skill affects enchanting? There's other skill factors, too - alchemy, and others. fTrainingMultCost <-- Set to 10. Since training moves at 10 apiece, I'd guess it's related to that. fKnockbackTime <-- Set to .3. fEssentialDeathTime <-- Set to 20. 20 seconds until an essential gets up. fMoveEncumEffect <-- Set to .3. The multiplier on speed when encumbered? fSweetSpotVeryHard <-- Set to 1.875. As the difficulty goes down (for lockpicking), the number gets higher. I'd guess it's the size of the sweet spot. fSkillUsageLockPickVeryHard <-- Set to 13. Lower difficulties are lower numbers, not sure what it's for. fMagicCasterSkillCostMult <-- Set to .5. Not sure what this is for. fMagicSkillCostScale <-- Also set to .5. fAIShoutMinAimSeconds <-- Set to 2. AI setting for how long they take to aim before using a shout? iHoursToRespawnCellCleared <-- Set to 720, self explanatory - 30 in-game days. fJumpHeightMin <-- Set to 76. Could be minimum jump height. fNPCHealthLevelBonus <-- Set to 5. Not a clue. fMagicDualCastingEffectivenessBase = 2.2. fMagicDualCastingTimeMult = 1. fMagicDualCastingCostMult = 2.8. These are crucial for dual casting, 2.8 is the multiplier for the cost, the casting time is the same as original spells, and it does 2.2x the damage. fLeveledActorMultVeryHard = 1.25. No clue. fStaminaAttackWeaponBase = 20. Stamina used for attacks. fCombatStaminaRegenRateMult = .35. Stamina regenerates at 35% the original rate during combat. fSkillUseCurve = 1.95. Not really sure what the curves do. I'd assume it's some kind of exponential curve y = x^1.95 power, but I don't know how it affects things. XP rewards for picking locks/other stuff. Strangely, either the tessnip is screwed up.. or Bethesda screwed up, because there's XP rewards for hacking computers. And for kills. And I don't think you get rewarded for a kill, but only for the hits and spells cast.. unless you get a bonus for whatever did the final kill? There's also a mine disarm experience. Lots of gun stuff, too. <_< That's the majority of it, there's some other stuff but it's either related to the above or I didn't think it was worthwhile to copy it all over. You can ask me if it's there, I'll try and find it, but don't get your hopes up. There's multipliers relating to blocks, and other combat stuff, too - if anyone's interested. There's perk information, but I'm unable to decipher what it is. There's different effect types, and I can, by contrasting and comparing, determine what much of them are, but how to change all of it is beyond me. Numbers can be changed, though - generally multipliers are pretty simple. So, what do people want done with these variables? Anything in particular?
  3. I thought the choice was great. :/ I rather enjoyed having leveling feel fun. In oblivion, a level didn't mean anything. All it meant was that you had higher skills. All I felt like it was, was grinding skills till I hit the 25, 50, 75 mark and etc. Because there was very little change. Access to new spells? Great, thanks. The game feels much more involved and leveling feels more fluid and dynamic. I would like to see more perks, and a distribution of different sets - combat and non-combat perks, which you get one point for each side on every level up.
  4. This line - uGridsToLoad=11 I'm assuming that's the problem.
  5. Ehh, that's pretty pathetic. I've never played WoW or anything like that, my experience with Curse has been positive from Guild Wars Guru. The site moved to Curse a while back, which was flexible and helpful to them in getting it set up. Same with some of the wiki stuff. However, seeing the constant adverts is frustrating. It's one thing to be about money (I mean, who isn't?), and it's one thing to compete, but it's another thing entirely to spam mod authors.
  6. My girlfriend got me into the whole TES series in the first place! But, well the question was answered it seems like. Smithing seems pretty useful - generally is getting me access to armor ahead of when I'd fine it, along with being able to upgrade it.
  7. Anyone else have any input? I've entirely disabled shadows by setting resolutions to 1 and distances to 0 so they are not rendered. Improved, but not a perfect stable FPS. Anything I might be able to set with regards to lighting?
