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Posts posted by LawrenceFB



    A question. Could different internal SSD's be a problem? Computer 1 (where Vortex plays nice with Witcher 3) has a Samsung SATA SSD. Computer 2 (where Vortex does not play so nice) has a Samsung V-NAND NVMe M.2 SSD.


    Do both SSD's have an NTFS filesystem ?


    However, since the log Vortex references the StorageUtil.dll and you renamed it, that log has to be from before you renamed the file so presumably you didn't run the game since then so the log and the current deployed mod state is out of sync anyway.



    Maybe the title could be changed to make it clear the log is from the last time the game ran (presumable from the SKSE loader) and not some clever detective work by Vortex :smile:.

  3. The problem is that Vortex can't know automatically if a mod is supposed to go to the game directory, at best it can guess - which can go wrong and it's "magic" that may be non-obvious to users. This happened when we initially tried to auto-detect enbs.


    I guess the best we can do is have a hard-coded list of known "mods" to use a specific mod type so it would treat skse, smapi, maybe a few others special and nothing else.


    Would it be possible for those hand building archives to be able to add a file to the root of the archive to indicate that it should be extracted as is. For instance the Intrigued ENB needs to be manually downloaded and the required option(s) selected. If this put into the mods directory as a new folder Vortex complains, but if I create an archive of the folder and install it Vortex alters the layout.


    As rmm200 suggests, an alternative would be some way of saying 'install as enb/dinput' (maybe as an advanced option) would be helpful :smile: .


    By the way what is the difference, if any, between input and enb?



    Do you have "Game Settings" set to YES in those profiles?


    Because that's probably the cause, also "Save Games" set to YES will make Vortex swap your INI files as well in order to change the "SLocalSavePath=FNVSGM\<Profile Stuff Here>\" path



    I have both 'Save Games' and 'Games Settings' set to yes in all my profiles.



    OK, the unchanged files were inside your Profile folder(s), so you edited the INI files in the C:\users\<Name>\documents\\My Games\Skyrim\ Folder, so it sounds like, when you switch profiles, Vortex is grabbing the unedited ini files from each profile folder



    I 'think" the files you have to change are the INI files inside each Profile Folder


    It's worth a try



    That does work, but as Vortex updated the .baked and .base files why does it not update the profile as well?


    I do not see the developers being happy with people changing stuff in AppData unless they tell you to in the Knowledge Base. I could not see anything related to this in the Knowledge Base.

  5. Is there a dropdown with the different version numbers in it next to the Mod name?

    If so, you pick which version Vortex uses by picking the version from that



    I realise that :) . What surprised me was disabling the mod reset the version. I was expecting the version I had selected to be remembered as I hope it will be if I change profiles.

  6. I disabled one of my mods to check if it was causing an issue. The next day on rebooting my machine I reenabled the mod to continue with a save from before I disabled the mod ( the mod only had a .swf file and a SKSE dll).


    When I reenabled the mod it used an older version than the one I had used before. Is this an expected behavior? I was expecting it to use the same one I had selected previously.

  7. Is it just me or does changing profile bring back an older version of Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini. I changed a setting in both these files in ..\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition and those changes were reflected in the .baked and .base, I presume by Vortex.


    I then changed profiles, did some testing and then changed back. At this point the changes I had made were lost. Looking in AppData\Roaming\Vortex\skyrimse\profiles\g6V9d1vph ( the profile I had returned too) both Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini did not have my changes in them.


    Anybody else had this problem?

  8. Search path is selected, precise folder with games



    When i choose Witcher 3 from the supported games, I choose this folder

    C:\GamesFast\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - GOTY\bin\x64


    This message appears

    This directory doesn't appear to contain the game. Expected to find these files: bin/x64/witcher3.exe


    Why is it looking for a filename which is impossible?


    Had same problem for kenshi, had to rename exe file


    but can`t rename using "/", so no vortex support for me I guess


    I think you should be setting the game folder to C:\GamesFast\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - GOTY' not C:\GamesFast\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - GOTY\bin\x64'. Vortex is appending bin/x64/witcher3.exe' to the folder name, you do not need too.

  9. I think everybody is missing the point @DarkDomiinion is making. Vortex is always loading the latest LOOT rules without giving the user an option for the user to delay the update. If I remember correctly standalone LOOT warns but leaves it to the user to do the update.


    So if you have an order that works with one set of rules a rules update may introduce cyclic rules errors. This has happened to me when a mod hand ported from LE got an official port and LOOT rules were added. I started Vortex to checkout a new feature that had been added and was told I now had cyclic rules.


    Now I agree that the report was valid given the new information but I would have liked the option to keep the LOOT rules I was using, with a warning that they were out of date, until a time of my choosing.

  10. The way I got it to work is:


    1) Install SSELODGen somewhere away from your game folders.

    2) Open your Mod Staging folder and add a new folder called "SSELODGen Output", copy the full path to this folder.

    3) Add the LODGen EXE as a tool in Vortex.

    4) In the command line box when adding a tool add

    -o:"{folder path you copied}"

    5) Run SSELODGen via Vortex, once it is done, close Vortex and relaunch.

    6) Location the SSELODGen Output mod in Vortex's mods tab and enable it.


    NOTE: You will likely have to set the new mod to load after a bunch of other mods in file conflicts, to confirm it is overwriting everything.


    Why do you need to close and relaunch Vortex?

  11. Unless I´m missing something, it doesn´t look like the cyclic error is triggered by your groups ( alone ). Could you post your Plugin loadorder?


    Oops, my error, you are correct. Seems I needed to exit Vortex and restart :sad: . You would think I was on a Windows box :smile: .


    It was the first time I saw anything but a single line.



    I updated to 0.16.8 did the reset and after the update was told I had a cyclic error. I opened groups and it was a mess. So I did a reset and ended with the groups still it a mess, (see above, 'Open Cities' is clipped), and still have a a cyclic error for Alternate Start. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this.







    Definitely over-thinking this.

    After running FNIS form Vortex dashboard, Deploy mods and all the FNIS changes should get copied back to your FNIS data folder.

    There will be a unique FNIS data mod created for each profile. Might be under Versions dropdown.

    FNIS data is local, not global. This is the way it should be. Creating a FNIS data mod is a recent Vortex change, and one I love. (More like MO, if I dare say that)




    Are you sure you need to run FNIS from the dashboard? I thought Vortex did it automatically at deployment now when required.


    It is better than MO it creates the 'patch'. I wish we could have this for 'bashed/smashed patch' and DynDOLOD as well.



    Pretty much every time Vortex runs FNIS automatically during deployment - it errors out. File in use.

    I have just gotten in the habit of running FNIS when I know it needs it.

    I should really report that error...

    Along with Open Mod in File Manager - opens underneath Vortex. Terribly irritating.





    Do you have the mod directories or 'Data' open in 'File Explorer' while deploying? If so is this through Vortex or from the desktop?



    Definitely over-thinking this.

    After running FNIS form Vortex dashboard, Deploy mods and all the FNIS changes should get copied back to your FNIS data folder.

    There will be a unique FNIS data mod created for each profile. Might be under Versions dropdown.

    FNIS data is local, not global. This is the way it should be. Creating a FNIS data mod is a recent Vortex change, and one I love. (More like MO, if I dare say that)




    Are you sure you need to run FNIS from the dashboard? I thought Vortex did it automatically at deployment now when required.


    It is better than MO it creates the 'patch'. I wish we could have this for 'bashed/smashed patch' and DynDOLOD as well.

  15. I would like to look at my mod tab and see, possibly with the option of a filter, if the mod is a bsa, has dlls, has textures, has scripts and basically any other useful information. Though you can use open folder this does not help if the mod is in a bsa and I wish Vortex would remove the need to ever use open folder and manage everything while obeying he how shall not be named instructions to never ever unpack a bsa :smile: .


    Wow bold seems to make no difference used colour change as well.

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