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Everything posted by kleyton
I hate to admit that my problem is gone now since i upgrade to hd 7850...My previous hd 6770 gave me hard reset crashes from day one with skyrim and i had it one month when i bought skyrim. So i think some cards have buggy clocks or drivers and it isn't a game problem because now with the same pc except the gpu the problem is gone.
Guys i think i fixed the problem by installing dawnguard in skyrim all problems stopped now the game is fine...Before i get the black screen immediately after i opened the map.I had this problem from november now everything seems ok i will write again tomorrow to inform everyone if something changed.
I don't have this problem with any other game it only happens in skyrim but i fixed it with underclocking my memory clock and i manage to finish the game and put over 150 hours of gameplay but i returned here and saw your solution and i tried it and it is working i only wish i would know it a few months ago when i played skyrim every day but thank you
Please do consider resetting your graphics card to it's factory defaults. I'm not saying it is the definitive fix, but it immediately worked for me. No problem at all since. OMG it is actually working!!! I have this problem from day one and i manage to play the game with underclock but i tried your solution and it is working...
you mean 6770 or 6790 there is no 6780...I have 6770
I can run games like Battlefield 3 on max with no problems. I run battlefield 3, witcher 2, mass effect 3, metro 2033, gta iv and no problem but skyrim hard reset my pc...Now with the underclock i finished the game with 160 hours and lvl 73 and no problem no hard reset at all what are your gpu clocks????
I know my friend it is not logical but it is the only way to play the game...I play so many games with my normal clocks and skyrim don't play i don't know what is the problem do you play your other games normally???
No it doesn't reduce performance at all i play skyrim with 30 mods for graphics and with hd bethesda dlc and no problem...Ati hd cards have very large memory clock mine have 1200 so it doesn't affect the game at all
I told you underclock the gpu memory solved my problem too i finished the game and i spend 150 hours in it and i put over 30 mods and no problem i encourage everyone to try this download msi afterburner and reduce the memory clock speed mine was 1200 mhz and i downclocked it to 900 mhz without any problem...
Ok guys i want to share that after the underclock of the gpu i finished the game fine in level 73 i finished all the guild quests i have 150 hours in the game bsod free and i manage to put over 20 mods in the game without problem...The moment i turn the clock to the card normal settings the game crashes the pc...I have not yet manage to make my pc crash like that with other games and i play mass effect 3, battlefield 3, metro 2033, witcher 2, all very demanding games they never hard crashed like skyrim...I hope this hels somebody to play this game cause it is the best game i ever played... http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1307594-bsod-problem-fixed-try-this/
Did you solve your problem with the underclock i suggest my friend???
If it will crash again underclock to 900 mhz
I understand your frustration my friend i have sapphire hd 6770 and i have the same problem but i fixed it by underclocking my memory clock speed from 1200 to 1000 mhz i left the core clock as it is...I also have the hd 4650 and when i replace th 6770 with it the game runs fine without bsod i don't know wtf is happening with this game...Now with the underclocking the game is very stable and i also update to the high resolution pack
Did you underclock the memory clock or the core clock and how much???
Anyone tried to underclock the memory clock of the gpu??? I had the same problem as anyone here and l tries the underclock by luck and guess what i play SKYRIM fine for 3 months now without bsod and i am lvl 67 with over 120 hours in the game and i have installed the high resolution pack from beth without problem...But i am curious as anyone else so i emailed amd ( i have hd 6770) and they gave me 20 questions to answer about my pc behaviour for example what is my psu wattage or if i have problems with other programs etc and the asked for my dxdiag and Belarc advisor system report, i gave the answers and the files and they answered me this: Dear George, Your service request : SR #{ticketno:[8200475769]} has been reviewed and updated. Response and Service Request History: I understand that your system crashes when you run skyrim on it.Downclocking the card is helping to run the game fine. We are going to have 12.2 pre-certified drivers release by later today so you can try that to see if that works fine. Note: If AMD does not get a response back from you in 10 days, the ticket will be closed,and you will need to open a new ticket if your issue is not yet resolved In order to update this service request, please respond, leaving the service request reference intact. Best regards, AMD Global Customer Care I want to add they answered very quick contrary to bethesda So i don't think it is hardware problem because this happens in skyrim i will give a list of the demanding games i have played without any problem ever with my card tes vi oblivion finished mass effect 1 and 2 finished dragon age 1 and 2 finished pro evolution soccer 2011 and 2012 witcher 2 assasin's creed revelations gta iv finished saints row 3 battlefield 3 and many others less demanding
Do you mean type msconfig in start menu my friend????