  8. It's likely the processor from what it seems like. It really is a 1.2 GHZ processor, even quad core, each processor isn't that fast. The turbo-boost overclock isn't supposed to be used for extended periods of time, afaik. But I can't give any more definite answers. I've no idea what would reduce processor load.
  9. Well, if all that fails.. I can't really help ya much. I'm not all the fluent on nvidia stuff, I've generally used ATI. From what it looks like it looks like a lack of compatibility, but it seems like you got it working? If so, I hope it's good. Otherwise, it could just be issues with the hardware. When you play the game, how do you play? I have overheating issues if the fan gets covered, primarily from cloth, carpeted, those types of surfaces. Just stretching for ideas here. Can't give you much more to try. If the fan goes into overdrive from overheating, and there's static in the sound, it sounds like much more of an issue than just graphics and the system not handling it.
  10. Essentially, it sounds like you're wanting an easier game by banking levels and controlling how fast you move up. If that's the case, then just lower the difficulty. If it's more that you want to spend more time enjoying each level, there's a mod on the nexus that slows the skill gains, ideal for you.
  11. You should be running this much better than I. Have you disabled V-Sync? This can make massive gains in FPS. It's under the iPresentInterval=1 setting in the ini file. Set it to 0 to disable it. Have you tried the d3d9.dll fix? That would be my second guess. You have twice the video ram I have, and a better processor. For the drivers, laptop makers typically contact Nvidia and ATI and blacklist drivers (I'm assuming you tried installing them, and the install failed, saying it wasn't compatible?). They want to put out their own driver updates - which they rarely end up doing. It's a legal thing, however. What you can do is modify the drivers; see here. http://www.hardwareheaven.com/nvmodtool.php Follow the steps and you'll be able to install the new drivers. I recommend, for safety's sake, to keep a download of the original drivers on hand - and, to follow a simple process so you don't end up with a worse situation than before. Namely, download and install driver sweeper (you can, of course, uninstall it afterwards). Uninstall the Nvidia drivers, reboot the computer, run driver sweeper, and check the 'Nvidia - Display' portion. Analyze and clean out any remnant driver files. Reboot the computer again, install the new drivers via the mobility modder instructions, and reboot again - you're done. :) If you are STILL having troubles after the .dll fix, and new drivers - the next thing I'd try is the reduced texture pack on the nexus. Turn down settings more from there, and a last resort case is disabling shadows like I have done. However, you should be able to run quite smoothly at at least low settings without any major configuration.
  12. Most certainly the interface is the flaw. With the rest of the game? I've thought it was flat-out amazing. Heck, the fact that I'm playing it on a computer so far below minimum specs is pretty amazing too. I can't comment on textures, I've never played a game made within the last 8 years on anything higher than medium settings. Only the interface bugged me. Steam when I first saw it - because I was scared mods might not go well with it - but after seeing that's not true, I'm fine with it.
  13. Already use game booster! :) The HD 4200 is based upon the HD 3400, mostly the HD 3450, but at a slightly higher clock speed. The 3670 is better, I believe, than my card. According to PassMark software... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=M880G+with+Mobility+Radeon+HD+4200 http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=Mobility+Radeon+HD+3670 Nearly 3x the difference! Honestly, I'm impressed I can even run the game. I'm mainly looking for some ini tweaks. I've cut my system back to the bare minimum; now it's a matter of what I can get my integrated card to handle. I was all excited for a while and planned on getting a DiY ViDock and rig up an external video card, but then I found I'd be removing my wireless card - and for 50% of the performance (though it still might be a decent deal, it's a future possibility, not a current one). Maybe this summer. Anyways, yeah. I don't necessarily know what all the ini stuff is. One of my biggest issues is a lag around light sources - I've bumped down shadows about as much as they can go - but disabling shadows didn't actually do anything (I'm not entirely sure why?) fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000 fShadowDistance=2000.0000 iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=512 iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=1024 iShadowSplitCount=2 Thte first two seem pretty self-explanatory, and I believe I'll turn those down. The others - can anyone shed some light on them? iActorShadowCountInt=6 iActorShadowCountExt=6 These are listed in the very high section (in the standard skyrim folder inside steam) - they are not listed in my own ini file. Do you think it'd be possible to add them, and set them to 0 - in effect disabling shadows for actors? Probably going to try this. Been scanning the sections for changes, and seeing what is possible to set lower (seeing what changes between low -> medium, medium -> high, etc). There's a heck of a lot of options that aren't clear though. Edit: From what I've gleaned from browsing the web; fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000 fShadowDistance=2000.0000 iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=512 iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=1024 --- iShadowMapResolution=256 Setting the distances to 0, and the resolutions to 1, means (from the 0 distance) that they won't be displayed, and minimally stored in memory (from the resolution). I'll give it a go and report back. Might leave it as 256, turn up the blur, and just block down the distance for interiors because I'm lag-free outside.
