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  1. I have used QDINventory with no problems so far. QDInventory was an alternate UI made before SKYUI it's not as advanced but it seems to be working. Also Categorized Favorites Menu , Ken's Cursors Mod and a Font mod I forgot the name of. It seems that any of the old Interface mods that don't rely on SKSE seem to work. Categorized Favorites menu uses SKSE but only for some functionality that I never really used anyway.
  2. Th There are lots of bugs in Bethesda games when alt-tabbing. In Skyrim you would be greeted with a black screen when alt-tabbing back into the window a lot of the time. And when it finally decided to alt-tab back you would get the double cursor, the Windows cursor and the in game cursor at the same time, so nice. IN Fallout 4 I get the dreaded no weapon bug when alt-tabbing back. Upon a successful alt-tab back which without a bugfix I use would be about 1% of the time, I get greeted with an invisible non functional weapon. Usually a few minutes of switching weapons and switching from 3rd person to first and back will make it work some what for a while anyway. I'd say that and loading screens are about 50% of my 450+ hours in F4. Anyway the best workaround I have found is to not alt-tab back or heaven forbid click on the taskbar icon which presents it's own mess, I use an Autohotkey script to switch back with #WinActivate. For some reason this prevents any bugs with alt-tabbing or clicking the icon in Bethesda games. I still often forget about the keybind since alt-tabbing is such a part of my muscle memory. Sorry to run on but this mess is really unforgivable in a 2015 AAA game.
  3. I use this mod to change the HUD http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/388/? it is fully customizable with a config file. It's defaults are setup to copy the Normal HUD size and placements but it's easy to configure. It also changes a few other UI things like making Container UI larger, but you can scale that as well.
  4. I have done the sneaky sniper play through and I focused on Sneak of course, Ninja and Gun Nut. Also for armor Shadowed and Lightweight, on leather armor are all you ever need. Damage reduction isn't necessary as you will be avoiding incoming damage. I used no luck or never really used Vats for crits. A sniper with Instigating or double bullets are really OP. The Deliverer is a great easy to get weapon also just one or 2 quests for the Railroad and you get a nice silenced 10MM.
  5. I have been using the alpha build of MO 2 for Fallout 4 with only slight annoyances so far. I had to disable EVGA PrecisionX software, some overlay programs that hook into direct X games are not working with MO 2 yet. Also you can't run 32 bit programs from MO2 yet, such as FO4edit or Loot. I also have used NMM with no problems at allr.
  6. Ah yes I played the Witcher as the female seductress as well.
  7. I endorse every mod I download. I am selective about what i download though so I really download stuff I know I will like. But anyone that puts a file up deserves it I think. It's the very least I can do for someone who gives their time freely.
  8. I have the same thing in Sanctuary. Got my settlers up to 14, plenty of water, beds and defense. Opened up a couple of shops including a medic. And now I'm stuck at 14 and Happiness is going down.
  9. You can also use Fallout 4 Configuration Tool to change those colors and a lot more.
  10. I know in Mod Organizer you can go to the saves tab and it will tell you if any esps are missing on mouseover. Mod Organizer 2 with Fallout 4 support is however still in alpha and can be tricky getting it to work. I am currently using it with no problems at the moment but I had to disable my graphics card software PrecisionxX from EVGA.
  11. Nice. I've been through there and saw some deathclaws spawn, but never noticed the alarm. Will give it a shot for sure.
  12. I have an old CD version as well. No problem at all using MO, Bash, or any other tools. Everything works as it should. As far as required mods I really love Qarl's texture pack. It is very much like the original look and feel just higher resolution. Also Darn UI , HUD status Bars and Enhanced Hotkeys are always loaded. I also have the Unofficial Oblivion patch and the patches for the DLC's of course. I have not really modded Oblivion extensively though. I have used Oscuros Overhaul and Monster Mod in the past but lately have been running the game closer to the original with just a few tweaks. As in all things gaming these are subjective of course.
  13. Yes you should be able to make most changes. Just open the console with ~ key and type showracemenu then hit enter. You can change most things, but if you change race or gender it will rest your stats. You can change anything as long as you are still level 1.
  14. I had something similar happen. I came running into Riverwood from Helgen for the first time and Faendal was lying on the ground dead. I had played through this part of the game a couple of times and knew he wasn't supposed to be dead there, so I just resurrected him with the console.
  15. I just pour some jalapeno juice in my eyes if I want them to burn like that.
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