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  1. Hello there, sorry for making you wait for my response, but my PC is in computer service and I have very limited access to internet latley. This issue looks like shadows update time issue at first. Did you made your shadow update times in something like "real-time"? Try setting this for time being and see if this helps (to change shadow update time and speed, edit Skyrim.ini located in your documents and add those two lines at the bottom of [DISPLAY] section): fSunShadowUpdateTime=0.10 fSunUpdateThreshold=2.0 Also, what shadow resolution are you using? Only way to "squeeze" a good on-character shadow quality from Skyrim shadows is by using quite performance heavy Ultra shadows (iShadowMapResolution=4096). If you're using High shadow quality (iShadowMapResolution=2048) it's very hard to get a decent on-character shadow quality without sacrificing shadow draw distance. There're a few workarounds for High shadow quality to make on-character shadows more acceptable though (like increasing shadow blurring). For optimal values for High quality Skyrim shadows you can see my "INSS Improved Skyrim shadows for Medium-Range PC" which covers tweaks for High resolution shadows. I will post this tweak below. You can try setting this (change values in your SkyrimPrefs.ini file located in your documents) and see the results: iBlurDeferredShadowMask=10 fInteriorShadowDistance=2000.0000 fShadowDistance=2800.0000 iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=2048 iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048 iShadowSplitCount=3 fShadowLODStartFade=200.0000 iShadowMode=3 bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawLandShadows=1 bShadowMaskZPrepass=1 iShadowMapResolution=2048 fShadowBiasScale=0.3500 iShadowMaskQuarter=4 iShadowFilter=4 Those are optimal for having decent on-character shadow quality but without loosing too much shadow draw distance in the process when using High quality shadows. I also have a tweak for Ultra quality shadows called "INSS Improved Skyrim shadows for Ultra settings". One more thing you can do to improve shadows on objects (on all objects, not only on characters) is to add LESS sadows to objects by INCREASING shado bias scale. To do that, set this in your SkyrimPrefs.ini file that is located in your documents: fShadowBiasScale=1.5000 or 1.0000 EDIT: Looking at the comments section of your video, I see that increasing shadow bias scale did help. Also, I saw that where checking out Ultra shadow quality tweak, so my tip about High shadow quality is not that neccessary. EDIT2: To anwser your questions: 1) Shadow resolution determines shadow quality, higher shadow resolution equals better shadow quality, though, you must not "stretch" them by using high shadow draw distances. It goes from: 512 (low in-game settings) 1024 (medium) 2048 (high) 4096 (ultra) 8192 (above ultra, not recommended). 2) Decal lifetime sets how long some decals (such as blood splatters, effects from fire and ice magic on objects) will stay in game before disapearing. It has nothing to do with shadows. 3) Lower (or higher) anisotropic filtering is more of a graphical fidelity setting, and will not affect the detail of shadows. 4) You can set your shadows bias scale to whatever you want, but it's mostly goes like this: fShadowBiasScale=0.1500 (lowest settings, best quality, but more shadows added to an object may result in shadow glitches) fShadowBiasScale=0.3000 to 0.8000 (average settings with average quality to avoid shadows glitches) fShadowBiasScale=1.0000 (higher settings to remove most of the shadow glitches on objects by adding less shadows to them) fShadowBiasScale=1.5000 (highest settings to completley remove shadow glitches, but it makes shadows detatch from objects, like trees or characters) fShadowBiasScale=1.6500 (setting for removing on-characters shadows from low and medium resolution shadows) You can feel free to set your bias scale anywere from 0.1500 to 1.5000 to suit your needs.
  2. Thanks for the heads up. Well about some of my fixes to different suggestions, you're right. So I will get this corrected. About 28, yeah it didn't disable blurs, just lower it's quality, maybye I will look that up in some .ini tweaking and find what value is creating this blur. 15 it's annoying, but in players inventory, soring is working quite well, it's only going bad when you put your stuff in container to store it in e.g. you house. Everything gets FUBAR and it's really hard to navigate (you found needed item, picked it up, everything gets re-sorted once again). About 16, well there's a ClearWater mod, but I don't thinks you're aiming for this kind of effect. I've also got some notes about other suggestions: 03. Well, I didn't encounter such a problem, but it looks like creature respawn are messing with quest stuff. There's a mod that lowers creature respawn rate, but I think It's a temporary fix, creatures will respawn eventually. Besides, respawn rate mods work on all respawn points, not only in interiors. Maybye making this mines clearable and deleting spawns should fix it. No Cleared Cell Respawn and Slow other Respawn mod handles this, but I'm sure that mines aren't clearable. 21. Bethesda by enabling this option to the player, that the player can "clear" a dungeon, should add this to every single dungeon, not only a part of them (by saing dungeon, I mean all of the caves, forts, ruins etc.). 10. Can be fixed with a .ini tweak. 22. Well, if you're using mouse/keyboard, maybye you should look into SkyUI mod? I myself use a gamepad, so inventory menagement isn't a big issue on that. 24. I do like the fact that items don't dissapear. I remember that I've must throw out my bows (Ebony and Glass) to save some space, and after like 4 days in-game time when I got back to that place. Bah! they're in the same spot. 32. Wait, blocking takes your stammina out (with a shield a least). Surley, with a little bit of health, but majority of the hit is taken to the stammina. I am a meele character, so I've notice that already, because I love the mace+shield combo, but blocking and using power attack drains you stammina rapidly (glad I always have a big hammer with me ;D). 33. That's just stupid for Bethesda to leave civillians outside. There's nothing more annoying that a shopkeeper/quest character/quest giver being smoked by a dragon. Also some more suggestions from me: -Fix Cycero not disappearing after completing "Delayed Burial" quest. -Make the ability to wear two rings instead of just only one. -Fix equipping dual-wielding from hotkeys (for weapons, magic dual-wielding works fine).
