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About drjakle

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  1. wtf some hurry up and make this cant take that long
  2. the chain mail hel looks really good but the other one kinda looks funky. it has a weird shape
  3. daggerfall also used to have multyplayer pvp and coop
  4. dont u know vampires get all shiny in the sun light? u never seen twilight? duh
  5. An awesome game. Really awesome at its peak! That said, some of thoose weapons look too... puny. Dragon bones are big and sturdy, so I'd expect the weapons to be big and heavy. those pics were just for an idea of the style of weapon i was thinking of, but yeah they would proly need to be bigger.
  6. lol yeah but that sword looks bad ass
  7. hi i was searching for a mod for some dragon bone weapons and i noticed they are all just greyish looking orc weapons. so i was wondering if some one could make some real dragon bone weapons similar to this http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/4971/ahlyapicture012.jpg http://michaelevansfineart.com/acquisitions/thumbnails/sharktooth%20sword.jpg http://www.bishopmuseum.org/exhibits/pastExhibits/1997/treasures/large_images/WEAPON.jpeg pretty please
  8. skyrim online should get contact twho ever is making this http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/497304-wip-skyrim-global-evolution/ because that would pretty bad ass online
  9. imo what u guys should do with skyrim online is just make it about territory control pvp. that way u dont have to mess with all the quests/dungeons.
  10. aoc has a lot of really cool looking armor that would look bad ass in skyrim
  11. is there any mods out there that speed up the speed of two handed attacks?
  12. san andreas wasnt designed for multyplayer either but then a gain that game was probanly 100000000x easier to creat a multyplayer mod for.
  13. this has probably been requested but please some one make a multyplayer mod similar to the one from san andreas that has dedicated servers with pvp. it would be amazing.
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