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  1. heh ... is dat "troll hood" my own mod ? :blink: if it is, then i likely an explain on how do you even use it a long its an steam workshop mod and i not have allowed anybody to reupload it somewhere http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=433005505
  2. In response to post #24740379. peoples are all different, different mind etc.. cant blame some peoples dont have same opinion than you, as same they cant blame you to not have same opinion than them. at least, valve have listen their customers. this is the good point for customer and valve both
  3. all of this is end now, time to continu play the best rpg. i think they have understand the community opinion about this and they gonna think 2 times and maybe "ask before implent" for the futur.
  4. they are a difference between hobby modding and job modding free hobby modding = skyrim job modding pay = dota sadly now modding is like a war, war to show who is the best of the best, and in this war, modder use tool/soft more and more powerful and expensive. and for cover this, they need money. thats the problem, what have start as a hobby , turn into pay work time because of this "feeling" to want be the best. its sad, very sad, because whatever they say, modding is a hobby, nothing else. its up to them to take free time for make a mod, their motivation, their feeling, their decision. of course i thanks them all for the mods ^^ the only peoples that can say "modding is my job" , is the devs staff of the video game itself, and even for them, its not their work, but a simple hobby near the job. and today devs didnt push modder in the good way by creating "kits" games, episodes 1,2,3,4....parts 1,2,3,4... and a bunch of dlc that should already be in the vanilla game. long life Dark0ne, long life nexus and all staff, modders, and of course, us customer ^^
  5. ah ! good ! separate cheers , bug report , suggest and update/log threads etc... nice ^^ happy easter to all nexus staff ! () () (^^)
  6. why hacked the NMM ??? thanks for hard work Dark0ne , its cool to know we can download in security . ""While I haven’t tried to run it myself it seems to be a scam malware that sends the user to a fake FBI page informing the user they must pay must in order to unlock their system."" i have be attacked by this method already in past , the only way for me was to let the Police deal with the virus ,idk what they do but its all clean now , just for say, its really an hard and dangerous hack ,block all the pc and when you restart it, it open an pdf window (the window cant be close until the pc is not restart) with all the text ( text about gendarmerie nationale for me) and blabla and you need pay at end ... just for say , DONT PAY , in any way , if you have this here, or in another website , the police NEVER ask you to pay online ...and if i remember good, the pay method was something like an credit card system "cash" or "paysafe" ..be careful guys , and thanks again nexus staff for protect us ^^
  7. nice ! the Nexus staff never cease to amaze me ^^ thanks for all the hard work .
  8. so , now we just have to upload the pic in order we want , exempl : pic C , B ,A and the pic A is the first and primary pic ? or the pic C appear in first ? if i m ok the last pic uploaded appear in first in the list ^^
  9. happy new year to all ^^ good continuation for the nexus ! thanks Dark0ne for this superb website ^^
  10. i agree with Thandal "We want moddable games? Let's put our money, and our community, behind them!"
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