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Posts posted by OlrunZaal

  1. Depends on perks, too. Maybe test playing with lights with a new character and see if its different. I'd just like to see a mod that has pip-boy light, helmet light, and weapon mod light all at the same time. If we can get that we can find a way to blow up stealth with it, unless the wavelengths we see are only visible with our HUD visor...



    Old friends: Sure, but think: Would the wastes be spared of radiation?

    Realistically: survivability out there: 0, since no shelter, and water/food.

    Point was: if you put 30 man in a vault the size of a lockbox, NO one will ever emerge.

    We simple cannot live together, ESPECIALLY not locked up, being forced to see the same faces day in/day out for 10 years.

    Not speaking of 200 here....

    These folks are not heavily trained and tested astronauts, right?

    They can live together for a wee, but it won't be the first that began to doubt his own mind, up there...

    One even said, a Russian, that he got so down at a point, that he wanted to just blow the hatch...

    Or so the story goes, but it does make one think.


    Large places: well not quite, there are quite a few large places, that when cleared and cleaned, might become decent housing.

    About cleaning: are the only ones that have somewhat a brain, those in V81, or the Institute (not that I ever got there, but pictures online say quite a bit)?

    People should now that hygiene is a must, especially in those conditions? XD





    And you know in terms of how many seem involved in the modding community versus the FO4 gross sales, the community is pretty small. I am surprised there is not a huge coalition of modders playing together to rival a DLC release from the production crew.


    There is no GECK and it really hard to mod right now for new comers and old dogs.


    AND: not everyone sees things in the same way.
    I tried to 'resurrect' the Dwemer, by the logic, that if 3 Dwemer could survive the curse (one being a Ghost, but STILL a Dwemer) others might as well.
    Dwemer always had this strange, attractive pull on people, just look at some Dwemer based mods.
    But nope, could not get it running...

    Tried for a long wee, though...



    Dwemer is really funny! Elmer Fudd must be ejaculating in his pants over that one!


    EDIT: Kinda folks I like to work with sometimes have a seething kinda humor.

  3. Old friends: Sure, but think: Would the wastes be spared of radiation?


    Realistically: survivability out there: 0, since no shelter, and water/food.

    Point was: if you put 30 man in a vault the size of a lockbox, NO one will ever emerge.

    We simple cannot live together, ESPECIALLY not locked up, being forced to see the same faces day in/day out for 10 years.

    Not speaking of 200 here....

    These folks are not heavily trained and tested astronauts, right?

    They can live together for a wee, but it won't be the first that began to doubt his own mind, up there...

    One even said, a Russian, that he got so down at a point, that he wanted to just blow the hatch...

    Or so the story goes, but it does make one think.


    Large places: well not quite, there are quite a few large places, that when cleared and cleaned, might become decent housing.

    About cleaning: are the only ones that have somewhat a brain, those in V81, or the Institute (not that I ever got there, but pictures online say quite a bit)?

    People should now that hygiene is a must, especially in those conditions? XD





    And you know in terms of how many seem involved in the modding community versus the FO4 gross sales, the community is pretty small. I am surprised there is not a huge coalition of modders playing together to rival a DLC release from the production crew.


    There is no GECK and it really hard to mod right now for new comers and old dogs.


    AND: not everyone sees things in the same way.

    I tried to 'resurrect' the Dwemer, by the logic, that if 3 Dwemer could survive the curse (one being a Ghost, but STILL a Dwemer) others might as well.

    Dwemer always had this strange, attractive pull on people, just look at some Dwemer based mods.

    But nope, could not get it running...

    Tried for a long wee, though...

    Not everyone was frozen and revived in the Hollywood dream of cryo-pod heaven. Heavens no, such feats are reserved for the Wanderer! There is a Hades around here and virtual canvas begging for Ted Williams gone wrong to come out of the Popsicle tube as a freakin' ghoul!


    If there is any hope, right now, for those that can mod with talent to possibly work a way into the gaming field for some form of paid modding, we need a good showing for the console players, which have been the meat of the market since the late nineties. I have no idea what paid modding would look like... and, before, I cough up some ideas I need to see some success on writing and creating for gaming, mainly level designing and story writing with some other skills.

    What are you talking about? No one said anything about paid modding.

    That is a personal desire and plenty of talented gaming modders have mentioned it. Nothing wrong with aspiring to contract a DLC for Beth that only cost $9.99 or so and they approve of the work and take a stout piece of proceeds... I said I would give no ideas and, yet, here we are. A team could easily set up its own alpha and beta with a login key, and test and appeal to Beth as a private group/company, after some success. I applied and received feedback on my writing with Codemasters Dragon Empires going in the way back machine. I have attended IGDA meetings and actually like the folks and work with media finance... Nothing wrong with getting to know a subjectively small group.


    Plus, there is the creative appeal to making something other small to big kids love playing with... that bit cannot be stuffed in a vault.


    I can think of lots of more storylines, provide some artwork, and give a group working storyboarding on projects. Off the top of my head, we could have a US SIGINT quest mod that literally dives into how long a nuke bunker can last post-painting the majority of the world as shadows on walls! All the great restoration mods could be used in multiple flashback sequences with entry and exit points specific to the RPG quest... we could then destroy said pristine assets. Using some camera effects, we could first person a nuclear white-out and make the screen shake and controller vibrate, while the "Ebola Gay" bombs drop.


    I totally understand we need less "unknowns" in our tools and more communication. Hopefully, we have a multi-million people sandbox that is and will produce a kingdom to play in, wherein we are the anti-heroes and heroines.

  5. And you know in terms of how many seem involved in the modding community versus the FO4 gross sales, the community is pretty small. I am surprised there is not a huge coalition of modders playing together to rival a DLC release from the production crew.

  6. I have to agree with some others that the community seems to be getting a bit too nit picky about the Fallout franchise. Rockstar does not offer a tool kit to create add-ons for their games, albeit they polish up pretty well (with more studios mind you). Most others do not either. And no one is bringing mods to the console sector, except Bethesda. For as much as some tout their knowledgeable about gaming and having worked in the industry, one would think they have chaired the IGDA and no longer need any financial recompense from their work.

    Bethesda needs a good launch for their console mod port and creating a website and mod framework that will work across both Sony and Microsoft with excellent tools is no small feat. I only hope that for all the negative talk most will not use it as an excuse to not mod FO4 to the hilt for a great introduction to console players. If there is any hope, right now, for those that can mod with talent to possibly work a way into the gaming field for some form of paid modding, we need a good showing for the console players, which have been the meat of the market since the late nineties. I have no idea what paid modding would look like... and, before, I cough up some ideas I need to see some success on writing and creating for gaming, mainly level designing and story writing with some other skills.

  7. I dig the SAR X, that was literally the visual I had when I thought of this.


    ​That said.


    ​If the issue is a graphics thing, then can we cheat that by making it invisible, like IR ink that can only be seen using a scope?


    ​Baring that.


    ​A way to at least mark a location in the area map?


    ​Baring that.


    ​Something that can be left behind that is big enough to be seen but not likely to be looted or moved? Like a radio or something? Can a radio be turned into a craftable that can be carried in inventory?

    I get what u want... a radronuke isotope that only markers in a certain scope in HUD/add-on weapon slot that some toon told you about in different voice (like in RL - real life)... we ain't doubting RPG ain't dead. Beyond my scripting skills, except in story-lining... We will get there, soon...


  8. I read the keyword count is based on total keywords - used or unused. I also read NovaCoru's (Homemaker) comments on updating his mod with a Settlement Keyword patch and having it delete the Keywords to avoid contributing to FormList cap. Instead of changing the primary mod(s), I am attempting to write an override patch that deletes the Keywords from usage as NovaCoru mentioned. The goal is to allow the original mods to update and me only having to update the override patch with update changes, instead of the entire mod.


