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Everything posted by mfree80286
Forgive me if I'm about to ask really, really stupid questions. My situation; I'm making a mod. I can mentally parse papyrus, I understand what's happening and can see what a script is doing. But drawing one up from scratch just ends in a huge mental block, and... yeah. I'm very familiar with CK and the various classes of items but reference management and script activation is still fuzzy. I'm attempting to create, as an initial test in one cell, teleport buttons. Using ConButtonStand01 (which already has Default1StateActivator script), I've made TeleportButton01 and 02, and then set down XMarkerHeadings named TeleportMarker01 and TeleportMarker02. Marker 02 is 'behind' and oriented at button 01, and marker 01 is likewise for button 02. The intended result is that the player presses button 01 and pops into existence facing button 02, several hundred units away. I'm aware of the default 800 unit load screen default and potentially using TranslateToRef instead of MoveToRef, but let's focus on MoveToRef. I assume I'm to link the marker ref to the button, then go into the script tab on the TeleportButton object and... I suddenly have no idea what I'm doing. Have a good tutorial link that fits the situation? Once I have some idea what I'm doing and *why* it works that way I'm pretty good about taking off, which is good since there are other 1 state activated items I'll need to make scripts for (interlocked doors in an airlock, that sort of thing). I'll eventually need to script for teleporting across cells to a single marker from any location, using an object in inventory... possibly by playing a holotape, but am open to ideas on how best to manage that type of situation where the player does something that 'recalls' them to a single specific, unchanging location.
2 cents incoming. I had a massive performance drop on 10 home x64, after the first update cycle post-anniversary. SERIOUS hard drive bandwidth issues, to the point that the OS managed to corrupt the NTFS file system ($Bitmap on root AND on a secondary partition). Task manager would reflect normal utilization in the processes pane, but over on performance drive activity was pegged to 100% and response times were flopping between 0 and as much as 30-45 *seconds* (45000ms). I finally noticed that windows had installed the 'default' microsoft driver set for the SATA controller (Asus P8M67-M, an H67 board with an I5-2320 and a WDC 2tb 5400rpm drive). Installed the intel chipset INF files, the intel drivers were automatically selected, and after running the troubleshooters for windows update, sys maintenance, and windows search (almost every system edb database was corrupted) I'm probably 85% back to pre-anniversary HDD response. The game still suffers, however... after verifying cache and resetting most of the graphics settings, playing on medium 1080p results in 12-20fps and occasional extremely noticeable delays in sound. Oh, I reinstalled DirectX and VC++ from the game folder because there was initially no DX sound after the cache verification. I'm using an XFX R7-250 Core 2Gb (no great shakes, but worked fine for 800+ hours). Default low settings earned 15-25fps. I may have disabled godrays earlier due to the Far Harbor pixellation issue, but I haven't redone that. Mods are limited to settlement/construction items, speeds are typical of a trip around The Fens.
Oh lord. Every time someone writes something along these lines they're just embarrassing themselves. Kellogg had the synth Shaun at DC as a lure, not the human Shaun. It was extremely recent to the played game. This is all laid out very well in-game, if you can't bother to read terminals and pick up on hints and clues, maybe you shouldn't expose your flawed theories to the public.
Now, I'm not talking about premade graphics here, I'm talking about a blank sign.. just a white box with a border would do. When you click on it, you get a text box. Type what you need in this text box, accept, and you have a customized sign that can label rooms or point you to the right section of a large interior. An offshoot of this would be a bulletin or chalkboard that would hold any text you like. A secondary offshoot would be a computer printer that rattles off a note saying whatever was typed in the terminal to which it's attached. That could come in handier for things like identifying provisioners or possibly as a 'calling card' signifying you've already visited an area or checked a container.
Doesn't really need a mod for that... you can start the last NW raider main quest (that gets the power station back online and one less raider group) before finishing, or really even starting the quest that has you ganking settlements. Just need a console command; I'd provide the quest ref ID/name but I don't have it handy. it's SomethingQuestName05 as I recall. It leaves the settlement questline hanging, which is OK for my play because I had *no* compulsion to do the evil deeds, I just wanted to complete as much as I could under the raiders and then turn on the evil bastards for enslaving people.
[Nuka-World] Re-activating the Gatorclaw cloner.
mfree80286 replied to Ru5tyShackleford's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Ahh, gazelles. Easy dinner everywhere. In my playthrough, Cito was not only invited to stay put, but it turns out he absolutely *loves* having The Pack around. At least, for as long as there was The Pack. Only have the one play though, don't know what his reaction would be to the other two crews, or where he ends up if you tell him to go wander around. -
Are you part of the problem with Fallout 4 performance?
mfree80286 replied to Mitigate's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I suffer from frame loss due to lag, and it's absolutely my fault because it happens in Vault 88, which has been a massive modded undertaking and is far, *far* over the build limit already and only growing... if I can. Already starting to get weird artifacting in some places where a vault wall or floor will 'stick' and stutter-repeat itself as I move around. Anyhow, the remainder of the game runs just fine on a rapidly potato-ing computer, i5-2320, 12Gb, xfx R7-250 core 2Gb. Also starting to recognize some serious hits to performance in the vault coming from using a 5400rpm 2tb HDD. Modded build menus take a *long* time to load icons, but only in the vault. I'm liable to push the vault-packing until it starts crashing out, then upgrade the video card. I wanna see just how far it'll go. -
Bushido: Warriors of the Commonwealth
mfree80286 replied to Yogensya's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Words cannot adequately express my complete and utter agreement with what you've just said. But as you've said, too; it has always been glossed over, probably for that very reason. And that fact is something I cannot actually agree with. Just because it is something sensitive, and rightfully so, does not mean it should be ignored. Quite the opposite. I think recognizing it for the ugly thing that it was is key to making sure it never happens again, even if that recognition is just in a video game. I guess what I'm trying to say is that ignoring it completely is just as much a disservice to the suffering of the people who endured it as it would be to handle it indelicately - if not moreso. I know the Chinese Internment Camps never happened. But the Japanese ones did. And that deserves to be respected - both with acknowledgement and with decency. So, yeah. I really cannot agree more. It's not as glossed over as you'd think. Hit up the fallout wiki or any other source and look up Song Wu and the rest of the Wu extended family. It is an extremely obscure set of "side information" but is absolutely tragic in it;s inferences *and* has been fleshed out with an unusual number of in-game details. If you want to check via gameplay alone, I suggest you start at Lake Cochituate and start searching structures.- 21 replies
The Hunt for every Secondary Location in Fallout 4
mfree80286 replied to TheLawd's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
FYI, some of this might be set in more detail if you use the native world grid. It's too bad there's no programmatic interface (modders? has this been done?) but if you check FO4edit you can see the world cells are laid out in a three layer system. Biggest layer is blocks, the 'world' is most of 4 blocks with (0,0) the NE quadrant, (-1,0) NW, (-1,-1) SW, (0,-1) Southeast quadrant. The intersection (SW corner of 0,0) seems to be the Institute, or the CIT ruins. Next layer is sub-block, each block appears to split X and Y up 4 ways for a total of 16 sub-blocks, with the same longitude-latitude system (first num rises west to east, second rises south to north). The smallest layer is a pure grid; each sub-block splits x and y 8 ways each for a total of 64 grid squares per sub-block The smallest layer is the most interesting, because it's a consistent numbering system from -95 to 96 in X and Y, for the entire commonwealth space. 0,0 seems to be the institute again, but peeking at cell data shows unique data points for everything... Abernathy Farm (-20,21), Somerville Place (-9,-23), Spectacle Island (18,-16), Coastal Cottage (16,22), etc. I don't know what the true scale is, but it would seem like a single grid square would be about the size of the Taffington Boathouse area, maybe a little smaller... 100 meters? Maybe 125m using the split base of 8. Need to figure out how to put an overlay over a 'satellite imaging' map of the commonwealth... handy not just for navigation, but immediately finding coded locations since this is the map system the game uses internally. EDIT: Just on a whim checked the pip-boy map, and the pip-boy map grid square appears to match up with 4 native grid squares (2x2). Red Rocket is native -18,19, Starlight at native -10,14 (8sq east, 5sq south) is 4 pip squares east and a bit shy of three full pip squares south of Red Rocket. And as a mind-blower, Commonwealth only takes up a tiny bit of the world space set aside for it... runs -25 to 25 in both directions from the 0,0 point (with a little extension to the SW), but the 'world' is -95 to 96 both ways, the 'roamable' area is a bit less than 10% if my math holds up.- 3 replies
- secondary locations
- primary locations
- (and 1 more)
BOS vertibirds..... an observation
mfree80286 replied to parrotheada1a's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Which group would that be, because that describes all of them (except maybe the Institute, which gets/gophers the PC on *purpose*). -
What is the best settlement to use for a man cave?
mfree80286 replied to JackTrenton's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Really? No mention of Home Plate? -
"I just need to talk to the people. Meet me after."
mfree80286 replied to MetalTxus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
You probably know this but if you follow a couple of the endings it is scripted that Glory dies. Even if you don't follow those endings she is still classed as dead and even though she is walking round Railroad HQ she is "dead" so everyone refers to her as dead. However I played the Curie story after the ending so Glory was magically restored to life and can talk to you. I've even posted about it elsewhere. But Glory returns to ghost mode when the quest is over, and doesn't have a whole lot to do with this circumstance because what's going on there is a plot hole. There wasn't supposed to be any way around Glory's death, so after that point in the story there's no scripted dialog for her, and everyone else is scripted to mourn. She's not 'marked as dead', she's forgotten as being outside the questline. -
"I just need to talk to the people. Meet me after."
mfree80286 replied to MetalTxus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I am aware of that, which is why I referenced console mode changes. Somewhere for an NPC is a home location variable, and it's *not* going to be one of the settlements, which is what I think the issue with dismissal ends up being; once an NPC is assigned the default home is actually lost, no longer retained for reset. That's why someone with a vanilla, non-assigned Hancock would need to find their value. Oh, and we'd have to find out what variable that is, too. -
"I just need to talk to the people. Meet me after."
mfree80286 replied to MetalTxus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
This is starting to tie into some other threads/rants about NPC assignment and the incapability of returning them 'home', particularly Piper never being able to be put back into her DC offices. Poor Nat... I'm not sure there's a fix to be had... unless someone can supply a default home variable value for Hancock that can be set in console mode, you might be hosed. -
"I just need to talk to the people. Meet me after."
mfree80286 replied to MetalTxus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
And if he's in the Statehouse in Goodneighbor and not forced to follow? -
"I just need to talk to the people. Meet me after."
mfree80286 replied to MetalTxus's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Huh. Wonder what would happen if he follows you out onto the veranda where he's supposed to give the speech? -
Automatron what is the point of the settlement?
mfree80286 replied to dragonslayer2k12's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
There's a little spot at the room on top of a stairwell that will allow water pumps; food, you'll just have to rely on other settlements (it will auto-distribute from food stored in other trade-connected workbenches). I think the idea for the location is twofold... one, if you didn't kill the mechanist, they continue living there; two, as a robot production facility for the player... just outside the boundaries there's literal piles of robot parts and other resources for assembling bots, to send to other settlements for whatever purpose. I'm actually starting to turn on to the idea of replacing my provisioners with amped-up robotic counterparts and purposely sending them on risky routes (like Slog to Finch Farm which passes Saugus, and another route I can't recall that would pass Gunner's Plaza) just to keep areas cleared of mobs automatically. I followed one test bot with robobrain treads on a trade run... I could barely keep up, and it actually went out of it's way to kill things. It actually lost me about 3/4 of the way through, and I was in tgm mode and sprinting constantly. I wonder, actually, if the Mechanist armor elicits any other unusual dialogue... and not necessarily from me, but from a companion. Manta man though, just a distraction unless I missed something. Ran into him as Shroud and had a little convo, then just pat dialog with no recruitement options or anything else. Followed him and kept him out of trouble for a few minutes, nada. For those who suffer stat zero bugs, the Lair is another FT-capable interior cell like Home Plate or RR HQ, useful to avoid tripping the bug by using them as waypoints. My only issue with the place is that it's destined to constantly be gloomy.... no matter how many lights I place, it never seems to brighten up (FWIW, string lights seem to create the most light). -
Scrapping junk in the field? (Mod?)
