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Everything posted by Siracuza

  1. This game deserves more synthwave / darksynth. It got none. The battle tracks are close and I like them, but the Radio is awful. I hope someone figures out how to mod it!
  2. I just ran into this problem. I use MO, SKSE, ENB, 200+ plugins. I use SaveCleaner, PDT_Wrapper and SaveTool.exe all the time to fix things, but no luck this time. It would crash after Waiting for a few hours (I was outside). I was trying to wait 31 days to fix another issue but it would crash seconds after the 31 day waiting was finished, with save-on-wait set to off. I disabled a merged patch I recently made, deleted an abundance of _APB bird spawning scripts and disabled that bird mod, Turned off Alternate Start from these suggestions, and also Levelers Tower since some scripts there looked funny. PDT_Wrapper kept showing me that some Vampire quest was broken too so that got me worried. After checking the Papyrus.0.log (C:\Users\yourname\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script) after crashing a few times, I saw Familiar Faces was having issues loading my past characters out of nowhere, and was the last thing to be displayed before the crash. Could have been from cleaning my earlier saves I guess. I haven't even used that mod in a longggg time. Turned off Familiar Faces (papyrus log will say something about MYC/Actor/yadayada in last few lines), and no more crash! Moral: when you're crashing mid-game, always check the end of the Papyrus log and turn whatever is there off asap.
  3. In response to post #39899460. Exact same story and questions from me. It worked fine to start with < 50 mods, but once I started getting addicted to Nexus and 200+ mods, I had to just say screw it and reinstall everything into MO due to many issues. If something crashes now I just turn off a few mods to find what it is without having to worry about what order they overwrite each other in, or uninstalled mods leaving random files behind.
  4. I'm so used to this mod that I can't live without it now. It's so tedious using console commands by comparison. Someone be a hero
  5. I'm having insane crashes no matter what I do or how far back a save I load. Everytime I completely fix it, everything goes to hell when I leave Dragons Reach for the first time. This thread gave me a great idea though to help solve the main problem. I'm going to make a Familiar Faces avatar of my character, reroll a new game, grab my old character as a follower, take alllll her items, use a Racemenu preset to replicate the first character, and sit in the console for hours trying to add all the same spells/quest completions/perks/skill levels/etc.
  6. Yea that looks great, a nice vibrant red works for me. There's plenty of real life plants that are red like that, looks awesome
  7. Would it be possible to edit some texture files to recolor herbs like Bloodleaf and Hubflower so they pop out more? Bloodleaf is especially infuriating to find with a little color blindness. I'd like it to be a vibrant Red that really pops out instead of the rusty color I can't see unless I'm standing on top of it. The Hubflower could have more of the vibrant purple too. The silt beans, carrot flower, and glowing fungi I can see OK but others have much more color blindness than myself and might benefit from editing those too. I kinda wish they all had a glow like the fungi but idk if that's possible. If there are any non-plantable herbs I'm missing then I probably never noticed them to begin with.
  8. Similar to the Skyrim mod/setting that let arrows hit from across the continent (which was very awesome for testing your bow skills), It would be nice to see this for the guns in Fallout. The Range stat on the weapon doesn't seem to matter here. I tested a 150 and 300+ range laser gun, which both stopped hitting the target at the same fixed distance. I use pistols and just made my first long recon scope on a laser pistol. I headed towards the vault from Sanctuary and tested it by shooting a stationary companion in Sanctuary, and once I got a bit up the hill, none of my guns would hit anymore. I know this isn't a huge deal in this game but it would be nice to have a fix. If I can see an enemy, I want to be able to hit them. [Actor] fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=10000.0000 This was the "skyrim.ini" fix, but that didn't seem to work, but I have noticed that projectile weapons like my Plasma Pistol went much farther than hit-scan guns like the laser pistol. So I guess for now I'll have to put a big scope on a plasma weapon.
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