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Everything posted by thelarsen
So far this fix has eliminated the problem for me. In 10+ hours or so of gameplay, i have not had a single black screen, whereas before i was getting a couple per hour. The only drawback is flames in the game now look awful (blocky mess), but i'd rather that than frequent resets of my PC. I have found that the game will crash in certain places too - one quest i couldn't complete due to the back screen bug (even after trying days later), but after trying this fix i have had no problems. I'm running a Radeon 5850 Skyrim is unpatched (Version 1.0) I'm not running any mods Seems to work for me too. Had no blackscreen since replacing atiumdag.dll with atimgpud.dll and the latest ENB patch. I have several other mods and everything seems fine now. In 10+ hours I suffered just 2 CTD´s since I use this solution..tried everything else before and nothing solved the blackscreen for me..and I got it really often before! I´m using an ATI 6870..so if you also have an ATI card try this solution and don´t forget to put atiumdag.dll in another folder!
Yeah works but Skyrim still crashes for me..
thought so too..played for 2 hours last night without a problem..also added the enb patch mentioned earlier which cranked my settings to ultra (auto detect was on high before) with good fps but then I got the good old blackscreen back and went too bed..gonne try to deinstall dx11 and reinstall dx9 now
damn it could some people just start reading this thread before making clever suggestions? It´s absolutely NOT about crashing to Desktop..its about shutting down the computer..happy this works for you but it has nothing to do with our problem..
Someone positive they really mean this year? ^^ Oh and yeah I see a patch coming..and it fixes some odd bugs..but since they never mentioned our problem maybe it won´t be addressed at all. Played all day yesterday on my laptop, no problem..2 CTD but no black screen, so maybe the crash I had before was really duo to overheating. Seems like the hardware combo in my laptop suits the game better..hell but the settings I have to play on don´t suit my eyes..Boots to Asses anyone?
I mentioned early I tried it with a clean Windows XP install and it crashed after about 30seconds..
So thats 3 people now who have trottled there cpu and it's working maybe if some in here wants to change the multiplier on there motherboard i.e 13 to 9 or 10 just to test, if it works then, a least we've found out what the problem is. Funny thing it only works for my laptop..my desktop keeps crashing. Maybe my laptop just got to hot before and shut down and didn´t suffer from the bug. Laptop: Intel I5 M460 Nvidia GT 420M 4GB Ram Dekstop: AMD X4 955 ATI 6870 4GB Ram I have never experienced this problem with any other game..I doubt it´s hardware related..maybe it´s the way the engine communicates with the drivers or something like that. Maybe it´s because their new engine can compress things like no other to save hard disk space and therefore makes some mistakes doing it..I simply do not know and I don´t really care about it..hell who would have cared if Skyrim used 20gb of disk space? So today is Friday and nothing new..come on screw the next weekend I intended to play :O
Hmm switched back to my laptop with CPU limited to 70%..no problem this time :/ my desktop crashed really fast..but it runs so much smoother there narf...patch it!
Just for fun i tried a clean install with Windows XP 32Bit..my glimpse of hope was shattered after about 30secs :O lol @ Thor. We have serious issues, not just a crash to the desktop..the games makes our graphic cards quit and shut down the whole system
Let´s sum it up: The error occurs on: - 32 and 64bit systems - ATI and Nvidia systems - Desktop and mobile systems - AMD and Intel systems - for my part is not reproducible, happens totally random in different locations and on all software settings from Skyrim, sometimes i can play for a few hours and nothing happens the next moment it crashes constantly after some minutes till the user gives up ;) Fixes: - tried all of the suggested fixes on this thread (without underglocking cuz my GPU reacheas 61°C at peak) - none helped me in any way..can´t say it took longer - patch..please? @BarderothReturns I think he meant carmichael11 & RulerMan whom suffer from CTD´s and not complete shutdowns.. Also sorry for my English, it´s not my native language..
I also got one from Sapphire and the bug occurs quite often. I think something in the engine of the game is messing with the drivers from the graphic card, I got the failure on AMD and on Nvidia..can´t be a coincidence It´s sad Bethesda did´t comment this problem..When I buy a game I want to play it without any software related issues and not be the beta tester..not a nice way to treat your customers.. The other platforms have problems as well but our problem got the biggest impact I think..
And the screen of my laptop just turned black..f*** it!
Seems like a lot of us, including me, own a Radeon 6870.. Just for fun I´m gonna try it on my laptop..should be able to play it on medium..Intel + Nvidia working there
Hope they soon patch it..started playing in windowed mode (1680x1050 instead of 1900x1200 fullscreen) to watch my gpu temp...well it never raises above 61°C..and still crashes..so no temp issue.. I cant seem to reproduce the error..its random for me..I just fought the first dragon from the top of the watchtower and it crashed, tried again from the same position and nothing happened..went back to Whiterun, opened the map and bam crashed again..frustrating..
Thing is yesterday i played for about 4 hours from the start and some questing in Riverwood..then I wanted to proceed to Whiterun and my game keeps crashing since then.. If i load my last save game near Whiterun it crashes after seconds if I move towars Whiterun, even if my PC was turned off for hours..it´s just an instant crash..but I can go back to Riverwood and stay there for hours without crashing, so there has to be something wrong with the engine messing up the card drivers at some points in the game Hope they fix this soon, I have some free time and Skyrim wont let me enjoy it ^^
Sadly it doesn´t work for me. I also have an AMD 6870 on win7 64 bit. Played the first little part without problems, but when i come anywhere near Whiterun my screen goes blank and byebye.. It is definitly a problem with the graphics card as the monitor goes blank first..maybe the game causes the driver to quit at some point?