Using plenty of resources found here on this site plus my texturing skills, I've already started to work on a mod aiming to add more wildlife in Skyrim: several tiger species, leopards, bears, wild goats, rhinos, deers, pheasants and much more. They will be added on leveled list. If anyone can help me with some answers, this is what I want to know: -I'm part of a modding community for a zoo game so I can get permission for hundreds of high quality models and textures. Anyone knows a good tutorial on how to convert and rig new creatures models? -Where exactly i modify their behavior. For example if i make a panda and I want him not to be aggressive and act more like a fox or rabbit, all I have to do is set cowardly in his AI tab? It wont matter he is a bear at base? -Its ok to hand place animals or I should avoid modifying cells? Would be cool to see from time to time some baby dear and his mother. -are animals level up with player or they stay at same level? In CK they look like they have a fix level. -if not its a good idea to add same animal with 2-3 different lvs? For ex EncTiger10 spawn after lv 10, EncTiger25 after lv 25, EncTiger 40 after 40 etc And here are some pictures: