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Posts posted by Darksun45230

  1. Regarding the FF7 mod though, I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with you there. I could see some diehard fans not really appreciating the idea behind the Tsurugi mod as much as others, but I really don't think we really have to worry about that. Malevolent has some pretty good ideas for the mod, and I think that anyone who even remotely enjoys Final Fantasy will be able to enjoy it. Hell, I'd dare say that even people who know nothing about it would be able to get some enjoyment out of it. My words are probably not very convincing, but I do think you should keep an open mind about the idea. Who knows, maybe it'll sound pretty sweet once you see the details released. :)

    I'm not so embittered that I'm unable to enjoy the spin-offs so long as they maintain a certain standard of quality. That being said, if it's a good mod I'll keep an eye on it.



    Oh and another question for feedback. Do you think if an NPC has garlic on them you shouldn't be able to feed from them? I'm currently creating a side on plugin which modifies loot tables of various NPCs to provide a chance that they'll have Garlic on them. Up front are Silverhand and Vigilants of Stendarr which have a decent chance of carrying garlic. Garlic actually disables the attack bonuses you get against that NPC in an attempt to signify that garlic protects the person who is carrying it. What about ALSO disabling the ability to feed from people carrying it? What I don't know is if loot is determined WHEN the NPC is loaded, or WHEN the NPC is looted. If it's on looted, then...well, that will stink.


    As long as I'm informed that an NPC has garlic on them, for example, a sentence in the left-hand corner saying, The person before you stinks of garlic then I have no problem with it. Just another opportunity for the player to react to an encounter.


    That being said, how many Vigilants are vampires to encounter in our blood-lust? Do you plan to implement patrolling parties?

  3. Is it beyond the scope of this mod to introduce appearance changes with Vampires? For example, paler skin for non-beast races such as Imperial, Breton, Nord, and Elves, extended fangs or sharper claws for beast-races, and eye color effects.
  4. I sent you an e-mail of Mixed Unit Tactics. Strange that I only found a single volume even though the author promised another edition.






    Sent you another email of





    Sent you another email of


  5. There are other benefits too. Players could create sticky topics of suggested formats. Recruitment topics for example could include contact information and for those ambitious few, they could send regular updates via mailing list. At the bottom of the page (in this aforementioned section) they could write contact info as well as the names of the volunteers.



    [username] |

    [username] |

    [username] |

    [username] |


    And so on.

  6. Users every day resort to Mod Talk to post information about their projects. Sometimes they get the attention they need for that idea to blossom into a mod and sometimes they don't. What I propose is a way for organizing talent.


    That being said, I propose an induction on the forums:


    A mod recruitment section: a forum dedicated to coders, sound engineers, scripters, translators and voice actors pooling their talents together to create a better Skyrim.


    The rules are simple: posters post tag their topics for their projects.


    Example: [Looking for Voice Actor for Guild Questline]

    Example: [Coder looking for project.]

    Example: [Looking for scripter for Weapons mod.]

    Example: [Voice Actor looking for work.]


    This should not contain (for obvious reasons): Mod Requests, Mod Talk, or Mod Troubleshooting.


    A project manager should advertise their mod, post screenshots and videos (or link to an already uploaded WIP) This in turn should generate volunteers.

    Potential team members should advertise their previous work: VA's should submit a demo of their work, ect.


    The status quot has taken us this far: imagine how much farther we could go with a little more organization.

  7. I can't help but bogie when thinking those elf-torturing facists canceled out their existence. It just fills me with glee whenever I see how far they came with their "enlightenment" only to have it snatched away at the last moment. I'm thrilled whenever I plunder their great ruins and thrust my blade again, and again, and again at their constructs. Climaxing on their twenty robot so hard that'd make Molag Bal say, "Daaaaaymm."


    I only wish that the Dwemer could witness the dismantling of their precious civilization, the occupation of the Falmer, and destruction of their livelihood. To watch in horror as their only testaments rust to dust. All while bound by the stars. Is it wrong of me to relish in their despair? Torturers of life and their self-possessed Puritan attitude of other races, cultures and free thinking. If they were alive today, all of Tamerial would be enslaved by them. No, I'll only shed tears for Yagrum Bagarn, who deserves all our praise for murdering his people.




    Yes! I relish in their despair. I wish to drink their precious tears as they weep over their destruction. To know what it is truly like be locked into one's own coffin. Join me friends! Join me as I dance on their gravestones! Doing the bogie-bogie while mooning the stars!


    Fus ro dah,

    my friends.

  8. @Emmarae With your permission I'd like to post what I wrote earlier hidden by spoiler. I'm ready to reach out to others about this project. I just I have a concern.


    Who exactly will be in charge of turning this into a mod? If not you, then we ought to recruit a modder as well.

  9. -Physical, deadlier combat

    -Subtle, scarce, more powerful magic

    -Minor overhaul with rare loot, scarce gold and bandits/draugr who will never be rolling in cash or magical gear, and more.


    So got those bases covered. Just wondering what others are doing to enhance immersion and improve their Skyrim experience. Not really interesting in hack-and-slash, action-rpg game play. More into a deep, slow, immersion-oriented experience. Any suggestions? Feel free to chime in.

    I've been waiting for something like this for a long, long time.

  10. Suggestion: Why not expand your recruiting to the Reddit forums?




    Your message could read something like this:



    In Skyrim, the world of reading is a closed book to many. Adventurers are content with skimming through volumes found in derelict temples and dungeons ignorant to the stories written inside. Are they to blame? Would you invest your time brushing up on Lore when there is Lore to be created? Does the image of a chair-bound Dovahkiin inspire adventure, exploration, or destiny? Gentlemen, Lurkers, Good Guys, Forever Alone Guys,: I challenge you. I challenge you to record a book using this this list:




    While cross-referencing this list:




    Then uploading your work to (optional):




    Or contact the project manager directly:


    [email protected]


    And inject your voice into Skyrim, thus ensuring your immortality (or at least until the Elder Scrolls VI is released)!


    Together we will make this:




    Helpful materials:



    No Scumbag Steves need apply. Hope to hear from you soon!


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