I'm working with the HIS manufacturer now regarding the 9870 card. They are interested in this issue. Played last night for about an hour with the Core and Memory Clocks at 750Mhz and 900Mhz by using the MSI Afterburner tool and no problems even on high settings across the board. There was a comment about the game crashing even on the lower settings when the map overview was displayed, but that did not happen to me. Personally, I do not think it is a hardware issue, but a game software issue. I was the one that first tried to underclock the memory clock with msi afterburner and i play now for over a month fine without bsod problem...I encourage people to try this it is really working i had bsod from day one with the game and now i am lvl 61 and put over 100 hours in the game i just underclocked the memory a little... I found this solution by luck i downloaded msi afterburner in order to change fan speed but when i tried the underclock the game immediatelly became stable...Please inform us if HIS answers you
Hi guys...I have the same problem from day one with this game and tried everything to fix it...So after so many hard resets i tried msi afterburner as someone suggested to adjust my gpu fans.I did that but didn't help me at all, so i decided to lower the memory clock speed of my gpu and see what happens.NOTE(I couldn't change it from ati ccc only the core speed from there).I have the ati hd 6770 sapphire and it has 1200 mhz memory clock speed so i lowered it to 1000 mhz.And guess what it really helped me the game is very stable from this day i play now for over a month without a crash i am lvl 58 and i have over 100 hours in the game and all i did was underclocking a little the gpu.I also have the 4g patch, the enbseries 9 patch and i open the game with gamebooster 3(really good program).I hope this helps, i know from my experience how frustrating is this bsod problem i don't know why is this happening only in skyrim but i found a solution by luck maybe someone with tech knowlegde can tell us...Sorry for my english
try to underclock your memory clock speed from ati ccc or download the msi afterburner program to do this...I had this problem everytime i opened the map but since i underclocked my gpu i have no problem i am lvl 52 now with 80 hours gaming...
Hi everyone...First sorry for my english...I have the bsod problem from day one with skyrim.The game was running fine until i exit the first dungeon of the game and moving to riverwood, then boom black screen.I had this problem only outdoors as the game didn't crash in dungeons or caves.So i tried everything from 11/11/11 i got the game that this forum and nexus provided without success.So after so many hard crashes i downloaded msi afterburner that someone suggested in nexus forums...I have the ati hd 6770 gpu and it has clock speed 850 mhz and memory clock 1200 mhz.So i underclock the memory clock from 1200 to 1000 mhz from the program because ati ccc couldn't do it and i run the game fine for three days now without bsod or crash or anything else, i only reduced the memory clock speed a little...I don't know if this will help any other i hope so.I also have the 4 g patch and enbseries patch 9 installed but i had them before and the game was crashing so it is clearly the memory reduce that solved my problem.I will continue to post here if the game continues to play fine...I also want to add that i don't have any other problem with games this happens only in skyrim...
Fight with BSODs in TES Skyrim continue, seems i found right way and first tests giving positive results. In simulated stress conditions BSOD appeared after several hundred of meters traveling the world, now without BSOD i can run x10 times speed something around 10 minutes. More complex tests on their way, may be i'll find the way to elliminate the problem completely, if my hard drive will not die before. Thanks Bethesda, very much appreciated! THIS IS FROM ENBSERIES BORIS VORONTSOV http://enbdev.com/index_en.html
Ok hear this guys...after so many hard resets on my pc with ati hd 6770 that i bought a month ago especially for skyrim and this is the only f..... game i can't play due to full system crashes i change it with my previous gpu hd 4650 and guess what??? The game don't crash at all now WTF...I play it in medium settings and of course it is like i play it on xbox but it plays fine no crashes at all no hard reset nothing...I think it is the only solution now go buy a cheap card and i hope they fix the problem there is something with 5xxx and 6xxx ati cards
Is this the new patch? Yep, it's not like Steam gives you a choice. It doesn't crash the game, but I can't go into the main menu. What do you mean you can't go to main menu from where???How is the game???The full system crash stopped for you???? i am not at my pc now to test myself please answer
Have you not read anything? There are announcements from them directly about the pc issues. Where are the announcements??Are you kidding???
I also have the same problem i tried everything noting helped me and i email amd and sapphire yesterday and i am waiting i email bethesda too but they don't answer at least amd send me a confirmation email that they get my message...If you have any answer from amd please post here i will also do that if i get any response