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Everything posted by insanekarma

  1. I'm certain there is a mod released that does this! There is IK
  2. Use the skyrim launcher to load the game (data files > select mods), or the nexus mod manager! :) Mods go in data folder apart from various injector mods that go in the mainly directory. Hope this helps! ;)
  3. I like the "opt out" version. Sorry I thought the perk trees would be totally remade that's why I suggsuggested ;) I also agree it would be a lot of work/coding. Gmilair: Nudist means what it means in humanistic term perhaps not fantasy? Naturist is one with nature, maybe the words naturalism/natralistic should be used! :)
  4. http://jodysamson.com/images/News/7-09-04/newcrom.jpg Obviously use your shape, design/carving.
  5. I do like the look of those carvings, obviously with a dragon in mind. Could even be a tail winding around the handle?
  6. Yeah I would have found references in pictures throughout the web. I was goin to suggest 'teeth' at the bottom too lol. Yes your ideas are good. As long as the handle looks like it can be held with a strong grip and the blade broad so it could slice through bone it'll be great. :)
  7. Basically I would suggest a smoothed over handle for grip purposes. Maybe a dragon eye? Under the handle (not an actual eye, a sculptered version?) I can see you've modelled the handle into a dragon, it does look good, but you have to think about how it would sit in a players hand properly. Unfortunately im at work so I cannot send you an idea. Perhaps a laced necklace with dragon teeth would suit too. Shows ypur a dragon hunter i suppose. Not sure lol.
  8. Take a look on the skyrimnexus mods site. There is a tweak that sets better tradjectory. You have to modify your skyrimpref.ini if I remember correctly. Also allows arrows to shoot further.
  9. Not liking the handle (just thinking where fingers would go, i know its provisional). Perhaps a wider blade. Also are you creating different variants? I.e one handed, 2-handed.. perhaps a war-dragon bow, dragon dagger? The shape of the overall sword is nice!
  10. Very nice ideas!! You are right Dragons are repetitive and use no tactical approach other than, fly, land on roof, flame repeat! I too get annoyed at npcs cursing when they've been nice a few seconds before. Completing a quest for the Jaarl of Solitude, I was greeted with high regard after a quest was completed, then all of a sudden she mutters, 'i haven't got time to listen to your quarrels', or something of that nature! Annoying! Keep up the ideas. Ill think up some to add!
  11. would have thought a thrust combination with piercing? Im no modder unfortunately. :(
  12. +1 Spears, one handed spears. A overhaul adding new weapons for both close combat (gloves with attachments such as a claw, hardened knuckles etc) within arms length combat (spear etc.) and distance (crossbow, dart gun) would be great!
  13. There's a mod that allows you to do as you require, but why not check the skyrimnexus mods site before requesting? Better still search the forum to see if its been requested before, follow ups to mods are usually made within a thread.. also as 'ccjuju' stated this section of the forum negates to talking about mods / mod ideas. Notice the pinned topic? Click back and you'll see mod requests section. :)
  14. Great idea! Would your mod include balancing to melee, magic, enchants, smithing etc.? Ideas: As for devine; the possibility of portable shrines for prayer (small blessings), using the bigger shrines to pray for larger blessings. Additional perk tree setups: (idea only) Hunter / naturist. Chaotic / Worship of daedric. Rouge / thief Slayer / against vampires and werewolves A multiclass "spurr line" that allows a player to switch say from devine to chaotic but not allowing them to return to the previous class. Multiclass is only between 2 classes I.e devine/chaos, wolf/slayer, hunter/rouge. (Class names made up to allow you to see what I mean) So say you start out wanting to be good and worship devine.. at a given point you are given the choice to carry on the devine path or move over to the darkside (once you've moved, all devine perks are cut off apart from the couple needed to aquired the "multiclass" perk. Once you've made the choice or aquired x amount of perk points the multiclass feature disables. Or for example with the devine class - perhaps if your piety falls -400+ it opens the multiclass "spurr line", choosing this disables certain devine perks. Im not sure! Lol. Sorry for the formatting im using my phone to reply. Great thread / mod! Hoping for other perk lines/setups! By the way if my idea is not to your liking just dismiss it, that is why there are threads, its just a suggestion! :-) Multiclassing could prove pointless but for those that wanted a change this would allow for it. :-)
  15. If you have bad grammar etc. why not let someone lend you a hand? The choice is yours! You have requested help with certain aspects of your mod? I do agree with 'Mindinavoid' though, immersing dialogue is as important as improving the guild, changing spells, altering perks. Take my advice as constructive-criticism. It isn't intended to put you off, I hope you do a good job!! :-)
  16. 1. Enchantment overhaul. 2. Mounts with bags / companions have horses. 3. Faction vs faction. No joining all factions (intergrated quests make sense, thief guild > dark brotherhood. I had to do a mate quest to make entrance and complete the thief's guild) 4. Better underwater realism. Spearing fish would be good instead of just catching them. 5. Better rewards/loot. All enemies of the same type I.e archer, mate.. seem to use the same weapons, have the same loot! 6. Extended borders lol (morrowind etc). 7. Ability to engrave weapons with a blessing / runes / arcane power (spells such as fire, lightning etc.) 8. For bows / crossbows! / dart gun other weapons of this sort.. potent poisons able to be used on arrows / ammunition.. poison found in very hard places on very posionous beasts / animals.. a chance of permanent ability disfigurement if not careful. 9. Better perk trees. Ability to concentrate on a few trees and not becoming a 'jack of all trades'. 10. Stat increments; not a selection of health, magician, stamina.. strength, charisma, intelligence and so on. 11. Better gods / alignments. 12. Hd Textures. Better weapons, more weapons. More weapons found on enemies. Only my opinion!!
  17. Very nice concept art!! We all have unique talents to share. :-) Perhaps you could help out with a total revamp mod: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/485736-looking-for-mod-team-for-major-mod/ Im not affiliated with that thread I just noticed it the otyer day and after seeing your work I thought you could suit. :-)
  18. +1 should of been implemented, probably will be implemented in a dlc!! Be good to be able to create bags with leather + ingredients. Perhaps a Leatherworking skill would need to be implemented to be able to create better upgrades. There could be various bags which you could by from the horse vendor / dodgy traders but your only allowed one! i.e: small bag 50 weight capacity 500 sep, medium 80 weight capacity 1200 sep, large 120 weight capacity 2600 sep, advanced adventurer's "name" 200 capacity 5000 sep. All sizes would be able to be upgraded with hard to find ingredients using leatherworking; perhaps for the better upgrades ingredients are only found in certain parts of Skyrim and you need to find a set amount of say 50 which could take a while? Obviously all bags / bag upgrades would be balanced so that it isnt easier just buying the smallest bag and upgrading it to the max capacity of the adventurer sized bag. Only an idea.
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