  3. Some of those suggestions are really useful and definitely should be in the vanilla game. My "must-have" fixes are: 16. Please make a Spell Delete Mod. 19. Please make a Mod for Books that says Already Read. 36. Please see if you guys can make my Companion sit with me on a Horse once i get on it and when i get off, he/she gets off aswell. (This is very irritating for me). Some of your suggestions where already fixed: 18. Please make me see Clearly underwater. Realistic Water Textures mod gives you that option. 15. Please make a Mod that organize my Inventory and Spell System in Alphabetical Order without giving it fancy numbers or names. I think that was already fixed, don't remember the name of the mod though. 28. It seem the Game is using allot of Blur Effects, like the Background Menu or being Contacted by a Deadric Lord, this is very Distracting and not good for the eyes, please Remove it. I think that you can disable this in launcher options, by disabling games Radial blur (not sure about that). And there're some of my suggestions: 47. Fix quests not disappearing from quest log after completion in Dawnstar (for Jarl Skald and Brina Merilis). 48. Allow me to absorb souls of dragons that respawned. You should add a note, that there are some spoilers in the suggestions. Also, if someone knows how to change my tweak called mproved New Skyrim Shadows for Ultra Settings (pointed out in line 14) into a mod or custom executable .ini file, please let me know.
  4. I'm also running my games on a 40' FullHD screen (1920x1080 ofc). I jumped from my Crystal Design Samsung 24' and visual change was significant, but it's really a matter of personal preference. I've also did some testing which one is actually better for gaming, as for HDTV, I do like the size of the picture, contrast and colours. As for the minuses, I've been getting screen flickering without enabling smooth FXAA. As for the monitor, I love the epic refresh rate and the crystal clear picture, without any flickering issues, but screen itself is smaller. In comparison, while playing Skyrim on a monitor, I've never had to crank up the AA, picture was so sharp, you can cut yourself while standing too close. While playing on a bigger screen with more contrast, I could see a noticable drop in picture sharpness (a bit "fuzzy"), forcing you to crank up the AA to at least 4 to recieve your sharpness back. But yeah, this small issue didn't bother me so much, so I'm playing on a 40' all the time :D Also, I'd like to cover the uGridsToLoad thing, people are saying that anything above 7 isn't a good idea. Well, IMO, when you set your buffers correctly, and you have at least 4gigs of ram and 1gig of video ram, you wan't have any problems whatsoever. Well, at least not more that you have before forcing Grids to 9. From my playthrough experience, I've benn playing about 40 hours now with Grids set at 9, with no major problem or many CTD, truth is, my game was more likley go to FUBAR status and CTD before adding additional Grids (though, this may becaused by Bethesda actually trying to fix their game). One more thing, since this tread is also about personal tweaking knowledge, I like to add, that many tweaks are telling people to set land shadowing (bDrawLandShadows=1). Well, from my testing, I can tell one thing. If you're using a low bias scale (fShadowBiasScale below 0.1800 or even 0.2000) just dont use it. Setting land shadowing combined with lower bias scale, will most likley give you an effect simmilar to "ground self-shadowing" where shadows are drawn on ground, without any sorce of the shadow, and this just look... odd (you can test it yourself, this is most noticable in early in-game morning in for example, Riverwood).
  5. In response to Morwyn Kelm message about giving Skyrim engine a graphical workout via .ini tweaks: Well, I've been tweaking Skyrim shadows for a long time now, mostly my tweaks where optimized for Medium and High range PC's, but, with my latest tweak I've focused to increase overall Ultra shadow quality and performance. I've learned a lot on how Skyrim shadows work, how different values work and how game react after applying them. All my knowlege is based on my trial and error expierience and so far, my observation where fairly accurate. I've also learned about some additional tweaks, that can be applied to increase overall game presence, like uGridsToLoad or iMinGrassSize. Looking at your .ini files, you can notice that, there is some serious potential in Skyrim visual tweaking, but from my testing, I do know that most of them, don't really work (at least for now). So, writing a comprehensive guide about all those values and lines, that cover not only working ones, but also those that can be applied, but will not work (as I wrote, at least for now), that people can jump-in and see "what's this all about" as a ton of work, but very useful work. Ive like to notice that, I've never been into setting Skyrim to it's maxium possible visual capabilities via .ini tweaks. I've only used values that I know will work, like my shadow tweak, grids (set at 9), trees, grass, decals, memory and water tweaks. Nothing above that. Mainly because my PC isn't capable of doing that, so I just don't bother checking it out :D My system is (cheap, heheh): Win 7 64bit, AsRock MB, 5.1 Audio, GTX460SE (Overclocked version, overclocking done by Gigabyte), 4GB RAM DDR3, i5-2500k 3.30GHz. I run Skyrim maxed 1920x1080, 2xAA, FXAA, forced 16xAF, Vsync ON (plus forced triple buffering) with tweaks that I've wrote above with addition of some visual mods, like RWT and Skyrim Sunglare. FPS limited to constant 35FPS (without it, FPS like to jump between 35-40-60FPS). Also, you have some epic images there :P
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