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Everything posted by Bretomage

  1. I also had that launcher-loop problem. Yeah, that worked BUT this also reseted my INI-file which a had tweaked so very much and carefully! SO, BACKUP YOUR CUSTOM INI BEFORE DOING ANYTHING LIKE THAT!
  2. I have played over 500 hours and completed Main Quest and the Civil War Quest. in some point bards in the inns stopped to play or sing and I can't even make a request anymore, so it's boring. What is this? I tried to find if someone else had the same problem, but it seems I'm the only one who have ever encourtered such a problem. I play in PC, but I have no idea which console command might help. I have a dosen of mods running though...
  3. For some reason what I type Player.modav healrate -0.7 the command goes through but my character keeps healing. What gives?

    Maybe I'm asking too late, but did you complete the Paarthunax quest? See more http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/457302-turn-off-health-regeneration/page__st__10

  4. Paarthunax made me regenerate health! :o I have always played with disabled health regeneration and it feels reasonable. I just had to ignore any potions, food and enchantments with fortify health regeneration, because adding X% to 0 is always 0. My first 300 hours with master diffiiculty went fine and never felt over powerfull. BUT NOW I HAVE A WEIRD LITTLE "PROBLEM". Afrer I had spoken first time to Paarthunax I just realized that my health starts to regenerate slowly. Even console commands doesn't stop regeneration anymore, I can only make it faster, but if I type for example player.modav -10 I still regenerate with the same speed as if player.modav -0.7 If I load the save just before Paarthunax, I don't regenerate, but when I speak the whole dialogue with him I start to regenerate like 0,5-1 pts/sec. Also it seems there's no matter what meditation I choose at the end of the dialogue, after I had chosen one of them, the regeneration started... WEIRD! Maybe I'm asking too late, but did you complete the Paarthunax quest? ps. Maybe I have plaed long enough to be rewarded with such a minor health regeneration perk at last, ;) but it's still weird, is't it?
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