    Ethreon, that is a very good guide. I still do not understand why we replace the FormID List with redundant information from the master (SK). If the original FormID is something I understand and know its function I just delete the FormID and reference the ones needed in OBJs from Masters. Working just fine and saves me some time. I suppose you could put them in and remove the master/slave relationship. Is there another purpose to duplicating the FormID List? Where is a good place to go look up all the uses of the FormID List to learn more about it, please? Keywords, too, its been nagging me that I cannot find where in FO4 the hard cap is referenced... I have been wanting to look at the origin of the problem and how its coded.


    I really appreciate you guys help. Makes learning a lot easier and more fun with other decent folks involved in the process.

  9. This should be a simple answer. How do I make an override .esp delete files from the master .esm? I am mainly looking for how to remove keywords, after redirecting the Constructible Object to the new keyword.


    Also, where could I have gone to look up such a simple question? What's the best xEdit manual to peruse? Or is there a searchable database somewhere with more visual learning tools?


    Thanks in advance.

  10. Is anyone else able to get their Xbox controllers on the PC to rotate items by pressing left joystick and using left and right triggers per the 1.3 patch notes? I am probably missing something simple, but I cannot get my Xbox PC controller to rotate pieces. I was definitely hoping for the controller update to use my controller for rotating items on all axis.


    Thanks in advance for any help.

  11. A zoo themed mod quest using the Franklin Park Zoo / Zoo New England as the setting. We will definitely need the GECK for adding new zoo animals gone wrong. The storyboard would start out:


    Some of the zoo animals survived the Great War due to both genetic mutations and a dedicated group of zoologist caring for them, while working with the CDC, et al. on genetic cures for rad poisoning. Curie or another new NPC would have the opening dialog telling us about rumors of the survivors possibly having a rad cure.


    Story develops around the area we are told houses the zoo and we meet a genetically mutated Chimp who can speak and has escaped the "Franklin House of Horrors", as some of the intelligent animals took to calling their zoo turned prison camp and experimental rad lab. The zoo is in ruins and its former friendly animals have been relocated with the remaining descendants of the zoologist, who have themselves mutated and allegedly bred with some of the higher apes.


    Two hundred years later, the main zoo is in ruins, however some of the predators remained near the old site. They bred there due to it being their home and initially being taken care of by the benign zoologist of old. We need to search the site to find the Franklin House of Horrors location. We assign our team of modders tasks including, a huge rad poisoning gene altered snake, alligator, tiger, and some higher apes, etc. Plenty of leeway to see what the team comes up with and wind it into the story.


    Eventually, we find the Franklin House of Horrors and the scientifically altered and ape bred monstrosities of two hundred years in a real Hades come to Earth. The zookeeper is herself over 100 years old... She has the intelligence brought on by her zoologist heritage and the heart and killer instincts of a beast. She captures you and one of the animals has to release us prior to experimentation and mating.


    I write and could on with this and dozens of other storylines, so if anyone is interested getting together and starting work on this or another quest/story mod keep in me in mind! I need uptraining on xEditing and 3d editing to bring more to the team and future projects. I am more than capable of doing voice overs and scripting everything, while working with a team to make sure they have plenty of creative input to keep it fun for everyone. I imagine it would be a some fun seeing where it took a skilled team working on such projects.

  12. Now, how did you know I'll release a mod? I don't remember mentioning to anyone..


    Anyway, GBO is part of script extenders. F4SE doesn't have it implemented yet, though emailing the guys over there and asking about how the baseID/refIDs are determined might help :smile:

    I think you mentioned something about it on Snap n' Build comments or another thread.


    Glad we sorted you out, CreedofHeresy. These day, even us monkeys live in open-world zoos and have playmates, instead of glass houses! Speaking of zoos - there is another theme that would write itself for a FO4 mod. Maybe a good many of us will work together on such a project in the coming months.

  13. I was also searching for how to get baseIDs from static objects yesterday and today. I think GBO was a function of Script Extender in past games. I am not sure if its enabled in FO4 SE, yet (haven't started using it). You might try SE and let us know, here (no documentation yet).


