So far this fix has eliminated the problem for me. In 10+ hours or so of gameplay, i have not had a single black screen, whereas before i was getting a couple per hour. The only drawback is flames in the game now look awful (blocky mess), but i'd rather that than frequent resets of my PC. I have found that the game will crash in certain places too - one quest i couldn't complete due to the back screen bug (even after trying days later), but after trying this fix i have had no problems. I'm running a Radeon 5850 Skyrim is unpatched (Version 1.0) I'm not running any mods Seems to work for me too. Had no blackscreen since replacing atiumdag.dll with atimgpud.dll and the latest ENB patch. I have several other mods and everything seems fine now. In 10+ hours I suffered just 2 CTD´s since I use this solution..tried everything else before and nothing solved the blackscreen for me..and I got it really often before! I´m using an ATI if you also have an ATI card try this solution and don´t forget to put atiumdag.dll in another folder!