  14. Haha. :P It's just the graphics card. Integrated graphics on a laptop is ftl for Skyrim. No ideas? Ah well. I get the most lag inside buildings, seems to be with light sources. If anyone knows anything about how the light sources work and how I could cut back lag with that, I'd appreciate it. I'm wondering if it's the shadows from light sources, therefore requiring me to just disable shadows.
  15. Look up the save game manager on the nexus. It allows different profiles for different characters, selectable when you start up the game. Seems to be what you're looking for.
  16. I've been scanning the ini file and looking for options to tone down everything. I play on a laptop with a M880g Mobility Radeon HD 4200, standard AMD dual-core, 4 gig's of RAM, etc. College laptop - couldn't afford anything else and needed a laptop, so anyone telling me to get a new computer, keep it down please. :) Sort've out of the question. Anyways, what I started with, beyond the low settings (and textures to low) was - iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=512 iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=1024 -- iShadowMapResolution=256 <-- Turned all this shadow stuff down, basically. Considering turning them all off but I'm afraid that'll break immersion more than I'd like. Yes, I don't need extreme graphics to still have immersion - no offense to anyone, I've just seen a lot of comments about how all these textures ingame are so bad and small - they're all too big for me. -- iPresentInterval=0 (v-sync, ofc) -- iWaterReflectHeight=256 iWaterReflectWidth=256 <-- I lowered these - my guess was that it's the texture sizes of the reflections. I'd be grateful for help. bUseWaterDisplacements=1 <-- No idea what this does, no comparable oblivion option. bUseWaterRefractions=0 <-- Flipped this off, water's not as good but it helps somewhat. bUseWaterReflections=1 <-- Not sure what type of performance hit this actually has, I'd like to keep it but I may take it off. bUseWaterDepth=1 <-- I don't want to entirely turn this off, but it may be a future option - water is often my biggest hit. I've also installed the low-rez pack on the nexus that someone added. Any other suggestions to get the maximum performance? It's entirely playable, but I'd like to squeeze every bit I can out of it. The worst bits are any areas with water inside dungeons and anything. Outside is actually pretty smooth, but I'll welcome any suggestions.
  17. Simple idea - it's one thing I liked about Oblivion, hated about Fallout 3. Essentially, when you open the inventory screen in Oblivion, it has the inventory along the side and your character shown on the right side. This allows you to see what equipment, clothing, and other items look when they're equipped. In Fallout 3, that was removed - unless I took the time to leave the inventory, go to third person, rotate the camera, I never once knew what my character looked like. In Skyrim, this has been changed a bit, to where if I need too, while trying on armor/equipment, I can go to third person, rotate the camera, and leave it there - at the least I can still see my character. But it's quite a bit more work than I'd like. I'd like to be able to have that automatically done - open the inventory and it shows my character on one side and the inventory on the left. My idea for this, since I'd assume it'd be rather difficult to display an actual model up on the screen, is just to have the camera rotate to a visible position when you enter the inventory, and reset when you leave the inventory. I've no idea how to do that myself, but I thought it'd be worth a shot to bring up here. Didn't see it mentioned anywhere I searched, so if it has been tell me please. :)
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