    I have been attempting to learn more about how the game works through looking up static objects' Reference IDs in xEdit, then looking at various Form ID's, etc. to determine how the objects function and the build process from base form to the object I originally found interesting in-game. It works sometimes, when I can get a refID. Its frustrating when I see a great working light in perfect condition and no refID comes up in-game... , but I have plenty to learn for the mod projects I have in mind.


    Ethreon, I am looking forward to your mod and any videos/tutorials you release on modding.

  14. Hi guys, im not friendly with the FO4edit, but i'm tryng to mod the Fatigues to fit the nanosuit gloves, how i can do that??

    Try "BodySlide and Outfit Studio". I haven't used the mod, but it sounds like what you want.

  15. Significant changes were made to:

    Armorsmith Extended

    Armor Keywords Community Resource

    Crafting Workbenches


    The changes basically are an attempt to unify the 3 together to decrease the chances of the categories keyword limitation scrambling the crafting categories in the workbench menus. So Armor Keywords Community Resource expanded to be like Settlement Keywords for the workbenches in Armorsmith and Crafting Workbenches. (The the Junk and Ammo workbenches still use custom keywords fo the categories. The weapon and armor workbench from Crafting Workbenches is replaced by the Armorsmith and Weaponsmith workbenches from Armorsmith Extended. )


    Do I know how to save and restore a working loadout? No, sorry I usually just backup the loadorder.txt and plugins.txt in C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Fallout4. (Nmm does make a lloadorder.nmm.bak and plugins.nmm.bak in this directory.)


    I found out today having Armorkeywords.esm loaded before Homemaker would cause some Homemaker categories not to show.

    There has been some talk about issues with the Homemaker -SK patch inside the posts on the mod.


    Do have the Settlement Keywords compatibility patch for Robot Home Defence? If you don't that could be part of your issue.

    Maybe the Homemaker - SK-SnB Patch.esp needs to be under Snap and Build - Modules.esp?


    This is my current loadorder (skmerge0.6.esp is my custom compatibilty patch.):







    Worsin's Garage.esm

    Robot Home Defence.esm

    Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp

    Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp


    Various Flare Guns.esp


    Perk Magazine Material Fix.esp









    Remove Interior Fog.esp




    Flags of the Old World.esp

    Snap and Build - Greenhouse.esp



    Locked Doors - Destructable.esp

    Locked Doors - Indestructable.esp

    Locked Doors - Player House(optional).esp

    Move that Workbench!.esp

    Business Settlements.esp


    Fusebox Generator.esp

    AIO SS.esp



    Dont Throw Stones.esp










    Crafting Workbench.esp

    Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp

    Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp

    Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp

    Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp

    Armorsmith Extended.esp

    Craftable Institute Elevators - all in one - Homemaker.esp















    Identify Power Armor Frames.esp


    Weapon Mods Mod - WBO.esp



    Craftable Armor Size.esp


    Gloves of the Commonwealth - Crafting.esp

    Gloves of the Commonwealth - ASE.esp

    Logical Recipes.esp



    Simple Intersection.esp

    Switched Power Pylons - Increased Radius.esp




    Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esp

    Home Plate Workbench.esp




    Easier Hacking - 1 Word.esp

    Easy Lockpick.esp

    Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp




    Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp









    Covenant Turrets.esp











    Blood Angels Death Company Paint.esp



    N7 X1PowerArmor.esp




    Enclave SpaceMarine Black Templars.esp


    ZW's F4 Power Armor Overhaul.esp

    More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp

    More Where That Came From - Classic.esp




    NX Pro - Farm Core.esp

    [PPE] NX Pro (Domesticated Species) [Add-On].esp

    NX Pro - Farm Core - No Requirements.esp

    NX Pro - Farm Core - Valdacil's Item Sorting.esp



















    My suggestions:

    1. Install Loot and see if it helps.

    2. Disable all your mods if Loot does not work.

    3. Renable them one at a time (starting with the settlement building mods that add categories like Homemaker) and starting Fallout 4 each time to see if categories vanish. (This will help narrow down the conflciting mods.)

    4. Work with your loadorder to see if you resolve the issue.


    Mods that just add items to vanilla categories I think should not cause an issue.


    Hopefully it helps to get you in the right direction.

