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Everything posted by Wakaitsu

  1. So I upgraded to AE and my search continues - I'm looking for more open \ sexy \ barbarian style male vanilla armor remeshes, mainly Shrouded and Dragonscale armors. Not exactly "spears up", if you get what I mean, but more like "classy \ slightly suggestive". I used to run Furb's replacers, but there is no port of it to AE, at least I couldn't find it
  2. I'm looking for good open dragonscale armor remesh in a style of a barbarian kilt or something like that, the less detail the better. Basically like that one vanilla fur armor that is just the skirt. Mesh replacer would be ideal, but standalone would work too.
  3. Can you elaborate on that? Also - what is wrong with calling Pandorable a dollifyer when it is one? One look at the screenshots and all you see is shiny hair and plastic faces. And I said that Modpocalypse was the "closest I could find". The overhaul I used to run was very subtle and changed very little, which was exactly what I liked about it. No idea why it got taken down. "That mod got KS Hair (albeit with Salt and Wind) on everyone!" - so? I don't mind any hair models themselves as long as they fit the character. Pandorable tends to slap haircuts on characters that 100% don't fit and look absolutely bonkers. Like, a blacksmith with a long shiny locks? Yeah, sure.
  4. And that's exactly what I feared -_\ Come on, when a street beggar looks like a Victoria Secret girl - surely you should know something went wrong, no? Again - please don't suggest dollifiers. And by that I mean: 1) No plastic-smooth faces 2) No shiny-clean hair that looks like it was taken straight from shampoo adds 3) No "different people = same face" syndrome Skyrim is a harsh land. There are no modern hygienic products, no hot water running from you faucet. I don't need every beggar and commoner looking like they just took a steamy shower with two hours of spa procedures before it. I need a realisticly looking somewhat attractive people, not coverboys and covergirls from 22th century somehow stuck in medieval society. I found this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54422 which is probably the closest resemblance to the one overhaul I used to play. The men are gritty and stoic, the mer are eerie and beautiful, but with alien fleur, the girls are a bit more dolly than I would like, but eh, perfection is unachievable,I guess. I need something like this, but for LE.
  5. Got back into Skyrim lately and discovered my favorite NPC enhancer got taken down by author for unstated reasons So I'm looking for new one. I don't like dollificators like Pandorable series that turns every NPC into an underwear model, so please no shiny hair or "every woman has same face shape" suggestions, I'm looking to slightly enhance people of Skyrim, not turn the whole game into a Barbie Mansion. Any suggestions?
  6. First - I DID searched. Nothing regarding their actual usefulness OUTSIDE the games they are developed for came up Second - why the heck do I need an extension for a game I don't play? How exactly a Witcher 3 extension affects Skyrim (the only game Vortex is useful for)? Third - why give an option to delete them if all it does is causes Vortex to immediately redownload? None of my questions were answered, so this "F OF" answer of yours is NOT a solution
  7. As it says on the tin - Vortex constantly downloads extensions and updates extensions for Witcher 3, Bauldur's Gate and I think some else equally trashy game. I never played those, I never will be playing those, none of those were ever installed on my laptop, yet vortex somehow decided it absolutely needs to have these. There are "remove" buttons on the extensions tab, but all clicking them does is ask you to reboot Vortex, after which it immediately redownloads them. It there is no way to permanently remove these extensions, why the buttons? And why the heck does it needs them for without the games they are meant to work with?
  8. Not exactly Skyrim problem... more that of a site problems. Sorry if I asked in the wrong forum, I just didn't found any better place for this one. Anyone knows a way to filter off all the followers\companions mods in on-site search results? I'm trying to lurk some mods for my argonian and I never used followers, but those just keep cloggin the results. I already set companion\follower tag to banned as well as I tried to uncheck the option in cathegory filtering, but the site just keeps turn it back on as soon as I hit "apply filters".
  9. http://oi68.tinypic.com/2q81p41.jpg Well, I dunno... Maybe it was so because OLD DESIGN DIDN'T NEED ANYTHING IN THE FIRST PLACE, hum?
  10. Also, guys, whoever running the site! You got friggin 18 PAGES of people askin you to return to your old layout. And there are many people like me, who don't normaly use forums, but they were SO PISSED OFF by this new crap that they did lift their asses and post it here. Can you think of anything else that would signal "THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!!!" more clearly than that?
  11. The only real constructive feedback there might be is this: FORGET ABOUT THIS TOTAL FAILURE YOU CALL A "NEW DESIGN" Seriously, what was wrong with the old one? It was pretty, it was handy, it worked perfectly and people always knew where are the features they were looking for. This thing out there now? LAGLAGLAGLAGWORTHLESSBANNERLAGLAGLAGWORTHLESSADDLAGLAGLAGMORELAGS That's it
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