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Everything posted by MafiaInferno

  1. I had this same problem and have solved it. Dont try talking to any of the guards in or around markath, enter the city and head straight for understone keep. The guards in there will let you pay off your bounty.
  2. I have the same thing, lydia, esbern and delphine but there's a problem. esbern keeps using AOE spells and lydia keeps attacking esbern and delphine. its driving me mad
  3. useful until she dies . . .
  4. agree with bearget's post entirely There's no point playing stealth if you can only get 1 stealth hit without waiting for the NPC to go inactive. May as well just charge in and use unrelenting force to clear the place and kill them while they're on the ground. Further, with full archery perks, it should be much easier to get 1 shot kills with bow+arrow in stealth. any mob thats not the basic bandit/critter normally takes at least 2 hits, thats with a legendary daedric bow+20 points fire damage in stealth
  5. nic1357890 your point about potions not recovering health instantly sounds good, its hard to lose a fight if you have enough potions
  6. when enchanting iron daggers, say, for profit, it's a pain in the neck to have to select item, enchantment and soul gem every time. If you have more of the same items required for previous enchantment, you should be able to create another item without selecting all the things again. It's not very easy to navigate enchantment with the keyboard and even worse with a laggy mouse
  7. +1, annoys me that when walking backwards with a bow you cant jump backwards while aiming
  8. I dont know if anybody else has noticed this but there are WAY too many NPCs for the amount of houses. Where do they all live? A mod which increases the housing capacity of the cities in some way would be cool because in skyrim's capital there are like 20 houses
  9. i've noticed this too. after a point it just becomes too easy. I have 95,000 gold and about 1 million worth in weapons & apparel stored in my bedroom cause cant be bothered to wait all the time to sell to a vendor who only has 2000 gold
  10. I'd like to throw my lot in here and request the same. I got the elder scroll from blackreach and i've been told that you dont need it until the end of the game. I cant drop or store it anywhere so i have to lug it around which is 20 weight that could be used on something else
  11. or even better, items that let you reassign a single perk and are destroyed upon use
  12. I agree but suggest that a certain high-end random loot item should be able to do it instead of powers. Making this too easy will kill the fun. Better if you have to try and find an item that lets you respec
  13. Why do all ingots weigh the same. It makes no sense. a gold / silver ingot should weigh a lot less than an ebony ingot for example. 5 ebony = daedric / ebony armor. 5 gold = 10 necklaces. realistic? No. Please sort this. Rant over
  14. @ malaknight and sorokin, i have the same problem. I've killed the dude and taken his stuff and there appears to be no exit. I came in down a large hole into the water but cant get out that way
  15. SirBeret, why would i wait for so long for a game when i have a quadcore CPU and 2gb graphics to go and play on low graphics xaliqen, i've just done both of those, i'll fire it up and see if there's an improvement The movement still feels sluggish although there is an improvement in the uniformity of the movement
  16. Various posts state that you can apply a hotkey to an item by hovering on it and pressing the hotkey. My post was a suggestion of how to mod it instead of instruction how to currently hotkey an item. I think the ability to quickly switch all your weapons and armour would be much more appropriate than a half assed hotkey of one item that only changes your main hand.
  17. Completely agree with your point about the mouse. I requested a mod to improve it but no idea how one would go about that. On the topic of turning it back to an RPG, you are so right! When i sat through the ridiculously long intro and came to character creation, my first thought was, 'Is that all?' In skyrim you appear to get forced into one of three roles instead of being able to choose any combination of roles you like. Not being able to do any sort of levelling or assignment of attributes before you begin the game stinks.
  18. The mouse sensitivity and control is so poor. I've tried with all sensitivity settings and the camera movement seems very irrational. Movement is not smooth and there seems to be no balance between trying to fight a dragon (wildly flailing around trying to find it when it moves) to picking up a small item (having trouble actually pointing at an item and overshooting) You can tell it was made for the sticks of console controllers because of the differing rates of movement and the camera 'snapping back' when you stop moving it. The control in morrowind was far better than this. I have no idea how one would go about doing such a thing, I seriously hope some genius can come up with some improvements for this as i'm finding it extremely hard to find a middle ground for the current settings that will enable good control
  19. I too cannot stand the UI, so much so that i will avoid skyrim until someone creates a decent mod for it. I fear that if i keep playing vanilla it will destroy the game for me.
  20. Can I throw in a suggestion as to how to accomplish this. Pressing a combination of Alt + Hotkey should save your current wielded items with (if possible) apparel included too. E.g. Equip mage cloak, hat plus two spells and press Alt + 1 to create a hotkey 1 for that particular gear. This seems easier to me than trying to hotkey individual items as it removes the questions about which hands your items should be equipped in.
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