    I really appreciate the help and reply. The SK SnB patch is supposed to come before SnB.esp. The problem with disappearing categories was the order of AKCR (now last in .esm). I read LOOT didn't have any real functionality, yet. I will still give it a try. Its frustrating the NMM doesn't have a feature enabled that their wiki says is automatic. I have since started to copy the .txt files you mentioned and found a mod that backs up the order and mods that I may eventually try out. I was unaware Homemaker was not fully compatible with SK... probably causing some category confusion, along with some other mods. I am getting a ton of stray posters in Robot Home Defence and a few strays in other menus.


    I looked up a tutorial on using FO4Edit to determine and patch conflicts, so looks like that and maybe my own radio will be my first foray into modding. Thanks for your help, again. Nice to know someone took their time to reply and offer fixes.

  16. Anyone have any ideas or should I just play on and save over the missing content?


    Can someone please help me with the backup question? Wiki is out of date and refers to version .60, although it does say NMM will automatically backup and restore my backup file. As I mentioned, this did not happen. I tried to restore the good load from NMM-->tools-->restore backup profile, yesterday morning, and get


    "... Backup_DONOTDELETE.zip does not exist"!


    I also cannot find anywhere to enable the function.


    It would be very nice if there was a NMM function to save a working mod loadout profile and its mods (or at, at least link them on the Nexus website).


    If there is no help on my exact problem will someone tell me how to enable profile backups in NMM, please?

  17. Ugh, after updating some mods and attempting to download beta 1.3, I received the error, "This save relies on content that is no longer present. Some objects may no longer be available. Continue loading?" I realize I should have updated files/beta/mods independently and sorely regret not do so as trouble prevention 101.


    Next, I went into Steam and deselected the beta.


    Then, I removed all the new mods from today/yesterday and reversed the updated (from 1/18/2016 PST) mods:

    Armorsmith Extended

    Armor Keywords Community Resource

    Crafting Workbenches


    Still, no fix and I was missing crafting categories from either Homemaker or Snap n' Build depending on load order.


    The forums seemed to indicate a great many problems with the new updates and mine was one - jumbled items in wrong categories or completely missing categories on armor or building menus, so I reverted the mods to pre-Hades, I have lost my gaming marbles. I, then reverted the load order as best I could remember, but no luck for full gaming green light.


    I do not have LOOT installed, yet. (Seems LOOT is just basic functions, currently.) Plenty of SSD space and no conflicts or problems outside of the game. I am stuck and rather new to the modding scene. This is my first mod community and the only game I have modded, recently. Any help would be great appreciated!


    I thought I had saved a working loadout and mod plugins copy thru Nexus Mod Manager, but could not find it. Is there a way to save one's last working mod loadout and link the working mods thru Nexus? If not, how should I do so manually? Copying the FO4 Data file constantly would be a pain (have a non-mod copy, just in case).


    My current load order:

    Snap'n Build.esm
    Robot Home Defence.esm
    Homemaker - SK-SnB Patch.esp
    Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp
    Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects SK.esp
    Snap and Build - Modules.esp
    Craftable Institute Elevators - all in one - Homemaker.esp
    Business Settlements.esp
    LowRad Conduits.esp
    Taller Shack Walls.esp
    Generators 1.1.esp
    Art Gallery.esp
    Lore Friendly Posters.esp
    Q Craftable Lanterns.esp
    Insane Meshes.esp
    Siles - Vault Poster - All.esp
    Water Towers + Water Wells - Less Ressources Patch.esp
    Crafting Workbench.esp
    Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp
    Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Expanded.esp
    More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
    5% Fusion Core Drain.esp
    Gorgeous VaultGirl.esp
    Subtle Face Tweaks - Piper.esp
    Billyro Curie.esp
    Subtle Face Tweaks - Cait.esp
    AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
    AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp
    AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp
    CW - AnS WBaP Patch.esp
    Craftable Armor Size.esp
    Simple Intersection.esp
    Armorsmith Extended.esp


    Thanks again for any help. Please shed some light on this up level minor virtual gaming Hades.

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