mfree80286 replied to NexusFiles's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Oh, that just gave me a wicked idea for a mod... a smoke grenade that summons a provisioner and an empty pack brahmin from the nearest connected settlement. Load up the brahmin and send them back, where all the stuff gets deposited into the workbench (or a designated container). Pay the provisioner a few caps for the service, if that makes it more game-worldly. Since I open the CK and load data to quickly realize I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing (yet), I'll leave the creation to someone else... -
Aside from the time factor, gotta cover the basics... you have powered them, right?
imagine being able to use some vehicles
mfree80286 replied to maybemeandyou's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Oh, for goodness sake. The answer's right in front of everyone. Automatron. You can make moving self-powered robots. Some move pretty darn quickly. Why couldn't someone make a headless robobrain with a seat and joystick instead of a torso? Or for that matter make a 'goat wagon' and yoke that sucker to any fast 'bot. -
Home Plate. It's about the only place I can guarantee nobody can ever mess around with the metal boxes sitting around stuffed to the hinges with legendary items. Home is where the full Bobblehead displays and magazine racks are, as far as I'm concerned. Beyond that, I dabbled with a few spots and have "homes" that are there with no loot, at Murkwater, Spectacle Island, and... oh, where was the third one... Coastal Cottage? I think. 440+ hours in on a single play and things start to slip :) Had a 'formula' for the first two (which were built last), central staircases that kind of spiral, and one panel in each direction so each tier is 6-9 panels. First floor is storage and workbenches, second and third (sometimes fourth) are beds (with storage cabinets etc. used as stairwell rails), next floor is merchant space and uses 'open' walls, next is my room, top floor generators/spotlights/turrets. Works pretty well and is really light on the build limits for what you get. I should upload some of the locally stored screenshots some day...
Terminal with Epsilon VI and Omega reference to GTA 5
mfree80286 replied to ShaedraX's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/RobCo_sales_%26_service_center_terminal_entries You're talking about -
I can only think of two things I've seen that might count as secrets, but one is (lightly) documented and the other I personally stuck a little info on the fallout wikia. First is the hidden terminal in the Boston Public Library and the cut quest that gives you the BPL compressed tape. Have yet to see if any of the "techies" respond to it's presence (Tinker Tom, Sturges, etc.) Second is the Kim Song backstory, there's a log tape in one of the houses in Natick Banks and it references things that are in turn referenced elsewhere... haven't had time to pursue beyond verifying that the residence noted in the logs *was* their residence, and military logs back another reference. Next step is to figure out where all these people would have gone and identify any traces (or skeletons) they would have left behind, potentially all the way down to re-exploring the Yangtze just in case. I did find a cannon (not a weapon, but an honest to god early-mid 1800's naval artillery piece) in a box car on the tracks once, somewhere; also flashed past a smudge on a wall and had to stop and look again, it was a pixellated 'stamp' stencil of a woman's face. Got that screenshot somewhere, and reminds me that if you look at the scratches in the back walls of semi trailers you can see a face. I keep finding smashed houses and trailers in the bottoms of ponds/lakes, seems there's always something I've never noticed before so I've started exploring places I'd never have thought to look... always checking under stairs, behind doors I've opened, around the outside of pretty much any structure, under anything that might have enough space to wiggle into, TCL'ing way into the air to scope out all the rooftops, then maybe outside the 'mapped' structures to see if I've missed any hidden locations, etc. That last part is probably why I've got ~240 hours into my first play through and have stopped *right* after Institutionalized, to make sure I don't lock anything out for myself later on...